Parkinson's Disease Guide

A Health Optimization Approach

Working Draft,

Editor: Garrett Smith

The Purpose of This Guide

This guide is crafted to empower individuals with Parkinson's Disease (PD) to optimize their health using the latest scientific evidence. It covers disease etiology, medication, exercise performance, diet and supplementation, care providers, photobiomodulation, and more, offering practical strategies for effective management and enhanced well-being.

Started in 2021, this guide was inspired by a relative with PD who chose to eschew evidence-based strategies rather than investigate their veracity and incorporate them into her program. Her condition deteriorated due to complications of autonomic nervous system (ANS) failure, with gastrointestinal and heart problems. This guide reflects core principles of volition, self-ownership, evidence-based practice, informed decision-making, first principles, and critical thinking, aimed at helping others make proactive, informed choices to improve their health outcomes.

How to Use This Guide

To make the most of this Parkinson's Disease Guide, educate yourself about Parkinson's Disease, learn about supplements, and get started with the Treatment Starter Plan.

Introduction to Parkinson's Disease

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive neurological condition caused by the aggregation of the pre-synaptic peptide α-synuclein. This affects not only dopamine-producing neurons but also other neurotransmitter systems, contributing to both motor and non-motor symptoms.

PD primarily affects the Central Nervous System (CNS), particularly dopamine-producing neurons, leading to motor symptoms like tremors and rigidity. However, dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) becomes more noticeably pronounced in the later stages, contributing to non-motor symptoms such as GI issues, low blood pressure, and urinary dysfunction.

PD-related autonomic dysfunction can exacerbate renal issues, leading to a complex interplay of factors that contribute to orthostatic hypotension in PD.

Causes and Risk Factors

Parkinson's Disease is caused by misfolding and aggregation of the protein α-synuclein, which normally regulates synaptic function. In PD, these aggregates lead to neurodegeneration. Similar α-synuclein pathology is seen in other neurodegenerative disorders, such as dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) and multiple system atrophy (MSA). Understanding the role and effects of α-synuclein is important to mitigating disease progression.

Alpha-synuclein is abundant primarily in the brain, especially in the neocortex, hippocampus, and substantia nigra (SN). Smaller amounts are found in the heart, muscles, and other tissues. It is transported into and out of the brain by the blood-brain barrier and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier. Y. Sui

In PD, aging, environmental hazards, and genetics interact pathologically. The pathological hallmarks of PD include dopaminergic neuronal death and neurotransmitter imbalances. α-synuclein aggregation, a fundamental etiological pathway, also leads to mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative damage, apoptosis, and neuroinflammation, which contribute to disease progression. K. Burton

Genetic Factors

Gene mutations of DJ-1, PINK1, parkin, LRRK2, and SNCA genes contribute to several cellular issues. These mutations disrupt mitochondrial function, protein degradation, and cellular stress responses, leading to increased oxidative stress, impaired autophagy, and disease progression. M. Vlag

Epigenetic Influences

Epigenetic factors can influence the expression of genes like the LRRK2 gene (LRRK2-G2019S) and SNCA, affecting the production and pathogenicity of mutant α-synuclein. Klein, alpha-synuclein-net

Vitamin B12, for example, is an external factor that prevents LRRK2-G2019S-potentiated α-synuclein accumulation in dopaminergic neurons. Schaffner

Environmental Factors: The Role of Pesticides

Pesticide and herbicide exposure causes mitochondrial dysfunction and, in certain individuals, α-synuclein overexpression. Herbicide rotenone and pesticide paraquat so reliably induce PD that they are used to induce PD in rodent model experiments. Park, Pan-Montojo

Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation

Excess α-synuclein leads to its aggregation and formation into oligomers (misfolded proteins) and fibrils (see figure below). α-synuclein oligomers and fibrils can form Lewy bodies, abnormal aggregations that develop inside nerve cells.

Impact on Cellular Functions

Wild-type α-synuclein is removed through autophagy, a cellular process that breaks down damaged components via lysosomes. Lysosomes serve as the digestive system of the cell, degrading material taken up from outside the cell and digesting obsolete components of the cell itself.

Mutant or aggregated forms resist lysosomal degradation, disrupting autophagy and causing toxic buildup. This dysfunction leads to cellular stress, inflammation, waste buildup, and Lewy body formation. Over time, these damaged cells become senescent 'zombie' cells that stop functioning but won't die, releasing toxic compounds that accelerate progressive neurodegeneration (PN).

Alpha-Synuclein Mutations

Six mutations of α-synuclein are associated with familial parkinsonism. Mutant α-synuclein forms aggregates more readily than wild-type (normal) α-synuclein. V. Ruf, J. Li

α-synuclein monomer, fibril, and oligomer.

Depiction of α-synuclein monomer, fibril, and oligomer. α-synuclein fibrils are long, insoluble fibers made of smaller protein units (monomers and oligomers).

α-synuclein oligomers and other variants disrupt mitochondrial function and block lysosomal degradation, preventing autophagy. They also damage cell membranes, impair ER function, and disrupt synapses, causing inflammation that worsens cellular damage.

Mechanisms of Spread

Once aggregated, mutant α-synuclein spreads between neurons and neural networks, leading to abnormalities in synaptic structure and function before neuronal loss occurs. This process contributes to the progressive spread of the disease from initially affected brain regions to others. Daley, Pérez-Acuña

Strategies to address α-synuclein include preventing its mutation, inhibiting aggregation, enhancing clearance from the brain, and using senolytics to remove senescent cells. A comprehensive approach to address each etiological problem is more likely to improve outcomes, steering away from PN.

Brain Waste Management System (BWMS)

The brain waste management system (BWMS) defined herein describes the coordinated system that protects the brain from harmful substances, clears waste products, and maintains homeostasis. It consists of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), cchoroid plexus, CSF, glymphatic system, perivascular spaces, extracellular matrix (ECM), basement membrane, and brain phagocytes. BWMS dysfunction leads to α-synuclein aggregation, inflammation, and mitochondrial damage. Various interventions can improve the integrity and function of these components, with measurable effects. Solár

Impact of Dysfunction

Increased BBB permeability allows contaminants and inflammatory substances from the bloodstream to enter the brain, where they first cause harm before accumulating in the CSF as the clearance system struggles to remove them. This additional waste burden impairs the clearance of metabolic byproducts like α-synuclein, contributing to their accumulation and exacerbating neurological conditions.

The Blood–Brain Barrier (BBB)

The BBB is a protective layer of specialized cells that line the blood vessels of the central nervous system (CNS) in the brain, controlling what enters and exits the CNS to maintain homeostasis, allowing necessary nutrients and oxygen to pass through while blocking toxins, pathogens, and other harmful substances.

Choroid Plexus and CSF

The choroid plexus, located within the ventricles, is responsible for secreting CSF and forming a blood-CSF barrier. As CSF circulates through the brain, it transports essential substances such as nutrients, growth factors, hormones, proteins, electrolytes, and neurotransmitters, while also collecting waste products, including misfolded proteins like α-synuclein. The waste-laden CSF is then drained through specialized pathways, including the ventricles and the glymphatic system, before being filtered out by the liver and kidneys. Damage to the choroid plexus can impair CSF production, disrupt waste clearance, and reduce the transport of essential substances, potentially contributing to cognitive decline.

Damage to the choroid plexus impairs CSF production and disrupts waste clearance, allowing α-synuclein to accumulate, clog, and damage its epithelial cells. This accumulation hinders the brain's ability to clear waste and deliver essential nutrients and growth factors, exacerbating neuroinflammation. Al-Bachari, Saunders, Tadayon

Choroid Plexus

Choroid Plexus — a highly vascularized tissue located in each ventricle of the brain that secretes CSF.


The ventricles are interconnected cavities within the brain filled with CSF. This fluid eventually moves into small structures called arachnoid granulations, tiny, finger-like extensions of the brain’s protective membrane. These granulations help reabsorb CSF into the bloodstream through the dural venous sinuses surrounding the brain, from where it is carried away by the internal jugular veins.

The ventricles circulate and hold CSF and passively drain waste-laden CSF. However, the glymphatic system actively extends through brain tissue to clear waste directly from within the brain and distribute nutrients and neurotransmitters throughout the brain.

The Glymphatic System

The glymphatic system is a brain-specific waste clearance pathway, made up of glial cells that remove metabolic waste and toxins, including misfolded proteins like α-synuclein. This system uses CSF to flush out waste from the brain along perivascular spaces (areas surrounding arteries and veins), similar to the body's lymphatic system, hence the term "glymphatic" (glial + lymphatic). Its essential function is compromised in neurodegenerative diseases, including PD.

How it Works

The glymphatic system moves CSF from the space around the brain into brain tissue, where it mixes with interstitial fluid (fluid between brain cells) to clear waste like misfolded proteins. This waste is then carried along the spaces surrounding blood vessels and drained into the deep cervical lymph nodes in the neck for filtration and removal by the body's lymphatic system.

Brain Phagocytes

As mentioned earlier, the lysosomal system involved in autophagy helps neurons degrade internal misfolded proteins like α-synuclein and other waste. This system also supports extracellular cleanup through phagocytosis. While neurons depend on autophagy to remove their own waste, brain phagocytes, including microglia and astrocytes, rely on lysosomal phagocytosis to clear external waste.

Brain phagocytes, including microglia, astrocytes, and macrophages, clear cellular debris and toxic proteins. Microglia, the primary phagocytes, engulf damaged neurons, dead cells, and toxic proteins. Astrocytes help clear apoptotic cells (cells dying in a controlled manner) and excess neurotransmitters, supporting microglia in debris removal. Macrophages, present in the perivascular space, also perform phagocytosis, though they are less involved than microglia.

Phagocytes perform the initial cleanup, breaking down harmful proteins like α-synuclein within themselves, with the remainder either recycled or expelled for further clearance. The glymphatic system can assist by flushing extracellular remnants out of the brain via CSF.

In PD, α-synuclein misfolding and accumulation initiates a cascade that leads to neuroinflammation. This neuroinflammation impairs phagocytosis, which in turn exacerbates α-synuclein aggregation. The resulting cycle of α-synuclein accumulation and impaired clearance promotes further aggregation, oligomerization, and fibrillization, ultimately forming Lewy bodies and driving progressive neurodegeneration. Additionally, collagen cross-linking caused by advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) from high blood sugar, oxidative stress, or chronic inflammation further impairs phagocytosis.

Assessing BBB and Choroid Plexus Integrity

Elevated BBB permeability affects waste clearance, including the movement of α-synuclein. Contrast agents are used in DCE-MRI) to visualize changes in BBB permeability.

Strengthening the BWMS

Health strategies that promote collagen formation and support the ECM may help counteract the effects and degradation of the BBB. Promoting ECM stability and collagen synthesis contributes to maintaining the structural integrity of the BBB and reduces its permeability to harmful substances, thereby mitigating a major etiological pathway of PD.

These include HRT, DHEA, pregnenolone, Growth hormone (GH) and secretagogues (tesamorelin, CJC-1295), collagen peptides (especially collagen type IV), hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, tocotrienols, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, PQQ, beta-glucan (from mushrooms), MSCs, photobiomodulation, and last but not least, intense exercise.

Strengthening Brain Phagocytes

Addressing the root cause—α-synuclein aggregation—addresses the primary disruption in phagocytosis, which in turn reduces neuroinflammation and limits neuronal damage. Reducing α-synuclein aggregation should be considered a first line of prevention to improve brain phagocytosis.

Other health strategies to improve brain phagocytosis include reducing neuroinflammation, increasing blood flow, and increasing neurotrophins. These include supplementing DHA, beta-glucan (from mushrooms), lion's mane, cordyceps, turmeric, ginseng, creatine, EGCG (matcha), ALCAR, phosphatidylserine, tocotrienols, and senolytics. Pyridoxamine (vitamin B6) and aminoguanidine can reduce collagen cross-linking. Growth hormone (GH) and secretagogues (tesamorelin, CJC-1295) photobiomodulation and physical exercise increase neurotrophins. Mesenchymal signaling cells reduce neuroinflammation.

Increasing CSF Production

Cholinergics and related supplements can support brain function and potentially influence cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) production. Higher choline levels can enhance membrane integrity and fluidity, improve BBB integrity and cellular function, and might indirectly support glymphatic system performance.

Do interventions targeting collagen/ECM strengthen the glymphatic system?

Yes, interventions that improve the health of the ECM and strengthen collagen may have a beneficial effect on the structural support around blood vessels and thus support glymphatic function. The perivascular spaces which direct CSF flow in the glymphatic system, rely on the surrounding ECM for waste clearance. In PD, these spaces enlarge, reducing waste clearance efficiency. Restoring collagen and ECM health should reduce the size of the perivascular spaces, improving glymphatic function and waste clearance of α-synuclein.


  1. α-Synuclein propagation leads to synaptic abnormalities in the cortex through microglial synapse phagocytosis, Dayana Pérez-Acuña, et al.
  2. Choroid plexus and the blood–cerebrospinal fluid barrier in disease, Peter Solár, et al.
  3. Blood–Brain Barrier Leakage Is Increased in Parkinson’s Disease, Sarah Al-Bachari, et al.
  4. The choroid plexus: a missing link in our understanding of brain development and function, Norman R. Saunders, et al.
  5. Choroid plexus volume is associated with levels of CSF proteins: relevance for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, Ehsan Tadayon, et al.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Damage to mitochondria can cause α-synuclein aggregation by disrupting cellular processes and increasing oxidative stress. Mitochondria, the powerhouse of the cell, produce ATP, the energy currency of the cell. When mitochondria are impaired, energy production drops and oxidative stress rises, damaging neurons. This creates a cycle where disrupted cellular processes cause protein misfolding and aggregation, which worsens oxidative stress, further accelerating mitochondrial dysfunction and neurodegeneration. Daley

Mitochondrial dysfunction disrupts the brain waste management (BWMS), leading to accumulation of waste and a further impaired waste management system. Increased oxidative stress and misfolded proteins damage the very systems responsible for clearing this waste, further compounding the problem.

Improving mitochondrial health decreases the amount of this waste burden and reduces the damage to the systems that remove it, thereby improving the clearance of waste from the brain.

Mitochondrial DNA Damage

Mitochondrial DNA damage impairs its function. Ineffective autophagy and mitophagy fail to remove damaged mitochondria and proteins, which aggregate. This worsens cellular damage and leads to senescent cells, which resist lysosomal degradation due to protein aggregation. Korolchuk

Brain Inflammation

Chronic brain inflammation, also known as neuroinflammaging, is a state of neuroinflammation and immunosenescence, a chronic, low-grade inflammatory state. This chronic, low-grade inflammatory state is both a consequence and a driver of mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondrial damage contributes to neuroinflammaging, while the resulting inflammation can further impair mitochondrial function, creating a vicious cycle that accelerates neurodegenerative processes.

Proteostasis and Chaperone Proteins

Proteostasis is the protein quality control mechanism of the cell, facilitated by chaperone proteins. Lautenschläger

Chaperone proteins, like heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70), help correctly fold and refold proteins, including α-synuclein, reducing misfolding which leads to aggregation.

Chaperone function can be stimulated by heat exposure from sauna therapy and photobiomodulation, both of which stimulate the production of Hsp70 and other protective proteins. These interventions can improve protein homeostasis, reduce oxidative stress, and aid in the clearance of misfolded proteins.

Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS)

Mitochondrial dysfunction and Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS) can cause α-synuclein to misfold and aggregate, forming toxic mutant species. Combined with calcium dysregulation and inflammation, this toxic α-synuclein contributes to neuronal death and the pathology of PD. Hu


Several strategies discussed in this document can improve mitochondrial function. These include growth hormone (GH) and secretagogues, vitamin C, tocotrienols, creatine, vitamin K2, vitamin D3, PQQ, beta-glucan, NAD+ and precursors, NAC, and many others detailed in this document.

Photobiomodulation, intermittent fasting, sauna, and cold plunges all improve mitochondrial function. Toro, Hunt, Chung

An exercise routine focused on HIIT can fight neurodegeneration and increase cerebral blood flow, improving oxygen delivery, increasing neurotrophins and growth factors, and aiding the penetration of exogenous compounds into deeper brain regions where they can exert therapeutic effects. Many substances that improve health also hasten exercise recovery, further optimizing health.

Once a comprehensive health optimization protocol is established, MSCs can be used to stop neuroinflammation and induce healing.

  1. Mitochondria in Cell Senescence: Is Mitophagy the Weakest Link?, Viktor I. Korolchuk, et al.
  2. Intra-mitochondrial proteostasis is directly coupled to alpha-synuclein and Amyloid β 1-42 pathology, Janin Lautenschläger, et al.
  3. Molecular chaperones and Parkinson's disease, Shenglan Hu, et al.
  4. Effects of Twelve Sessions of High-Temperature Sauna Baths on Body Composition in Healthy Young Men, Víctor Toro, et al.
  5. Could Heat Therapy Be an Effective Treatment for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases? A Narrative Review, Andrew P. Hunt, et al.
  6. The effects of exercise and cold exposure on mitochondrial biogenesis in skeletal muscle and white adipose tissue, Nana Chung, et al.


  1. Alpha synuclein is transported into and out of the brain by the blood-brain barrier, Yu-Ting Sui, et al.

    This rodent model study showed α-synuclein is transported across the BBB bidirectionally, in both the brain-to-blood and blood-to-brain directions.

  2. Why Genetic Testing May Be Our Best Shot at Progress in PD, Kelli Whitlock Burton

    Previous studies have shown that some genetic variants increase the risk for PD after exposure to environmental factors such as pesticides. Research has also shown that patient genotype can indicate survival time and treatment approaches.

  3. The contribution of Parkin, PINK1, and DJ‐1 genes to selective neuronal degeneration in Parkinson's disease, Marc van der Vlag, et al.
  4. Genetics of Parkinson’s Disease, Christine Klein and Ana Westenberger.

    This 2014 paper provides compelling arguments that the identification of PD gene mutations, especially in patients with early-onset PD, can provide information on prognosis and will affect treatment choices in cases of PD that were initially suspected to be psychogenic. Why is this 10-year-old paper not the standard of care!?


    Individuals who developed a triplication of the SNCA gene, as opposed to a duplication, displayed more severe symptoms including early-onset parkinsonism with dementia. This indicates a dose-dependent correlation between the progression of PD and SNCA gene dosage. alpha-synuclein-net

  6. Vitamin B12 modulates Parkinson's disease LRRK2 kinase activity through allosteric regulation and confers neuroprotection, Schaffner, et al.

    This in vitro study found that adenosylcobalamin (a form of B-12) protects dopaminergic neurons from LRRK2-G2019S-induced neurotoxicity in C. elegans.

  7. Alpha-synuclein-induced mitochondrial dysfunction is mediated via a sirtuin 3-dependent pathway, Jae-Hyeon Park, et al.

    This rodent model showed that pesticides can initiate the progression of PD pathology and that this progression is based on the transneuronal and "retrograde axonal transport" (that α-synuclein goes back into the cell) of alpha-synuclein. If confirmed in patients, this study would have crucial implications for strategies used to prevent and treat PD.

  8. Environmental toxins trigger PD-like progression via increased alpha-synuclein release from enteric neurons in mice, F. Pan-Montojo, et al.

    This rodent model showed that pharmacologically increasing SIRT3, as recommended in this article, can counteract α-synuclein-induced mitochondrial dysfunction by reducing α-synuclein oligomers and normalizing mitochondrial bioenergetics.

  9. Different Effects of α-Synuclein Mutants on Lipid Binding and Aggregation Detected by Single Molecule Fluorescence Spectroscopy and ThT Fluorescence-Based Measurements, Viktoria C Ruf, et al.

    This study showed the differential mechanisms of metals, such as iron, in α-synuclein pathology at the molecular level.

  10. Effect of Familial Parkinson's Disease Point Mutations A30P and A53T on the Structural Properties, Aggregation, and Fibrillation of Human α-Synuclein, Jie Li, et al.

    This rodent study showed that the A53T and A30P genetic mutations in α-synuclein have an increased propensity to aggregate compared with the wild-type protein, and this shows how mutant α-synuclein contributes to PD.

    They note α-synuclein in PD arose from gene-linkage experiments in familial early-onset Parkinson’s disease, which revealed the A53T mutation.

  11. Prion-like mechanisms in Parkinson Disease, Laura Volpicelli-Daley and Patrik Brundin.

Testing and Diagnosis

Upon clinical diagnosis of PD (via UPDRS score), serious damage has already been done to nerve cells of the substantia nigra. This underscores the importance of early testing and genetic testing. F. Nouri Emamzadeh

Alpha-synuclein oligomers are higher in PD patients than in healthy subjects. This can be tested with AlphaSyn-SAA salivary test or Syn-One skin biopsy.

Early Testing and Diagnosis with AlphaSyn-SAA

The AlphaSyn-SAA salivary test measures the levels of salivary alpha-amylase (SAA). The results are used to assess autonomic nervous system activity, particularly sympathetic nervous system activation. This test can, with some margin of error, identify people at risk of developing Parkinson’s disease up to ten years before symptoms appear.


The Syn-One skin biopsy detects the presence of phosphorylated alpha-synuclein in the skin. This is a much more accurate test than the AlphaSyn-SAA and is usually used as confirmation, rather than a preventive diagnostic.

Genetic Testing

Most cases of Parkinson's Disease are not classified as genetic. Genetic testing for PD is not routinely performed because only about 15% of cases are determined to be genetic. It's a classic absence of evidence fallacy.

Genetic testing can provide valuable information to guide treatment, as different genetic mutations may affect disease progression and response to therapies. (See also: What to Know about Genetic Testing) L. Cook

All genetic forms of PD should be considered when developing treatment strategies, with the focus varying depending on the specific mutation and its molecular pathway. Healthcare teams are encouraged to discuss genetic testing and its implications for personalized treatment.

Test Your Children

Children of PD patients should be tested before they exhibit symptoms similar to those of PD. Symptoms may take up to 10 years to present.

Testing Locations

Genetic testing for these mutations can be done at specialized medical centers and genetic testing companies. Some notable places include:

Genetic Forms of PD and Corresponding Treatments

SNCA gene
Problem: Mutations increase the aggregation of α-synuclein.
Strategy: Anti-aggregant, antifibrillogenic, antioxidant, neuroprotective.
Problem: Mutations disrupt autophagy and lead to neuroinflammation.
Strategy: LRRK2 inhibitors, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, dbs, b-12.
PINK1 & Parkin
Problem: Parkin tags damaged mitochondria for degradation through mitophagy. Mutations reduce the efficiency of this process, allowing dysfunctional mitochondria to persist and exacerbate oxidative stress.
Strategy: Mitochondrial, mitophagy, antioxidant.
DJ-1 & PINK1
Problem: These proteins are involved in protecting cells from oxidative stress. Mutations impair their ability to manage mitochondrial dysfunction, leading to increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can damage neurons.
Strategy: Antioxidant, mitochondrial, thiamine.

Genetic Treatment Approaches

A custom-tailored care plan based on the genetic type of PD will predict the best outcomes.

Effective treatment must approach PD from multiple angles. The review "Current Therapies in Clinical Trials of Parkinson’s Disease: A 2021 Update", provides a fair overview of PD.


  1. Alpha-synuclein structure, functions, and interactions, Fatemeh Nouri Emamzadeh.

    Upon clinical diagnosis of PD, serious damage has already been done to nerve cells of the substantia nigra pars compacta. This underscores the importance of early testing and genetic testing.

  2. Genetic Testing for Parkinson Disease, Lola Cook, et al.

    In some cases, identification of PD variants may aid in the diagnosis, management, and prediction of disease course.

An Introduction to Health

Knowledge is crucial for achieving predictable success.

Optimal health describes peak physical and neurological functioning, not merely the absence of disease. However, healthcare professionals often describe it broadly, in oversimplified terms.

Optimizing health starts with understanding basic cellular health and neurology.

If you are not your own doctor, you are a fool.

— Hippocrates

Health Assessments:

  1. Balanced hormones
  2. Efficient metabolism (BMP)
  3. Healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels
  4. Healthy Blood markers (CBC)
  5. Strong immune system (CBC with WBC differential)

Deeper Analysis:

  1. Resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute (fitness trackers)
  2. Well-functioning organs and systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive systems (CMP)
  3. Normal blood pressure (around 120/80 mmHg)
  4. Crude lipid profile with low LDL and high HDL cholesterol
  5. More useful lipid profile with high lbLDL and lbHDL, low sdLDL and sdHDL, and a high ratio of lbHDL to lbLDL (Cardio IQ® Advanced Lipid Panel)
  6. Healthy body composition; low visceral fat (DEXA)
  7. Optimal levels of inflammation and oxidative stress (Test panels: Cytokine Markers, Inflammatory Markers, Oxidative Stress Markers Panel (for MDA))

Deeper Yet:

  1. Genetic testing for personal health (Finding the Best DNA Health Test).
  2. Advanced hormone tests (Dutch Complete).
  3. Healthy immune system, focusing on dendritic cells (DCs), with detailed analysis of lymphocyte subsets, activation, and tracking using the COSTIM bioassay to measure co-stimulatory activity. Antibody Response Exam (ARE) via ELISA to measure autoantibodies in the blood.
  4. Stable blood glucose levels maintained by insulin sensitivity (OGTT, CGM).
  5. Adequate cellular repair mechanisms, ensuring tissue integrity and longevity (TruAge).
  6. Optimal mitochondrial function, providing energy for cellular activities (mitochondrial testing).
  7. Healthy methylation (Genova Diagnostics Methylation Panel).
  8. Omega-3 Blood Test (OmegaCheck®)

Focusing on the Brain:

  1. Low neuroinflammation through balanced cytokine production and microglial modulation (Cytokine Panel, Multiplex ELISA)
  2. Synaptic plasticity for quick learning and memory formation (BDNF test, MMSE, MoCA, DSST, Stroop Test, etc).
  3. Minimal neuroinflammation and neuronal damage.
  4. Efficient energy metabolism through optimal mitochondrial function and glucose utilization.
  5. Precise and sensitive regulation of neurotransmitter synthesis via enzyme pathways and receptor feedback mechanisms (LC-MS/MS and HPLC for dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine)

Monitoring and Testing Those Brain Health Parameters Involves:

  1. Neuroimaging techniques like fMRI, SPECT, and DaTscan (a specialized form of SPECT optimized to detect changes in dopamine transporter density), to visualize brain structures.
  2. Measurement of neurotransmitter levels in bodily fluids with chromatography.
  3. PET imaging with specific radiotracers to assess microglial activation and neuroinflammation.
  4. Analysis of cytokine levels in blood or cerebrospinal fluid through ELISA or PCR methods.
  5. Evaluation of mitochondrial function through assays measuring ATP production, membrane potential, and oxidative stress levels (ATP Bioluminescence Assay, MitoCheck, ROS Detection Assay Kit, JC-1 Assay, Glutathione Test (CPT: 82978), CellTiter-Glo Luminescent Cell Viability Assay (CellTiter-Glo®))

LD/DDC inhibitors may interact with other interventions such as melatonin, PBM, and mitochondrial quinones. Developing a care plan around that requires communication with practitioners.

Those who take their condition seriously and employ the best strategies to mitigate the progression of the disease will enjoy a greater quality of life and longevity. The tired "ask your doctor" mantra does not lead to greater self-empowerment through understanding and does not apply here. Learn, you must.

How to Build a Care Team


Optimizing health is complex, and a PD diagnosis increases both the complexity and the need to overcome it. Conventional medicine generally fails to adequately address peripheral and autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction, which typically manifests as GI issues, loss of bladder and bowel control, sleep problems, and ultimately, heart failure and death.

Seeking 'alternative' approaches without critical analysis is equally flawed. The only true alternative to effective treatment is ineffective treatment, and that raises the problem of determining efficacy.

Many medical professionals, whether conventional or alternative, fall short. Trusting them may lead you to take medications that do not improve health and may hasten disease progression. In PD, this may include beta-3 agonists, anticholinergics, or fludrocortisones. Worse, they may also offer "mind-body-spirit" treatments lacking scientific support or clear mechanisms of action.

It is the patient's responsibility to audit his medical team. Begin by consulting independent specialists and exploring reputable integrative medicine practices. Seek out patient communities for recommendations on doctors who prioritize a comprehensive approach.

The onus of responsibility to learn, assess claims, and take actions for your health is on you. This involves understanding the science behind treatments and engaging in self-advocacy to actively participate in the decision-making process. Skepticism isn’t just healthy; it’s essential for survival and well-being.

Hypothetical Care Team

This is a structured, customizable framework designed for self-directed health optimization in Parkinson's Disease.

  1. Neurologist for planning, diagnosis, and oversight.
  2. Functional and Integrative Medicine Specialist for planning, diagnosis, and oversight.
  3. Movement Specialist.
  4. Physical Therapist.
  5. Research involvement for cutting-edge options.
  6. Biomarker Testing Laboratory for personalized testing to monitor disease progression, treatment response, and optimization.

How to Interview Neurologists

Doctors may be limited by institutional protocols.

Assessing provider competence requires a more thorough approach than just checking credentials, affiliations, and years of experience.

Approach the interview from a position of informed knowledge without revealing too much. When given the opportunity to speak freely, how do they err?

The effectiveness of that strategy depends on one's knowledge and comprehension — specifically the depth and breadth of understanding and the ability to evaluate and scrutinize the accuracy of the interlocutor's information.

Better results are achieved by preparing detailed questions that delve into the neurologist's expertise in the specific area of concern.

Q & A

Below are example questions from the perspective of an active participant. These questions should be critically examined and may be used as the basis for better questions.

In your initial assessment of a patient suspected to have Parkinson's Disease, what tests and evaluations do you conduct?

✅ Good answers must include:

  • Diagnostic imaging with DaTscan (Dopamine Transporter Scan) and fMRI to map dopamine distribution in the brain and assess broader brain function, respectively.
  • Syn-One skin biopsy

— and that is beyond the very basic fundamentals of:—

  • Detailed medical history and symptom review.
  • Thorough examination of motor symptoms.
  • Evaluation of non-motor symptoms such as sleep disturbances, autonomic dysfunction, and mood disorders.

❌ Bad Answers:

  • Not mentioning genetic testing without providing context or justification.
  • Preferring simpler imaging over more detailed fMRI and DaTscan imaging.

    DaTscan is a specialized form of SPECT optimized to detect changes in dopamine transporter density and is useful in the broader assessment of the condition.

    fMRI scans map out broader brain networks affected by PD, beyond just dopamine pathways. This information might help inform broader strategies, including supplementation.

  • Generalization without specifying the detailed steps of the neurological examination and symptom review.

Why do you include or exclude genetic testing in your initial assessment for Parkinson's Disease?

✅ Good answers:

Acknowledgment of the importance of genetic factors in (1) creating custom-tailored solutions and (2) testing one's offspring for inherited traits.

How do you address non-motor symptoms in the management of Parkinson's Disease?

Treatments that the patient understands well and fall outside conventional medicine, along with their mechanisms of action, should be asked about.

❌ Bad answers:

  • Dismissive generalizations about 'alternative' treatments that show bias or knowledge gaps.
  • If the doctor can't explain the mechanisms of action (e.g., of turmeric, photobiomodulation) in simple terms, he likely doesn't understand them well himself.

Can you provide an example of how you adapted a treatment plan based on new research findings in Parkinson's Disease?

✅ A good response should include a recent example of implementing new research-based treatment, with evidence, rationale, and measured results.


These questions and expected answers help ensure doctors follow a comprehensive, current approach to PD but also demonstrate critical thinking and a nuanced understanding of the disease. Doctors are not immune to common mental errors.

Tips for Selecting Providers

Referrals can be initiated by a PCP, a neurologist, or a functional medicine specialist. The starting point is inconsequential; the objective is to assemble a comprehensive care team.

Institutional protocols influence their treatment approach. Seek a neurologist with the autonomy and openness to explore novel, evidence-based treatments beyond the standard of care.

Patient-centered care addressing root causes and individualized needs predicts the best results. Starting with a Functional and Integrative Medicine Specialist can be great. However, to avoid unqualified practitioners, it's essential to be well-informed.

During your initial consultation with a neurologist, discuss optimizing health to minimize DRT. Ask about specific treatments such as HRT, PBM, and 5-HTP, and how they might interact with DRT. If the doctor cannot explain their benefits or potential interactions, consider finding another doctor.

“It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.”

— James Thurber

Creating a health optimization plan is difficult, especially for PD, which requires specialized expertise. Those who approach this with seriousness and understanding can expect to achieve a better quality of life and longevity.

Treatment Approaches


Treatment strategies can be grouped into symptomatic, disease progression, etiological, and holistic categories, with some overlap.

Symptomatic Approach
addresses symptoms rather than slowing or stopping their progression
Disease-Progression Approach
manages progression of the disease once it has already developed
Etiological Approach
targets the underlying causes of disease with thorough investigation and research
Holistic Approach
patient-centered care that targets underlying causes and addresses them more comprehensively

Symptomatic Approach

Gold Standard: Dopamine Agonism

The gold standard for managing PD is symptomatic management via dopamine agonism (LD/DDC inhibitors, MAO-B inhibitors, and COMT inhibitors). Unfortunately, that leads to other neurological imbalances, causes other nutrient deficiencies, and leads to PN.

Maintaining dopamine levels in the brain helps alleviate motor problems and can reduce fibrillization. However, unilateral dopamine replacement therapy creates some problems. This is because DRT does not address the root cause and in fact contributes to dyskinesias, as discussed further herein.

Some doctors may attempt to enhance dopamine function by suppressing the cholinergic system using anticholinergics, but this approach leads to adverse effects.

Disease-Progression Approach

Doctors tend to discount the idea of slowing the progression of the disease. Some off-handedly discount supplements and nutrition as "complementary" care without examination. Many of these same doctors once prescribed anticholinergics. (If the doctor falls into that category, finding a new doctor may be advisable.)

Etiological Approach

Etiological treatments target the underlying causes of disease. These providers address the root causes with scientific rigor however, some may rely on conventional medicine and focus on the disease itself, rather than individual factors and health optimization.

Holistic Approach

The holistic approach is patient-centered care that aims to address the underlying causes of disease and promote overall health. However, some holistic providers use implausible or disproven strategies (e.g. homeopathy, reiki, "mind, body, spirit", etc).

The Best Approach

The best possible individual results can be predicted by a comprehensive, evidence-based approach. Care that is etiologically sound, evidence-based, patient-centered, integrated, and comprehensive should be investigated, and skepticism should be applied regarding the veracity of claims made by all healthcare providers.

Here are some approaches to target underlying problem areas:

BBB Dysfunction
Improves BBB function and protection
Preventing fibril formation of α-synuclein.
Preventing aggregation of fibrils and other junk
Reducing inflammation
Oxidative stress causes α-synuclein aggregation and neuroinflammation in PD. S.J. Won
Promoting mitochondrial health (mitogenesis, mitophagy)
Protecting neuronal structure and function
Promoting recovery and regeneration of neural tissue
Targeting senescent cells
Promoting blood flow deep within the brain
Addressing insomnia
Improves gastrointestinal health and function
Dopaminergic Side Effects
Helps DRT side-effects (e.g., dyskinesia, impulse control disorders)


  1. Neuronal Oxidative Stress Promotes α-Synuclein Aggregation In Vivo, Seok Joon Won, et al.

Treatment Starter Plan

The Treatment Starter Plan is a structured, customizable framework for self-directed management of Parkinson's Disease with a health-optimization mindset.

  1. Adopt a mindset to maximize health.
  2. Get genetic testing.
  3. Learn health (basic overview).
  4. Learn Parkinson's Disease.
  5. Learn about supplements and get started with the Supplement Starter Plan.
  6. Get a Red Light Therapy device and learn how to use it.
  7. Look into Hormonal Interventions.
  8. Build a Care Team.
  9. Develop an exercise plan.
  10. Consider early Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) for longevity.
  11. Look into cellular treatments like Gene Therapy, NAD+ Injections, and Stem Cells.
  12. Continue to revise.

The care team prioritizes patient needs over their own. For this to be effective, a thorough, detailed understanding of the condition and treatments is essential.

Question Assumptions

Recognized experts may lack thoroughness. Therefore, it is important to question the methods used to reach conclusions, learn the underlying principles, and apply critical thinking to make sound, informed decisions.

Before attempting to answer any question, examine the framing or assumptions inherent in it, and evaluate the underlying assumptions, biases, and implications embedded within the question itself. Question the question.

Carefully evaluate the risks and benefits of each step outlined above. What is missing, misleading, or wrong?

Detailed Treatments


Standard of Care Medications

Conventional medicine treats PD with symptomatic management. This includes dopamine replacement therapy (DRT) using Levodopa/Carbidopa (dopamine precursors), COMT inhibitors and MAO-B inhibitors that prevent dopamine breakdown, and anticholinergics.

Criticism of Standard of Care

Standard pharmacological treatments offer short-term relief of motor symptoms but exacerbate neurotransmitter imbalances, leading to permanent damage. We’ll explore why these limitations persist in healthcare and how to address the underlying problems more comprehensively.

Shortcomings of Standard Pharmacological Treatments

DRT, the gold standard, offers short-term relief of motor symptoms but overlooks multiple problems and underlying etiological pathways.

Non-motor symptoms, including cognitive decline, sleep disturbances, and autonomic dysfunction, indicate deeper systemic dysfunction that requires careful attention. Ignoring these symptoms accelerates disease progression, making neurodegeneration a self-fulfilling outcome of DRT-focused treatment.

Mitochondrial dysfunction—a major pathology of disease progression—along with neuroinflammation, cellular senescence, α-synuclein pathology, and failure of the brain's waste management systems are all ignored by standard treatments.

Aside from temporarily addressing decreased dopamine levels, standard treatments largely overlook these mechanistic issues. Worse, DRT's interaction with α-synuclein contributes to cellular damage and the development of LIDs, further complicating the patient's condition.

Educational and Industry Bias

Medical school bias towards conventional treatments persists with pharmaceutical influence over leadership, faculty, curricula, and culture Anderson. Students, unaware of this bias, adopt industry-supported ideologies while rejecting other approaches, forming the basis for provider bias.

According to BioPharma Dive, twelve of the 19 largest pharmaceutical and biotech companies in the world had at least one director simultaneously serving in a leadership position at a nonprofit healthcare organization. Researchers who point out such conflicts of interest on corporate boards risk job security and alienation by colleagues.

Peer Pressure and Not Invented Here (NIH) Syndrome

Peer pressure in the healthcare community influences medical decision-making. Cultural and professional norms, pharmaceutical influence, and perceived lack of evidence lead to conformity over critical evaluation. Healthcare providers are embedded in a culture that emphasizes adherence to established protocols and guidelines influenced by institutional norms and the broader medical community. This creates a reluctance to deviate from conventional practices, even when proven ineffective or harmful, or when alternative approaches are supported by emerging evidence.

Government policies and regulations shape medical practice, creating conflicts of interest that favor pharmaceutical interests over patient needs. For example, the FDA’s accelerated approval of Aduhelm in 2021, despite mixed trial results, was influenced by Biogen's lobbying.

For example, NICE guidelines discourage the use of all over-the-counter supplements, specifically mentioning CoQ10, Creatine, and Vitamin E—which have neuroprotective effects. Simultaneously, they recommend anticholinergics, despite their well-documented negative impact on cognitive function and neuronal integrity Campbell, Yasumasa. This shows institutional preference for pharmaceutical solutions over patient-centered care, pushing symptom management through reliance on drugs and missing opportunities for neuroprotection through non-pharmaceutical means.

Although DRT is the standard of care used to manage motor symptoms, its over-reliance leads to permanent damage and complications such as motor fluctuations and dyskinesias, which will be discussed further below. These examples show the limitations of standard treatment approaches and the need for strategies that address underlying pathologies, minimize harmful effects, and optimize health.

Genetic Testing

Moreover, identifying PD gene mutations, especially in early-onset cases, can provide crucial information for prognosis and influence treatment decisions, particularly in cases initially suspected to be psychogenic. Despite this, genetic testing is not part of the standard of care.

There is Hope!

There is hope! Understanding the problems is necessary for informed action to address the underlying etiological pathways. The right knowledge and strategy is the key to regaining control over personal health. This guide addresses the etiological pathways overlooked by healthcare with scientific evidence, providing specific approaches to address them.

First, we'll cover DRT and its limits. Next, we'll dive deeper into the multisystem dysfunction of PD, including GABA, serotonin, and cholinergic imbalance. Finally, we'll discuss broader therapeutic approaches (holistic strategies that address neurotransmitter imbalance, mitochondrial health, neuroprotection, etc.)

Dopamine Replacement Therapy (DRT)

Introduction to DRT

DRT includes levodopa with a decarboxylase inhibitor (LD/DDC inhibitor) to increase dopamine levels in the brain, alleviate motor symptoms, and improve quality of life. This is the gold standard for PD; however, it misses the broader problem of neurotransmitter dysfunction, which ultimately causes more problems.

This is because PD involves the failure of multiple neurotransmitter systems, including GABA, serotonin, and acetylcholine—not just dopamine. Addressing just the dopaminergic system while neglecting these other systems leads to neurotransmitter imbalance and worsening symptoms over time.

Produodopa — Improved DRT

Foslevodopa-foscarbidopa (Produodopa) provides continuous 24-hour DRT infusion via a portable pump for more stable dopamine levels and reduced side effects. This approach decreases cellular stress and dysfunction associated with traditional DRT methods. Ask your doctor about this DRT option. Rosebraugh

Impact of Dopamine Agonists

DRT, while incomplete on its own, does improve PD symptoms and can provide some other benefits, too. We'll cover some of its benefits before examining its shortcomings.

Fibrillization Inhibition

Dopamine initially reacts with α-synuclein to inhibit its fibrillization. This is good, as fibrils contribute to Lewy bodies, cellular damage, senescent cells, and neurodegeneration. Dorszewska

Although DRT initially improves motor symptoms, focusing solely on dopamine replacement overlooks broader PD complexities, leading to more problems.

DRT Problems — Is a Multisystem Approach Better?

PD affects multiple neurotransmitter systems, not just the dopaminergic system. Disruptions in the GABAergic, serotonergic, and cholinergic pathways contribute to non-motor symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Failing to address these systems leads to imbalanced treatment outcomes.

DRT-induced Dyskinesias

Although DRT raises dopamine levels and alleviates symptoms, it fails to restore GABAergic inhibition within motor circuits. Without proper GABAergic control, excitatory signals persist, leading to motor pathway hyperactivation and dyskinesias.

Cholinergic overactivity worsens rigidity and postural instability in PD, while the loss of GABAergic inhibition exacerbates this imbalance. Treatments targeting both the GABA and acetylcholine pathways are necessary to restore neurotransmission balance.


Addressing multisystem neurotransmitter dysfunction requires a comprehensive approach. Solutions to the GABAergic, cholinergic, and seratonergic systems failures, along with other etiological pathways will follow the discussion of those problems.

Delaying DRT vs Holistic Neurotransmitter Balance

Some patients delay DRT to avoid early dyskinesias. However, early intervention targeting GABAergic dysfunction can help manage both motor and non-motor symptoms, providing better symptom control in early-stage PD and greater longevity.

Neurochemical and Vitamin Imbalances

In 2016, Janusz W. Błaszczyk challenged established beliefs, proposing that PD is a multisystem disorder, where GABAergic decline contributes to dopaminergic depletion in the progression of motor and non-motor symptoms. Numerous studies have since expanded on his claims. Błaszczyk

Multiple Neurotransmitter System Damage in PD

PD affects multiple neurotransmitter systems beyond dopamine. Dysfunctions in the GABAergic, serotonergic, noradrenergic, and cholinergic systems leads to non-motor symptoms such as depression, anxiety, and cognitive decline. Standard care fails to address this multisystem damage, resulting in poor management of both motor and non-motor symptoms. Instead, a holistic approach that targets all these systems is necessary.

A much more thorough and comprehensive metastudy published in 2024 confirmed that GABAergic dysfunction disrupts calcium homeostasis, leading to mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress. Restoring GABA activity may preserve mitochondrial health and protect dopaminergic neurons, alleviating both motor and non-motor symptoms in PD. Alharbi

As Błaszczyk noted nearly a decade prior, the failure of the Ca²⁺/GABA balance leads to dopaminergic neuron loss and inflammation, weakening the BBB. Other research shows this neuroinflammation extends to the glymphatic system and CSF circulation, furthering PD progression.

GABAergic dysfunction in the substantia nigra and globus pallidus disrupts the inhibitory tone needed for motor control, contributing to bradykinesia, rigidity, and tremors. This imbalance is worsened by the overcompensation of dopaminergic pathways through DRT, which can lead to dyskinesias. Early GABA dysfunction contributes non-motor symptoms that appear before motor issues.

The over-reliance on DRT to increase dopamine levels without addressing GABAergic dysfunction can result in dyskinesias. Without proper GABAergic inhibition, excitatory signals persist in motor circuits, leading to involuntary movements.

Dopamine agonists also deplete active vitamin B6 levels in the body. They do this by irreversibly binding to and permanently deactivating pyridoxal 5’-phosphate (P5P), the active form of vitamin B6. This leads to various side effects and exacerbates the progression of the disease, as B6 is essential for dopamine synthesis and is involved in other metabolic pathways.

Progressive Neurodegeneration

Dopamine is but one of many neurochemical systems in the midbrain. Focusing solely on the dopaminergic system without considering other neurotransmitter systems leads to progressive neurodegeneration (PN) exacerbating motor and non-motor symptoms.

DRT Neurodegeneration Cycle Diagram
Dopamine Agonists

Dopamine agonists initially inhibit fibrillization by interacting with α-synuclein.

Fibrillization Inhibition

Reduces the formation of Lewy bodies.


Dopamine interacts with α-synuclein forming toxic non-fibrillar oligomers, cell damage, and neurodegeneration. Lee, Mor2

Harmful Cycle

The cycle continues with increased dopamine use leading back to cell damage and neurodegeneration.

Senescence and Cellular Dysfunction from SATB1 Inhibition

DRT fails to address cellular senescence and mitochondrial dysfunction, and it may contribute to the inhibition of SATB1, a transcription factor that prevents cellular dysfunction.

SATB1 represses p21, a protein that promotes the survival of senescent cells, even with persistent DNA damage, contributing to senescence. Riessland

In PD, SATB1 inhibition increases levels of p21, reduces CDKs activity, and leads to the accumulation of senescent cells, driving PN. DRT exacerbates the cellular conditions that contribute to SATB1 inhibition. Riessland

SATB1 Pathway Diagram
SATB1 Inhibition
Senescent Cells
SATB1 Inhibition

Senescent cells cease to function and divide, damaging healthy neighboring cells by secreting inflammatory factors and contributing to further tissue dysfunction and senescence.

Interruption of Progressive Neurodegeneration (PN)

PN may be slowed or mitigated using senolytics, mitochondrial support, antioxidants, and other neuroprotective approaches discussed throughout this document."

Mitochondrial Dysfunction

Mitochondrial dysfunction is a major factor of disease progression, making it a critical target for intervention. Solutions to mitochondrial dysfunction are addressed with respective proportion herein.


For GABA dysfunction, GABA and theanine supplements strengthen inhibitory signaling and support the brain’s waste management systems, including the BBB and CSF circulation. DHEA and, for women, Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) increases GABA receptor density, and high-dose vitamin K2 can help reduce calcium levels, protecting against calcium-induced neurodegeneration.

The serotonergic system can be supported by 5-HTP, which helps alleviate mood disturbances and fatigue, and improves sleep—common non-motor symptoms in PD.

Cholinergics like CDP Choline or Alpha-GPC help the cholinergic system. These treatments should be part of an integrated approach rather than viewed as alternative or adjunctive therapies to DRT.

Solutions for issues with the brain's waste management systems are discussed in detail in the relevant section.

Mitochondrial dysfunction is addressed in its own section. Neuroinflammation, cellular senescence, α-synuclein pathology (fibrillization, aggregation, and Lewy bodies) are discussed throughout the document.

Senolytics are substances that induce apoptosis (programmed cell death) in senescent cells, removing them and preventing their harmful effects on surrounding tissues.

DRT Summary

Although DRT can significantly improve PD symptoms by raising dopamine levels, overreliance on it without addressing other affected neurotransmitter systems and other etiological factors leads to imbalances and complications, and worsening non-motor symptoms. DRT is powerful but incomplete when used in isolation.

Instead, a comprehensive treatment strategy addressing these systems in conjunction with a more conservative DRT approach can offer better symptom control, particularly in early-stage PD, leading to improved long-term outcomes and longevity. Mor, Thompson

DRT should be used at the minimum effective dose (MED). This can be done using a holistic approach to address neuroprotection, neurorestoration, antioxidation, and mitochondrial health. Consider Produodopa for even, continuous dopamine levels with reduced side effects. Also, explore strategies to address multiple neurotransmitter systems and minimize DRT with your care team.

  1. Academic Medical Center Leadership on Pharmaceutical Company Boards of Directors, Timothy S. Anderson, et al.
  2. The cognitive impact of anticholinergics: A clinical review, Noll Campbell, et al.
  3. Anticholinergics boost the pathological process of neurodegeneration with increased inflammation in a tauopathy mouse model, Yasumasa Yoshiyama, et al.
  4. Foslevodopa/Foscarbidopa Is Well Tolerated and Maintains Stable Levodopa and Carbidopa Exposure Following Subcutaneous Infusion, Matthew Rosebraugh, et al.
  5. Molecular Effects of L-dopa Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease, Jolanta Dorszewska, et al.

  6. Parkinson's Disease and Neurodegeneration: GABA-Collapse Hypothesis, Janusz W. Błaszczyk.
  7. Role of GABA pathway in motor and non-motor symptoms in Parkinson's disease: a bidirectional circuit, Bandar Alharbi, et al.
  8. The usual suspects, dopamine and alpha synuclein, conspire to cause neurodegeneration, Danielle E. Mor, et al.

  9. Alpha Synuclein Oligomers: Dopamine Stabilization and Neurodegeneration, Patricia Thompson.

  10. Dopamine induces soluble α-synuclein oligomers and nigrostriatal degeneration, Danielle E Mor, et al.
  11. Dopamine promotes formation and secretion of non-fibrillar alpha-synuclein oligomers , He-Jin Lee, et al.
  12. Loss of SATB1 Induces p21-Dependent Cellular Senescence in Post-mitotic Dopaminergic Neurons, Markus Riessland, et al.

    Highlights: Moreover, we found that SATB1 directly represses the expression of the pro-senescence factor p21 in dopaminergic neurons. Our data implicate senescence of dopamine neurons as a contributing factor in the pathology of Parkinson's disease.

COMT Inhibitors

Extend the action of levodopa by inhibiting the enzyme catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), which breaks down catecholamines, including dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine. This results in sustained levels of these catecholamines.

Tolcapone, a COMT inhibitor, has been associated with a higher risk of liver damage, which can be severe in some cases.

Entacapone, another COMT inhibitor, has been linked to an increased risk of dyskinesias and other dopaminergic side effects.

MAO-B Inhibitors

Increase dopamine levels by blocking the enzyme monoamine oxidase B. Problems with MAO-B Inhibitors, such as side effects, dietary restrictions, and potential interactions with other medications, have contributed to a decline in their use.


Amantadine may help reduce dyskinesias and offer modest symptomatic relief with anticholinergic and serotonergic effects Rascol. However, Amantadine reduces GABA levels in the brain, which is implicated in the pathogenesis of PD Walia.

  1. Amantadine in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and other movement disorders, Olivier Rascol, et al.
  2. Amantadine exerts anxiolytic like effect in mice: Evidences for the involvement of nitrergic and GABAergic signaling pathways, Vaibhav Walia, et al.

SynuClean-D and Minzasolmin 🧪

SynuClean-D and Minzasolmin are in the research phase. There are outlets for research chemicals, and there are ongoing clinical trials.

  1. SynuClean-D Can Revert Neurodegeneration Caused By Parkinson's

    SynuClean-D inhibits α-synuclein aggregation, disrupts amyloid fibrillization, prevents degeneration of dopaminergic neurons (reference), and inhibits α-synuclein aggregation.

    SynuClean-D is available as a research chemical. It is being studied in a Phase 2 clinical trial of 450 early-stage PD patients with an expected completion date in mid-2024.

  2. Minzasolmin

    Minzasolmin is a misfolding inhibitor, whereas SynuClean-D is an aggregation inhibitor. While Minzasolmin is in clinical development for Parkinson’s disease, SynuClean-D is primarily mentioned as a research compound.

    Patients with Parkinson’s disease can apply to participate in clinical trials for Minzasolmin. The clinical trial information is available on (ID: NCT04658186; EudraCT Number 2020-003265).


Minzasolmin and SynuClean-D both seem promising in inhibiting the misfolding and aggregation of α-synuclein aggregation respectively. Ask your team about clinical trials or apply to participate directly with those trials' clinicians.

Hormonal Interventions

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) may offer neuroprotection to improve mobility and mood, cognitive function, and quality of life in both men and women. Risk of developing PD is twice as high in men but is also elevated in women with early menopause. The heightened prevalence shown in both groups can be attributed to low estrogen levels, as estrogen is neuroprotective. Cerri

Collagen Degradation, BBB Permeability, and α-synuclein

Estrogen directly affects collagen synthesis and integrity, including connective tissues, including the extracellular matrix (ECM). Loss of estrogen accelerates collagen degradation, weakening the ECM of the BBB and choroid plexus, making the junctions of these barriers more permeable, and allowing harmful substances, including α-synuclein, to aggregate, form fibrils, and enter the brain.

Disease progression might involve distinct pathogenic mechanisms (or the same mechanism but in a different way) in male and female patients, and HRT for men and women may offer benefits. Alternatively, DHEA can also be used in conjunction with or independently of HRT, which, at least for women, may present a lower risk of cancer compared to steroid hormone therapies.

Protocols that promote collagen formation and support the ECM may help counteract the effects of estrogen loss on the brain waste management system, which includes the BBB, choroid plexus, CSF, glymphatic system, and perivascular spaces.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) for Women

HRT for women may include estrogens (17 beta-estradiol, estrone, and estriol), progesterone, pregnenolone, and DHEA.

Early Menopause: PD and HRT — Estrogen and Progesterone

Early menopause is statistically more common in women with PD. Several studies have associated postmenopausal HRT with a reduced risk of PD. Research indicates that women with PD are less likely to have used HRT compared to those without PD. The neuroprotective effects of estrogen replacement have shown positive results in animal models of PD and in early menopausal women with PD. L. Currie, D. Brann

Women's HRT is primarily aimed at alleviating vasomotor (VMS) and vaginal symptoms, but can also address osteopenia. VMS, related to thermoregulation, involves neuroendocrine, autonomic, and somatosensory systems, and is influenced by serotonergic and noradrenergic neurotransmitter pathways —systems often associated with depression. Dysfunction in these interconnected neurotransmitter systems may contribute to PD development.

A 2020 meta-analysis titled The Effect of Estrogen Replacement Therapy on Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease in Postmenopausal Women: A Meta-Analysis, presented evidence supporting ERT for the treatment of AD and PD, regardless of age, sample size, hormone therapy ascertainment, duration of the treatment, or route of administration.

Researchers determined that the beneficial effects of estrogen on dopamine receptors can delay the progression of PD. Yu-jia Song

A 2023 study published in Alzheimer's Research & Therapy found that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is linked to better memory and increased size of brain areas involved in memory and emotions, but only in people with the APOE4 gene. Since APOE4 is also associated with more α-synuclein buildup in PD, these findings could open new research paths for HRT’s effects on memory and brain structure in PD patients with the APOE4 gene. R. Saleh

A retrospective chart review of a computerized patient database was performed at Columbia-Presbyterian. The review included only women who had symptoms of presumed PD for less than 5 years and who had not yet been on L-dopa. This research found a positive association between estrogen use and lower symptom severity in women with early PD who were not yet taking L-dopa. This indicates that estrogen therapy may be beneficial for women with early PD who also entered menopause early and have not yet started DRT. R Saunders-Pullman

In a rodent model of PD, estrogen replacement reduced dopaminergic neuron loss, promoted maturation of autophagy, improved motor function and other symptoms, and slowed disease progression. X.Z. Li

Estrogen and progesterone replacement for early menopausal women with PD may offer neuroprotective benefits, given the observed positive effects and known beneficial effects of estrogen on dopamine receptors in delaying the progression of PD.

Osteocalcin — Estrogen's Effects on Osteoblasts

Estrogen stimulates osteoblasts, which produce osteocalcin (OCN). OCN is partially modified by vitamin K into carboxylated OCN, while the rest remains undercarboxylated (ucOCN). Carboxylated OCN improves bone strength.

Undercarboxylated OCN acts as a hormone in the body and brain. OCN crosses the blood-brain barrier and has been shown to reach the midbrain and brainstem and influence brain functions such as memory and cognition. A. Obri

Decreased production of osteocalcin, including its undercarboxylated form, during menopause can reduce neuroprotection and cognitive function.

Risks of HRT in Women

Estrogen replacement carries risks such as vascular disease and certain cancers, requiring careful medical supervision. Alternatives to increasing osteocalcin levels include high-impact and weight-bearing exercise, and supplementation of vitamin K, magnesium, strontium, collagen, sleep, and vitamin D.

Progesterone: A Neuroprotective Steroid of the Intestine

A 2023 study explored how progesterone might protect nerve cells in the enteric nervous system (ENS) ("the gut"), which can be affected early in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Researchers tested nerve cells from rats to see if they had the receptors needed to respond to progesterone. Then, they damaged these cells using MPTP, a toxin that mimics the damage seen in PD. Progesterone treatment reduced cell death by 45%, indicating a significant protective effect linked to a specific progesterone receptor. The impressive results require further human trials to confirm progesterone's effectiveness in reducing ENS dysfunction in PD. Stegemann

Combining DHEA with HRT (ERT + progesterone) may offer overall hormone balance, including testosterone and the estrogen to progesterone ratio. This combination may improve bone health and brain function by increasing estradiol and IGF-I, stimulating osteoblasts to release neuroprotective osteocalcin.

Adding pregnenolone as a DHEA precursor might help optimize hormonal balance, as progesterone is a precursor to many other hormones, including DHEA, progesterone, estrogen, and cortisol, providing more raw material to convert into these hormones as needed.

Managing HRT requires collaboration with an endocrinologist to balance PD symptom relief with potential risks.

HRT for Men


Testosterone has neuroprotective effects, partly due to a 5-10% conversion to estradiol via aromatase, which may enhance neuroprotection. Thus, TRT can raise testosterone to optimal levels (~800 ng/dL), resulting in a greater amount of aromatization to estradiol for some neuroprotection. V.E. Banchi


  1. Parkinson’s Disease in Women and Men: What’s the Difference, Silvia Cerri, et al.
  2. Postmenopausal estrogen use affects risk for Parkinson disease, Lillian J Currie, et al.
  3. Neurotrophic and Neuroprotective Actions of Estrogen: Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications, Darrell W. Brann, et al.
  4. Male/female differences in neuroprotection and neuromodulation of brain dopamine, Mélanie Bourque, et al.

    This review paper concluded that exogenous 17β-estradiol and/or progesterone treatments show neuroprotective properties against nigrostriatal dopaminergic toxins while androgens fail to induce any beneficial effect.

  5. Hormone replacement therapy is associated with improved cognition and larger brain volumes in at-risk APOE4 women: results from the European Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease (EPAD) cohort, Rasha N. M. Saleh, et al.
  6. The effect of estrogen replacement on early Parkinson's disease, R Saunders-Pullman, et al.
  7. The effects and mechanism of estrogen on rats with Parkinson’s disease in different age groups, Xue-Zhong Li, et al.

  8. Osteocalcin in the brain: from embryonic development to age-related decline in cognition, Arnaud Obri, et al.
  9. The Effect of Estrogen Replacement Therapy on Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease in Postmenopausal Women: A Meta-Analysis, Yu-jia Song, et al.
  10. Progesterone: A Neuroprotective Steroid of the Intestine, Lennart Norman Stegemann, et al.
  11. Androgen Therapy in Neurodegenerative Diseases, Vittorio Emanuele Bianchi, et al.

    This thorough review cites 266 references to support a wealth of information regarding the role of testosterone in neuroprotection, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration.

    T improves the survival of human neurons and astrocytes, acting directly on the mitochondrial membrane, inhibiting the generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, as well as sirtuin-1 expression. Conversely, its absence may contribute to neurodegenerative processes, as observed in animal models of PD and AD, and may decrease the density of spinal synapses in the hippocampus. These pathological effects were reversed following treatment with T or DHT; 17β-estradiol, likely, partially mediates these effects.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

DHEA, produced by the adrenal glands, ovaries, and brain, converts into hormones such as estrogen, testosterone, and cortisol, which influence various physiological processes like sleep, memory, and stress response.

DHEA's conversion to cholesterol regulation may help manage PD symptoms.

Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)

DHEA is fat-soluble, allowing it to cross the BBB easily, and is available as a dietary supplement.

Hormonal Effects in Women
IGF-I Levels

A 2020 review concluded that estrogen, particularly in women, may help PD by increasing IGF-I levels and activating its signaling pathways, possibly inhibiting aggregation and fibrillization of α‐synuclein. Another 2020 review found that DHEA supplementation may raise IGF-I levels in women and older adults, which could benefit women in early menopause. Castilla-Cortázar, Xie

Testosterone and Estradiol Levels

A 2021 meta-analysis found that DHEA administration significantly increased testosterone levels and decreased BMI in elderly women, suggesting its hormonal effects. Y. Hu

Another 2021 meta-analysis found that postmenopausal women 60 years and above on 50 mg/day DHEA for at least 26 weeks had a more pronounced elevation of the circulating estradiol levels. Y. Zhu

A 2016 review found a positive correlation between DHEA-S levels and global cognition in both sexes. DHEA-S correlated with working memory, attention, and verbal fluency in women, possibly due to its effects on menopausal cognitive decline. DHEA supplementation increases DHEA-S levels, so it can be expected to have these effects. K. Menezes, S. Vale

Contradicting Symptomatic Evidence

A 2006 Cochrane study found no improvement in memory or cognitive function in non-demented older adults from DHEA supplements. Subsequent studies, including those mentioned above, however, have shown more promising results. J. Evans

Osteoblast Stimulation

A second mechanistic action of DHEA involves its effects on the bone-brain axis. As discussed in the section on IGF-I levels, DHEA's metabolism into estradiol (E2) and other hormones may influence osteoblasts and chondrocytes, contributing to its overall effects.

A 2020 study found that DHEA improved UPDRS scores in MPTP monkeys, a model of PD, indicating potential benefits for PD management. Bélanger

These results may be partly explained by DHEA signaling osteoblasts and chondrocytes directly and through its metabolites, including E2 and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Osteoblast stimulation increases osteocalcin levels, which may affect the bone-brain axis and enhance cognitive function. D. Kirby

Osteocalcin promotes spatial learning and memory and prevents anxiety-like behavior. This complex interplay between the bones and the central nervous system, influencing each other's function and behavior, is elaborated on under the section on K2 supplementation and elsewhere in the document.


Supplementing with 50-100 mg DHEA may alleviate age-related hormonal declines, improving bone density (especially in older women), skin aging, and mild to moderate depression. It may also help manage menopausal symptoms by raising estradiol levels. Though DHEA was once thought to increase breast cancer risk, recent evidence suggests it may actually inhibit breast cancer cell proliferation and migration. Consult a knowledgeable provider to discuss DHEA supplementation. Colín-Val

Safer HRT Alternative

DHEA and pregnenolone can also be used independently of HRT, which may present a lower risk of cancer compared to steroid hormone therapies.

  1. Impact of dehydroepianrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on serum levels of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1): A dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Min Xie, et al.

    Despite the misspelling in the title, dehydroepianrosterone (WRONG), this study shows DHEA supplementation may increase serum IGF-I levels especially in women and older subjects.

  2. Is insulin-like growth factor-1 involved in Parkinson’s disease development?, Inma Castilla-Cortázar, et al.
  3. DHEA improves symptomatic treatment of moderately and severely impaired MPTP monkeys, Nancy Bélanger, et al.
  4. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation for cognitive function in healthy elderly people, John Grimley Evans, et al.
  5. Impact of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on testosterone concentrations and BMI in elderly women: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Ying Hu, et al.
  6. The effect of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) supplementation on estradiol levels in women: A dose-response and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials, Yan Zhu, et al.
  7. Dehydroepiandrosterone, Its Sulfate and Cognitive Functions, Karina Junqueira de Menezes, et al.
  8. The Relationship between Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), Working Memory and Distraction – A Behavioral and Electrophysiological Approach, Sónia do Vale, et al.
  9. DHEA in bone: the role in osteoporosis and fracture healing, David J Kirby, et al.
  10. DHEA inhibits proliferation, migration and alters mesenchymal-epithelial transition proteins through the PI3K/Akt pathway in MDA-MB-231 cells, Zaira Colín-Val, et al.


Pregnenolone is a neurosteroid and precursor to various hormones, including cortisol, DHEA, and progesterone. It has been explored as a potential candidate for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in female reproductive disorders targeting estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) and may improve cognitive function where it has been impaired by elevated blood glucose (in diabetics). Shin

A 2022 study on a rodent model of insulin resistance concluded that a short-term diet high in processed foods, refined sugars, and unhealthy fats impairs memory, but this is reversible by pregnenolone, which mediates memory function via the hippocampus. Ramírez

Cholesterol is converted into pregnenolone. Pregnenolone can then be converted into progesterone or DHEA, and DHEA can further be converted into androgens and estrogens.

Pregnenolone and DRT

Pregnenolone reduces levodopa-induced dyskinesias (LIDs) without compromising L-DOPA's motor benefits. The mechanism could be DHEA-S or PREG-S agonism on NMDA receptors to exert an antagonistic activity on GABA-A receptors. Corsi

Pregnenolone Dosage

Pregnenolone is available as a dietary supplement and is typically safe in doses ranging from 10 to 50 mg per day.

Pregnenolone is fat-soluble and crosses the BBB. Once in the brain, pregnenolone can be converted into other neurosteroids, such as allopregnanolone, which have various effects on neuronal function and behavior.

Several clinical studies have investigated pregnenolone as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease. One study found that pregnenolone dose-dependently countered LIDs without affecting L-DOPA-induced motor improvements.


  1. Hypothalamic pregnenolone mediates recognition memory in the context of metabolic disorders, Sara Ramírez, et al.
  2. Pregnenolone as a potential candidate for hormone therapy for female reproductive disorders targeting ERβ, Ye Young Shin, et al.
  3. A study found that DHEA administration alone improved the mean parkinsonian score in moderately and severely impaired MPTP monkeys, a model of Parkinson’s disease. Pregnenolone for the treatment of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia in Parkinson's disease, Sara Corsi, et al.

Growth Hormone and Secretagogues

Human growth hormone (GH) stimulates growth, cell repair, and metabolism, and reduces inflammation. Masternak

GH, IGF-1, and MGF

GH increases levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), which can then be further metabolized into Mechano Growth Factor (MGF) in response to mechanical stimuli, such as intense exercise. Mechano-growth factor is neuroprotective. (GH stimulates the liver to produce IGF-1. IGF-1 is further metabolized into MGF through alternative splicing of IGF-1 mRNA by lactate and other stress signals.)

Brain Waste Management System (BWMS), Collagen, and IGF-I

IGF-1 promotes collagen synthesis by fibroblasts, which strengthens connective tissues, including those in the BBB and choroid plexus. Increased collagen production enhances the function and structural integrity of the brain waste management system (BWMS), reducing permeability and improving waste clearance through several coordinated mechanisms of the BWMS.

IGF-1 increases the synthesis of ECM proteins beyond collagen, such as proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans, which contribute to the structural framework of tissues.

Growth and repair of the choroid plexus, where CSF is produced, improve its functioning. Increased CSF production enhances waste clearance by increasing the volume of fluid available to remove metabolic byproducts and harmful substances from the brain.

Lower inflammation may improve the function of the choroid plexus and its ability to produce CSF.

Gh Secretagogues CJC-1295 and Tesamorelin

Growth hormone secretagogues, such as tesamorelin and CJC-1295, are peptides that stimulate the secretion of GH. The increase in GH levels from these secretagogues is generally less pronounced compared to direct GH injections.

Side Effects

Blood glucose control and hyperglycemia are known side effects of growth hormone. Potential side effects at higher doses may include joint pain, insulin resistance, and swelling. It is important to monitor for these effects and consult a healthcare provider. Sigalos

  1. Growth hormone, inflammation and aging, Michal M. Masternak and Andrzej Bartke.
  2. Minireview: Mechano-Growth Factor: A Putative Product of IGF-I Gene Expression Involved in Tissue Repair and Regeneration, Ronald W. Matheny, et al.
  3. The Safety and Efficacy of Growth Hormone Secretagogues, John T. Sigalos and Alexander W. Pastuszak.


Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) uses electrodes implanted in the brain to deliver electrical impulses to the globus pallidus internus (GPi). This helps to regulate brain activity.

LRRK2-G2019S and DBS

LRRK2-G2019S mutations tend to have relatively good outcomes with DBS compared to other genetic types.

DBS of the globus pallidus internus (GPi) primarily targets the GABAergic output neurons of the basal ganglia, influencing motor output and reducing motor symptoms in PD. However, the therapeutic effects of GPi stimulation in PD extend beyond modulating GABAergic transmission within the basal ganglia circuitry and can indirectly impact cortical glutamatergic input to the basal ganglia.

While GPi stimulation primarily targets the GABAergic output of the basal ganglia, the dopaminergic system remains a core problem in PD pathology and treatment. Dopamine depletion in the basal ganglia is a hallmark feature of PD and leads to motor symptoms such as bradykinesia, tremors, and rigidity, and DBS helps treat these problems.

Other neurotransmitter systems affected by DBS include the serotonergic, cholinergic, noradrenergic, and glutamatergic systems. Due to the delicate balance between all these systems stimulation of the entire GPi can more easily achieve a positive, balanced effect, compared to medication and supplementation with l-dopa/carbidopa and supplements like 5-HTP and GABA.

This normalizes basal ganglion activity resulting in reduced excitotoxicity, better neuronal function, and greater cell longevity.

Medication alone leads to PN. DBS reduces the need for medication, thus mitigating PN. Supplementation further reduces the need for medication, and thus PN. A team of specialists to craft a program with DBS, medication, and supplementation may offer the best possible outcome with the least PN and greater longevity.

Crafting a personalized treatment program that incorporates DBS, medication, and supplementation requires the expertise of a multidisciplinary team of specialists, including neurologists, movement disorder specialists, neurosurgeons, pharmacists, dietitians, and other healthcare professionals. This team can collaborate to tailor treatment to the individual patient's needs, optimize therapy, and minimize PN.

Gene Therapy

Gene therapy is designed to repair the dopamine system. The procedure involves injecting a gene into the brain.

Cell Therapies

Cell replacement is the injection of dopamine cells into the brain to replace those that are lost or dying.


  1. Exploring the Potential of Gene and Cell-Based Therapies in Parkinson’s, (Anonymous)

Stem Cells (MSC, iPSC)

Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs)

Systemic injection of mesenchymal stem cells helps restore dopaminergic neurons. Park

The concomitant use of cell therapy and photobiomodulation therapy can improve the symptoms of PD. Ahrabi

Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs)

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are generated by reprogramming adult somatic cells, such as skin or blood cells, to express the same genes as embryonic stem cells in a process called induced pluripotency. iPSCs can differentiate into any cell type in the body, similar to embryonic stem cells, but they are generated from adult cells, which makes them a promising source for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

When injected into the striatum and substantia nigra, iPSCs may promote the regeneration of lost dopaminergic neurons. However, this practice is not well-established and carries potential risks, including tumor formation. Shastry, Bin Song

Few clinics use iPSCs. Stemaid is one of them. Stemaid is located in San José del Cabo, Mexico. Cynata in Victoria, Australia is another. Please note that no endorsement or evaluation of these clinics is being provided.

  1. Progress in Dopaminergic Cell Replacement and Regenerative Strategies for Parkinson's Disease

    "Stable cell sources, such as Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSCs), are far more suitable for clinical application than hfVM- and embryonic or fetal brain-derived NSCs."

  2. Mesenchymal stem cells therapy exerts neuroprotection in a progressive animal model of Parkinson's disease., Hyun Jung Park, et al.
  3. Photobiomodulation Therapy and Cell Therapy Improved Parkinson’s Diseases by Neuro-regeneration and Tremor Inhibition, Behnaz Ahrabi, et al.

    This review study showed the concomitant use of cell therapy and photobiomodulation therapy can improve the symptoms of PD.

  4. Cell Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease, Surabhi Shastry, et al.
  5. Human autologous iPSC–derived dopaminergic progenitors restore motor function in Parkinson’s disease models, Bin Song, et al.


Physiological Response in the Brain

HIIT, more than any other type of exercise, has been shown to fight neurodegeneration. It simultaneously stimulates multiple pathways and increases cerebral blood flow. Moderate and lower intensity cardiovascular exercise. "Zone 3" and "Zone 2" respectively, and active recovery provide supplementary benefits. Lenhart, S.E. Lucas

HIIT, high-intensity cardiovascular training, resistance training, and endurance training are respectively the most effective at increasing neurotrophins such as BDNF, NGF, GDNF, FGF2, and NT-3. These neurotrophins help protect neurons and glial cells.

Such higher-intensity exercise increases the production of neuropeptides (NPY, Substance P, Enkephalins) and signaling hormones (IGF-I, VEGF, Cortisol).

IGF-I Benefits

IGF-I supports dopaminergic neuron survival by activating its receptors and inhibiting apoptosis. It also improves insulin sensitivity and glucose uptake, a problem that often accompanies disease progression.

By upregulating creatine transporters, IGF-I optimizes cellular energy metabolism, supporting neuronal health and cognitive function. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, preserving cerebrovascular integrity and protecting the blood-brain barrier and choroid plexus.

These combined effects promote autophagy, which removes dysfunctional proteins and organelles, improve mitochondrial function through ATP synthesis, and reduce neural apoptosis. This can improve ischemic conditions and sleep.

Lower-intensity Exercise (Zone 2)

Lower-intensity exercise, such as "Zone 2", is moderately low-intensity aerobic exercise, such as fast walking or hiking, that occurs just below the lactate threshold and can be sustained for a long period without strain or heavy breathing. Although low-intensity exercise may not boost neurotrophic factors as acutely as high-intensity workouts, it supports overall brain health and helps maintain a baseline level of these factors for improved endurance, enhanced recovery, increased mitochondrial production, and reduced overtraining, making it an excellent addition to any fitness routine.

Proprioceptive Activities

Complex motor activities that require significant proprioception, such as dancing, have been shown to be beneficial and may increase blood flow to the midbrain. Further research is needed to clarify their precise effects on GDNF. Baudet, Aman

Peak Performance

Increasing exercise intensity, VO2 max, duration, and frequency leads to greater benefits. Contrary to the "minimum effective dose" approach in medicine, with exercise, more is better. Improving the limits of exercise tolerance through supplementation and recovery strategies can improve physiological performance and decrease recovery times, allowing for more exercise to be performed, conferring more neurological and physical benefits.

Limits to Exercise

Intense exercise, while beneficial, is physically and mentally taxing, increasing Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species (RONS) and creating metabolic waste. To maximize the benefits of exercise, incorporate active recovery strategies such as mobility work, supplementation, and red light therapy to enhance exercise tolerance.

Supplementation and Recovery

Timing supplementation around exercise is beneficial as it enhances nutrient delivery to the brain due to increased cerebral blood flow. Pre- and intra-workout supplementation can boost performance, while post-workout supplementation aids in recovery and improves subsequent performance. Protein intake immediately after exercise can increase satiety and reduce energy intake, which helps regulate blood glucose levels. Querido, D. Clayton, A. Monteyne

For example, creatine monohydrate supplementation increases brain creatine levels. During stress or trauma, such as intense exercise, creatine helps reduce oxidative DNA damage and restores normal brain and body creatine levels.

Types of Exercise

The categories of exercise that elicit a physiological effect on the brain include:

HIIT — High-Intensity Interval Training
short periods of high-intensity effort, followed by brief periods of rest or low-intensity activity. This alternating pattern is repeated until exhaustion to maintain heart rate throughout the workout.
HIT — High-Intensity Training
strength training with high intensity and brief workouts. This improves cognitive function and brain health by increasing cerebral blood flow, BDNF, IGF-1, and osteocalcin. Browne
Zone 4 cardio
High-intensity exercise zone, 80-90% of maximum heart rate (HRmax), Typically 2-10 minutes with a maximum sustained duration of around 15 minutes. Also known as "lactate threshold" or redline training.
Zone 3 — Moderate-intensity cardiovascular training (70-80% of HRmax)
Enhances cerebral blood flow, metabolic, and cardiovascular health with a reduced risk of injury.
Zone 2 — Low-intensity cardiovascular training
Boosts aerobic endurance and promotes recovery with minimal injury risk.

Active Recovery

Active recovery elevates heart rate, enhancing blood flow to deliver nutrients, remove waste from tissues, and hasten recovery. It can address mobility issues such as tight hips and a weak core or glutes, reducing injury risk.

Exercise increases brain blood flow, delivering oxygen and nutrients to brain cells. This triggers processes like neurogenesis, increased neurotransmitter production, and improved stress tolerance. Additionally, it boosts BDNF, promotes autophagy, reduces proinflammatory cytokines, and lowers blood sugar. These effects enhance memory, cognition, and mood, helping to counter neurodegeneration.

This results in better memory and cognition and improved mood, countering or staving off neurodegeneration.

Mitochondrial Benefits

Regular exercise enhances NAD+ biosynthesis, activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) and sirtuins, and stimulates mitochondrial biogenesis. It also promotes mitochondrial turnover and mitophagy, supporting healthy mitochondrial function.

Sample Exercise Plan


Intense exercise counteracts neurodegeneration and enhances neurological health by increasing cerebral blood flow, promoting neurogenesis, boosting neurotransmitter production, and reducing inflammation. Different exercise types, including HIIT, HIT, Zone 3, and Zone 2, offer distinct benefits. Balancing intense exercise with active recovery helps reduce injury and hasten recovery to improve exercise tolerance and maximize the results.


  1. High-intensity interval exercise and cerebrovascular health: curiosity, cause, and consequence, Samuel J E Lucas, et al.
  2. The Impact of Varying Exercise Protocols on Neurogenesis and Angiogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus, Lenhart, Darrin.
  3. Positive and negative interactions of GDNF, NTN and ART in developing sensory neuron subpopulations, and their collaboration with neurotrophins, C Baudet, et al.
  4. The effectiveness of proprioceptive training for improving motor function: a systematic review, Joshua E. Aman, et al.
  5. Regulation of cerebral blood flow during exercise, Jordan S Querido, A William Sheel.
  6. The effect of post-exercise drink macronutrient content on appetite and energy intake, David J Clayton, et al.
  7. Whey protein consumption after resistance exercise reduces energy intake at a post-exercise meal, Alistair Monteyne, et al.
  8. Chapter 9 - Effects of acute high-intensity exercise on cognitive performance in trained individuals: A systematic review, Sarah E. Browne, et al.

Photobiomodulation (PBM)

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a non-invasive, low-risk treatment that improves cellular function using specific wavelengths of light. It can be done in clinics using high intensity lasers and at home using consumer devices, offering flexibility for patients seeking ongoing treatment.

Despite the large body of experimental and early clinical evidence, there is still much resistance to the use of photobiomodulation by patients and health professionals.

PBM and Neurological Health

Oxidative Stress and Brain Inflammation

PBM inhibits oxidative stress-related damage in the hippocampus and elevates BDNF levels, effectively treating nerve damage and neuroinflammation. J.C. Heo

Ischemia and Blood Flow

Ischemia can affect the delivery of therapeutic agents to the desired target in the midbrain. During ischemic events, blood flow to affected brain regions can be significantly compromised, limiting the delivery of oxygen, nutrients, and therapeutic compounds like mesenchymal cells (as mentioned elsewhere), melatonin, or any substance entering the brain.

Effects on Parkinson’s Disease

Red Light's Impact on Motor Cortex and Stem Cells

Red light reaches the motor cortex, influences stem cell function, offers neuroprotection, restores functional activity, improves motor behaviors and reduces clinical signs, reduces gliosis, and induces expression of trophic growth factors. C. Hamilton

Impact on Kidney Function

Parkinson’s disease impairs renal function due to α-synuclein aggregation, inflammation, autonomic nervous system (ANS) dysfunction, and dopamine depletion (dopamine influences renal blood flow, blood pressure, and kidney function). Although the effects are less pronounced until the later stages of the disease, the damage begins earlier. Bozic

Red light improves renal function by improving renal blood flow for healing and waste clearance. Bian

Near-Infrared (NIR) vs Red Light Therapy

Although numerous positive results have been observed in humans, depth penetration of the light waves is a concern. NIR light penetrates deeper than NIR, and coherent NIR (laser) even deeper. Cellular effects observed in rodents with NIR light can't be extrapolated to the much larger head thickness (and midbrain depth) of humans. Y. Lampl

Near-infrared (NIR) light has a deeper penetration depth than red light, allowing it to reach deeper tissues and organs, including the brain, without overstimulating the skin. T.A. Henderson

Red light can also be effective but the longer duration and stronger intensity required for efficacy may overstimulate the skin. Consumer LED devices that allow blending NIR and red frequencies should use lower intensity for the red frequencies to avoid burning or overstimulating the skin. This strategy can take advantage of their dermal benefits without damaging the skin while getting more intense NIR for the deep regions of the brain.

Practical Applications of PBM

Timing and Frequency

The timing of PBM, in conjunction with the administration of substances like melatonin, may help improve delivery by mitigating the effects of ischemic inhibition on nutrient delivery to the midbrain. Whole body irradiation with red light improves sleep quality. Using it before sleep may offer better sleep effects. Jiexiu Zhao


Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease models require daily treatments to show benefits. In-home devices offer convenience, comfort, and affordability. Hamblin


  1. Mechanisms and applications of the anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation, Michael R Hamblin.

    Cytochrome c Oxidase (CCO) absorbs NIR light, leading to increased ETC activity and greater production of ATP.

  2. 625 nm Light Irradiation Prevented MC3T3-E1 Cells from Accumulation of Misfolded Proteins via ROS and ATP Production, Wenqi Fu, et al.
  3. Transcranial near-infrared light in treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, Damir Nizamutdinov, et al.

  4. Low-Level Laser Therapy Rescues Dendrite Atrophy via Upregulating BDNF Expression: Implications for Alzheimer's Disease, Chengbo Meng, et al.

    Synaptogenesis was found.

  5. Red light and the sleep quality and endurance performance of Chinese female basketball players, Jiexiu Zhao, et al.

    Our study confirmed the effectiveness of body irradiation with red light in improving the quality of sleep of elite female basketball players and offered a nonpharmacologic and noninvasive therapy to prevent sleep disorders after training.

  6. Transcranial photobiomodulation for the brain: a wide range of clinical applications, Michael R. Hamblin.

    This review discussed the highly effective use of PBMT in treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease models using repeated daily exposures and the mechanisms that affect the mitochondria.

  7. Transcranial Near Infrared Light Stimulations Improve Cognition in Patients with Dementia, Damir Nizamutdinov, et al.

    This placebo-controlled, randomized, double-blinded human study examined 6 min, twice daily eight weeks transcranial near-infrared (tNIR) light NIR light with wavelength of 1060-1080nm and 15,000mW, irradiance or power density= 23.1mW/cm2, ~650cm2 per treatment area compared with a sham placebo.

    The study group showed significant improvements in cognitive functions in several tests and showed less anxiety, improved mood, energy, and positive daily routine after ~14-21 days of treatment.

    Patients with sham treatment did not demonstrate significant changes

  8. Near-infrared photonic energy penetration: can infrared phototherapy effectively reach the human brain?, Theodore A Henderson, Larry D Morries.

    Higher-wattage NIR lasers can deliver therapeutic effects to greater depths of the brain without tissue heating or damage.

  9. Improvements in clinical signs of Parkinson's disease using photobiomodulation: a prospective proof-of-concept study, Ann Liebert, et al.

    This small study showed PBM was safe and effective for symptoms of PD including mobility, cognition, dynamic balance, and fine motor skills. Improvements were maintained for as long as treatment continued, for up to one year.

  10. Photobiomodulation (660 nm) therapy reduces oxidative stress and induces BDNF expression in the hippocampus, Jin-Chul Heo, et al.

    These data demonstrate that PBMT inhibits hippocampal damage induced by oxidative stress and increases the expression of BDNF in the hippocampus, a part of the brain used for learning and memory, located deep in the temporal lobe.

    To examine the cellular process in the hippocampus, mice were used. Although the data are impressive, the problem with extrapolating data to humans is the size of the human head is much larger, thereby damping the intensity of the NIR waves as they aim toward the deep brain regions. A possible workaround is to direct the light towards the back, to target the CSF.

  11. Protective role of renal proximal tubular alpha-synuclein in the pathogenesis of kidney fibrosis, Milica Bozic, et al.
  12. Therapeutic Potential of Photobiomodulation for Chronic Kidney Disease, Ji Bian, et al.
  13. Infrared laser therapy for ischemic stroke: a new treatment strategy: results of the NeuroThera Effectiveness and Safety Trial-1 (NEST-1), Yair Lampl, et al.

    The NeuroThera Laser System therapeutic approach involves infrared laser technology and has shown significant and sustained beneficial effects in animal models of ischemic stroke.

  14. Exploring the use of transcranial photobiomodulation in Parkinson's disease patients, Catherine Hamilton, et al.

    This study found photobiomodulation penetrates the motor cortex, modulating stem cell activity, offers neuroprotection, restores functional activity, improves motor behaviors, reduces clinical signs of PD, reduces gliosis, and induces expression of trophic growth factors.

How to Build a Supplement Plan

First, Do No Harm

It should go without saying that, before embarking on a serious plan to improve health, other lifestyle factors must be in order. That means no smoking and no alcohol, as even 1-2 drinks per week reduce cortical thickness and grey matter. Additionally, maintaining good sleep hygiene is essential.


Supplements and dietary recommendations are provided as components of a comprehensive fitness program centered around physical performance. Exercise should not be treated as an afterthought; it is the cornerstone of improving both mental and physical health. Without consistent and serious dedication to physical exercise, supplementation will yield minimal results. Maximal performance through regular and intense exercise is essential for achieving the best possible outcomes.

The following general-purpose solution serves as a customizable starting point to address health with PD from multiple angles, targeting each of the underlying Etiological Problems.

Mixing and Storing Powders

The mixed powders "Mitochondrial Mix", "Cacao Mix", and "Post-Workout" powders must be made in batches and should be stored in a cool, dry place with a desiccant pack (like silica gel) inside the powder to prevent clumping and contamination (mold). Silica packs commonly shipped with raw powders and supplements can be reused.

Weighing and Mixing Powders

A sturdy gram scale or reliable, accurate food scale that measures to the nearest 0.01g (10mg) is necessary to ensure accuracy. To help ensure proper ingredient dispersal, mix the smaller ingredients first and blend in the larger ingredients.

Daily Supplements (3x daily)

  1. Ubiquinol — 300mg
  2. PQQ — 30mg
  3. CDP Choline — 1000mg
  4. Active B Complex (Integrative Therapeutics)
  5. Nattokinase — 100mg
  6. Vitamin K2 — 500mcg
  7. Methylated B Complex
  8. Thiamine — 100mg

Mitochondrial Mix Powder — 10 Days

This 10-day serving can be taken 2x daily; once with the morning supplements; once later.

  1. Uridine Monophosphate — 5g
  2. Coffeeberry extract — 2.5g
  3. NMN — 10g
  4. NR — 5g
  5. Niacin — 2g
  6. Lion's Mane — 10g
  7. Cordyceps — 10g
  8. Matcha (ceremonial-grade) — 7g
  9. Micronized Creatine Monohydrate (CreaPure®) — 50g
  10. Inulin — 30g
  11. Base: Organic Greens Powder — 50g
  12. Base: Organic Fruits Powder — 50g (e.g. "Navitas Superfood+ Immunity Blend")

Cacao Mix Powder — 10 Days

This ~10-day serving can be taken in hot water 1-2x daily, earlier in the day. Add coconut oil and organic ginger juice.

Do not cook; add to below-boiling temperature water.

  1. Niacin — 1g
  2. Turmeric — 5g
  3. Matcha — 7g
  4. Lion's Mane —10g
  5. Cordyceps — 10g
  6. Ceylon cinnamon — 12g
  7. Raw Cacao — 100g

Post-Workout Mixed Powder — 10-Workout Supply

This 10-day supply of powder can be pre-mixed and stored in the refrigerator.

  1. NMN — 5g
  2. NR — 2.5g
  3. Niacin — 1g
  4. HMB — 10g
  5. Rhodiola Rosea — 2.5g
  6. Sodium Bicarbonate — 5g
  7. Turmeric — 7g
  8. TMG (Betaine) — 10g
  9. Natto powder — 5g
  10. Lion's Mane — 10g
  11. Inulin — 30g
  12. Ceylon cinnamon — 12g
  13. Micronized Creatine Monohydrate (CreaPure®) — 50g
  14. BCAA 4:1:1 — 40g
  15. L-Glutamine — 50g
  16. Base: Organic Greens Powder — 50g
  17. Organic Fruits Powder — 50g (e.g. "Navitas Superfood+ Immunity Blend")
  18. Collagen peptides — 20g
  19. Whey protein isolate — 300g

Mix in water with Organic Ginger Juice before drinking.

Dinner Supplements 🍽️

Fat-soluble substances are better absorbed when taken with dietary fats.

  1. Mixed Tocopherols/Tocotrienols
  2. K2 — 500mcg
  3. D3 — 4000 IU
  4. Urolithin-A 1000mg
  5. Resveratrol — 500mg
  6. Fisetin — 500mg
  7. Sulforaphane — 50mg
  8. Quercetin — 500mg
  9. NAC — 100mg 💤
  10. Geranyl geraniol — 500mg

Dinner Foods

  1. Natto powder — 2g
  2. Turmeric — 1.5g
  3. Saffron — 30mg
  4. DHA:EPA 2:1 — 5000mg (Nordic Naturals Children's DHA)
  5. Free Range Eggs — ~2-5

Sleep Supplements (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm) 💤

  1. Melatonin (Sleep3) — 10mg
  2. 5-HTP — 100mg
  3. GABA — 1000mg — 2000mg
  4. Magnesium Threonate — 300mg
  5. Chelated Magnesium — 300mg
  6. Collagen peptides — 7g

Food and Supplements

PD affects the central, peripheral, autonomic, and enteric nervous systems. Managing this requires a comprehensive approach that includes optimizing diet for enteric and metabolic health, nutrient timing with exercise, and addressing the mechanisms of various issues.

Many bioactive compounds in food and the supplements derived from them protect against neurodegeneration. Some work well in conjunction with exercise, while others support sleep. Some are synergistic, and some require dietary fats, like eggs or coconut oil, for absorption. This section explores targeted dietary choices and supplements to optimize health in the context of PD.

Dietary Strategies for Parkinson's Disease

A custom-tailored diet for PD should consider gut health, blood sugar management, and bioactives to support disease management and overall health.

To manage blood glucose, eliminate all refined sugars, reduce starch intake, and include protein (especially post-workout). Use fats rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), such as coconut oil, as alternative energy sources for the brain and to enhance absorption of fat-soluble compounds (turmeric).

Eliminating Sugar

Gut health can be improved by diet. Eliminating refined sugars, especially fructose and sucrose, is an important first step to improving gut health and blood glucose.

High dietary sugar can alter the gut microbiota, leading to endotoxemia (leaky gut), low-grade systemic inflammation, metabolic dysregulation, and cause numerous downstream deleterious health effects. R. Satokari

Probiotics, Fiber, and Polyphenols

Including probiotics (such as fermented foods), prebiotic fibers like inulin and glucomannan, and polyphenols can increase satiety and boost the production of short-chain fatty acids and postbiotics. Inulin and glucomannan can be added to pre-, intra-, and post-workout drinks.

Polyphenols, fermentation byproducts, bioactive peptides, and organic acids enhance gut health and short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production through various mechanisms. These include prebiotic effects, direct probiotic actions, microbiota modulation, and the production of beneficial fermentation byproducts and organic acids. This synergistic effect supports a balanced gut microbiome, improves digestive health, and enhances overall well-being. X. Wang

Polyphenols and SCFAs

SCFAs are fatty acids with fewer than six carbons, produced by fermenting indigestible fibers in the gut. Polyphenols, like EGCG from green tea, increase SCFA production. This reduces gut inflammation and strengthens the colon barrier, which can help prevent enteritis. Z. Wu

SCFAs maintain the gut lining and nourish beneficial bacteria. Dietary fiber, fermented by gut bacteria, is the primary source of SCFAs. These fatty acids help regulate appetite, reduce cravings for sugary foods, and improve blood glucose and insulin sensitivity. Lower inflammation further enhances metabolic health. R. Xiong, C. de Luca


  1. High Intake of Sugar and the Balance between Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Gut Bacteria, Reetta Satokari.
  2. Dietary Polyphenol, Gut Microbiota, and Health Benefits, Xiaofei Wang, et al.
  3. Gut microbiota from green tea polyphenol-dosed mice improves intestinal epithelial homeostasis and ameliorates experimental colitis, Zhenhua Wu, et al.
  4. Health Benefits and Side Effects of Short-Chain Fatty Acids, Ruo-Gu Xiong, et al.
  5. Inflammation and Insulin Resistance, Carl de Luca and Jerrold M. Olefsky.
  6. Idiopathic Parkinson's disease: possible routes by which vulnerable neuronal types may be subject to neuroinvasion by an unknown pathogen, H. Braak, et al.
  7. Gut–Brain Axis: Potential Factors Involved in the Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease, Yin-Xia Chao, et al.
  8. Meta-analysis of the Parkinson’s disease gut microbiome suggests alterations linked to intestinal inflammation, Stefano Romano, et al.
  9. Probiotics for Parkinson's disease: Current evidence and future directions, Ai Huey Tan, et al.


Supplements complement food and help manage PD by addressing specific mechanisms involved in its progression. They also enhance exercise performance, aid in recovery, support better sleep, and improve overall health and well-being. An overview of each supplement, most of which have been personally experienced by the author, is provided following the legend below.


Nutritional Impact on Parkinson’s Disease

Some nutritional deficiencies can exacerbate PD symptoms and may be misinterpreted as progressive neurodegeneration, leading to inappropriate management if not addressed.

Others can trigger cascading effects and hasten neurodegeneration. For example, deficiencies in vitamins B6, B12, folate, and D3 impair mitochondrial function, increase oxidative stress, and affect neurotransmitter synthesis, impacting neurological and overall health. These deficiencies can be caused by diet, lack of sun exposure, metabolic loss, or medications.

Comprehensive Treatment Plans

A comprehensive, individualized treatment plan around nutrition and supplements involve everyone on the patient's team, encompassing exercise specialists and doctors. Regular testing and monitoring of symptoms and biochemical markers should be conducted to assess the effectiveness of interventions and make adjustments as needed. The patient must take an active role and own the treatment plan, rather than relying solely on his doctor.

Antifibrillogenic Compounds

Antifibrillogenic compounds mitigate fibrillogenesis, the formation of α-synuclein fibrils from aggregates, a fundamental pathology in PD.

Delayed Causality

Although evidence for these compounds is limited and their effects not be immediately noticeable, this does not mean they are ineffective. Just as the development of PD often goes unnoticed for years before diagnosis, reventing fibrillogenesis won't produce immediate, noticeable effects. Both the disease and its counteraction aren't noticeable through daily symptom monitoring. Fibrillization is harmful, and stopping it is beneficial, even if not immediately apparent.

Preventing Fibril Aggregation

Preventing fibril aggregation: These treatments focus on inhibiting the aggregation of α-synuclein fibrils into Lewy bodies, potentially slowing the spread of pathology and neurodegeneration.

The effects of antifibrillogenic interventions cannot be measured in laboratory settings. Regular neurological evaluations and symptom monitoring can offer some indirect evidence of changes in disease progression or symptom management but cannot establish any effect on fibrillization. Until laboratory assessments become available, combining clinical assessments with research insights remains the best approach for evaluating the potential impact of antifibrillogenic interventions.

Choosing Effective Treatments and Practitioners

Doctors who prioritize effective treatments should be favored, and those who dismiss claims without examination avoided. Focus should be placed on facts and evidence, risk versus reward, and health optimization.

GlyNAC (Glycine-N-Acetyl Cysteine)

Mechanisms: Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial
Dose: 6g per day 💤
🩸🧠 BBB:
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

GlyNAC (Glycine-N-Acetyl Cysteine) is a combination of two separate amino acids, glycine and N-acetylcysteine (NAC), administered together in a 1:1 ratio to promote glutathione synthesis.

GlyNAC supplementation improves glutathione levels and mitochondrial function, reduces inflammation, supports neurotrophic factor expression, and improves cognitive function. g-lizzo], P. Kumar 2, p-kumar_r-sekhar


GlyNAC supplementation up to 7.2g per day is safe and well tolerated in older adults. GlyNAC is best taken at night.

GlyNAC improves sleep quality. The half-life of NAC in the body is about 6 hours, and the half-life of glycine is anywhere from 25-250 minutes, so taking it at night allows for optimal utilization of the amino acids. P. Kumar 2

Side Effects

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) can cause next-day lethargy. If experiencing this, the dose should be reduced, taken earlier in the evening, and bedtime adjusted accordingly.


  1. A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial in Healthy Older Adults to Determine Efficacy of Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine Supplementation on Glutathione Redox Status and Oxidative Damage, Giulia Lizzo, et al.

    This double-blind RCT investigated supplementation with glycine and n-acetylcysteine (GlyNAC) at three different daily doses for 2 weeks (low dose: 2.4 g, medium dose: 4.8 g, or high dose: 7.2 g/day, 1:1 ratio) in a randomized, controlled clinical trial in 114 healthy volunteers.

  2. Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine in Older Adults, Premranjan Kumar, et al.

    This clinical trial showed GlyNAC improves glutathione levels, mitochondrial function, and insulin sensitivity while reducing oxidative stress and inflammation.

  3. GlyNAC (Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine) Supplementation in Mice Increases Length of Life by Correcting Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Abnormalities in Mitophagy and Nutrient Sensing, and Genomic Damage, Premranjan Kumar,Ob W. Osahon, and Rajagopal V. Sekhar.

    This placebo-controlled rodent study showed that GlyNAC supplementation improves age-associated cognitive decline and supports brain health in aging by improving/correcting brain GSH deficiency, elevated OxS, mitochondrial dysfunction, abnormal mitophagy and autophagy, inflammation, impaired glucose transport/uptake, elevated genomic damage, and reversing the decline in brain neurotrophic growth factors.

  4. GlyNAC (Glycine and N-Acetylcysteine) Supplementation in Old Mice Improves Brain Glutathione Deficiency, Oxidative Stress, Glucose Uptake, Mitochondrial Dysfunction, Genomic Damage, Inflammation and Neurotrophic Factors to Reverse Age-Associated Cognitive Decline: Implications for Improving Brain Health in Aging, Premranjan Kumar, et al.

    This rodent study demonstrated improved age-associated cognitive decline (ACD) with GlyNAC.

Collagen Peptides

Mechanisms Structural Support, Anti-inflammatory, Neuroprotective, BBB Dysfunction
Dose 7.5g ED 💤 (Improves sleep if taken at night)
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Somewhat Effective

Collagen makes up 30% of the body's protein and supports the extracellular matrix (ECM), the physical scaffolding that surrounds and supports cells throughout various tissues in the body. In the brain, the ECM also maintains neuronal structure and synapse function. This can be compromised in PD.

Collagen peptide (CP) supplementation increases glycosaminoglycan (GAG) production, which maintains tissue flexibility and moisture. It also influences gene expression related to collagen and elastin, promoting ECM stability and tissue repair. When combined with exercise, CP may improve joint health and mobility, addressing some of the physical challenges faced by PD patients.

CP is comprised of amino acids, with glycine making up roughly 20-22% of their total weight. Glycine is one of the three amino acids necessary for glutathione (GSH) synthesis, an important antioxidant in the body.

Sleep Benefits

A 2024 RCT showed collagen peptides reduced sleep interruptions and improved cognitive function in athletic males. Thomas

Relevance to PD

CP supplementation was correlated with increased gray matter, improved memory, standard verbal paired associate learning (S-PA) tests, and changes in the physical, mental, and role/social component summary scores, reflecting improved brain health. Koizumi

In PD, tissue repair and resilience are weakened. Collagen peptides supplementation strengthens the ECM and related structures such as the BBB and choroid plexus. This could help protect against neurodegenerative damage.

Research shows that ECM pathways are dysregulated in dopaminergic neurons from PD patients, impacting synaptic activity and neuronal function Rosh. Collagen peptides can improve ECM health and might help mitigate some of the neurodegenerative effects seen in PD.

Research indicates that glycine supplementation can increase glycine levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), potentially offering neuroprotective effects. Bannai

A 2019 study gave collagen hydrolysates (CH) to 30 healthy people, aged 49 to 63 years, once a day for 4 weeks. This resulted in a positive effect on gray matter volume, brain structure, and cognitive language ability. Koizumi

Collagen Peptides, The Choroid Plexus, and CSF Production

CP strengthens the choroid plexus and BBB and supports CSF production. CSF.

The choroid plexus produces most of the CSF and serves as a barrier between the blood and CSF, regulating the exchange of substances between the two. 50-60% of the choroid plexus is loose connective tissue, which supports the production and regulation of CSF. CP improves connective tissue health, so probably improves the choroid plexus.

When the choroid plexus is weakened, the damage to the barrier it creates leads to neuroinflammation and impaired clearance of toxic metabolites. In PD, mutant α-synuclein spreads into the CSF, and this is proportionally facilitated by choroid plexus dysfunction. Mutant α-synuclein may also accumulate in the epithelial cells of the choroid plexus and be transported into the CSF, potentially disrupting its clearance between the brain and CSF. CP supplementation improves neurological health and strengthens the ECM, and strengthening the choroid process is likely part of the mechanism of action. This could aid in mitigating neuroinflammation and facilitating protein clearance in conditions like PD. Rosh, Koizumi

Collagen, especially types IV and XVII, is a major structural protein in the BBB that supports the basal lamina, a layer anchoring and separating epithelial cells from the underlying connective tissues such as blood vessels and nerves. Supplementing collagen types I and IV can increase type XVII (COL17) production, and IGF-I may further enhance this.

Hyaluronic Acid — Collagen Peptides' BBB Synergist

Hyaluronic acid (HA) retains moisture in the ECM and helps maintain tight junctions between endothelial cells. These tight junctions are essential for the BBB’s selective barrier, preventing harmful substances from entering the brain. Together, collagen peptides and HA support the BBB’s strength and flexibility.


Taking 7-10 grams of collagen peptides at night may promote relaxation, lower core temperature, reduce awakenings, and improve cognitive function. Bannai, Thomas

Collagen with NAC

Taking collagen peptides with N-acetylcysteine (NAC) helps increase glutathione (GSH) levels, reduces inflammation, and supports mitochondrial function. This combination can be an effective alternative to GlyNAC. 1.5g of NAC combined with 7.5g of CP should provide benefits similar to 3g of GlyNAC. CP is approximately 20-22% glycine, so 7.5g of CP contains roughly 1.5g of glycine.

Measuring Efficacy

Measure GAG levels before and after the intervention to directly assess changes in ECM health. Non-invasive techniques, such as ultrasound, can evaluate soft tissue or joint health. Additionally, motor tests assessing joint flexibility and movement may provide useful insights.

Procollagen Type I and III tests assess new collagen production, indicating connective tissue and ECM health. This provides a useful indicator of ECM health.


  1. Synaptic dysfunction and extracellular matrix dysregulation in dopaminergic neurons from sporadic and E326K-GBA1 Parkinson’s disease patients, Idan Rosh, et al.
  2. New Therapeutic Strategy for Amino Acid Medicine: Glycine Improves the Quality of Sleep, Makoto Bannai and Nobuhiro Kawai.
  3. Collagen peptide supplementation before bedtime reduces sleep fragmentation and improves cognitive function in physically active males with sleep complaints, Craig Thomas, et al.
  4. Effects of Collagen Hydrolysates on Human Brain Structure and Cognitive Function: A Pilot Clinical Study, Seiko Koizumi, et al.

Creatine Monohydrate

Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Mitochondrial
Dose 10g ED
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

Creatine and Energy Production

Creatine is a naturally occurring amino acid that the body produces and obtains from diet. It stores and supplies energy to muscle, brain, and cardiac cells. Creatine helps regenerate ATP, the primary energy source for cells, in what is called the phosphagen or ATP-PC (Adenosine Triphosphate-Phosphocreatine) system, for rapid energy production during high demand.

Creatine reduces oxidative stress by lowering mitochondrial workload and scavenging free radicals, thereby minimizing mitochondrial damage, protecting cells, and reducing their death. C. Rae, A.C. Passaquin, H. Arazi

Creatine and Exercise

Creatine improves muscular strength and exercise recovery, supporting health optimization when combined with physical activity. H. Chang

Cellular Mechanism of Action

Understanding the ATP-PC system—how its energy production helps cognitive and neural health—can inform supplementation. However, this knowledge isn't required to benefit from creatine use.

Mitochondria generate energy primarily through the citric acid cycle and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). The citric acid cycle converts acetyl-CoA into energy intermediates like NADH, which fuel OXPHOS to produce ATP, the main energy source for cells. During this process, CO2 is released, and RONS are produced. In the cell, creatine (CM) is converted by creatine kinase (CK) to creatine phosphate (CP), which quickly replenishes ATP during high-energy demands, alleviating stress on OXPHOS and reducing RONS production. This supports cellular function and mitochondrial health.

Creatine as Cellular Energy for Synapses

The brain is highly glucose-dependent, accounting for roughly 20% of the body’s total energy expenditure despite its small size. Neuronal synapses require a lot of energy to release neurotransmitters, which need ATP. Inside neurons, creatine is bound to phosphate as CP, just as it does in skeletal muscle cells. Creatine donates a phosphate to ADP to form ATP, which then supplies the energy needed for synaptic function.

Creatine supplementation increases brain creatine levels. During stress or trauma, such as intense exercise, creatine supplementation improves oxidative DNA injury and normalizes brain and body creatine levels. S. Forbes

A 2023 review study published in Sports Medicine found long-term high-dosage creatine supplementation increases brain creatine stores, improves cognition and memory, especially in older adults or during times of metabolic stress (e.g. sleep deprivation), improves aspects of recovery from traumatic brain injury in children, and has the potential to reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. D. Candow

Creatine and PD

Creatine has shown neuroprotection in PD patients with cognitive decline via creatine transporter uptake. In a rodent model, high-dosage creatine was shown to exert anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and anti-aggregant effects on α-synucleinopathy. Y. Leem, H. Chang

A long-term, multicenter, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled, 1:1 randomized efficacy trial for 10g of creatine in PD patients showed benefit to the UPDRS both at 1 year and at 18 months but eventually terminated early with no determined harm or benefit. K. Kieburtz

These results are not entirely disappointing. The study's lack of focus on pairing creatine with intensive exercise may have limited its ability to detect potential benefits.

HIIT significantly mitigates and may partially reverse progressive neurodegeneration. However, high-intensity exercise also depletes brain creatine, which impacts neurological function.

Had the patients in this study been assigned to a HIIT regimen, they would have benefitted from the exercise. HIIT depletes creatine levels and may deplete brain creatine levels. Creatine supplementation might result in less exercise-induced depletion of creatine, less oxidative damage caused by the exercise, and better exercise recovery (allowing for more frequent training). Such a design might have revealed a more significant benefit to the 10g ED creatine supplementation. However, despite the study's design, beneficial effects were observed at 1 year and at 18 months. B. Laat


Taking creatine with food improves absorption. Eating stimulates insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) production, which helps increases creatine uptake. Because dosages recommended for neurological function tend to be much higher, in excess of 20g per day, those with impaired kidney function might consider a more moderate dose as a compromise.

Safety and Efficacy

Creatine is commonly used with minimal adverse effects reported in clinical studies.

Creatine supplementation alone may not significantly slow the progression of Parkinson's disease, especially not in the later stages. But its neuroprotective and antioxidant effects contribute to overall disease management when used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach, particularly in combination with exercise, to stave off disease progression in the early stages of the disease. Because creatine helps with exercise recovery, its use allows for more frequent training to enjoy the benefits of exercise.


  1. Oral creatine monohydrate supplementation improves brain performance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over trial, Caroline Rae, et al

    Creatine supplementation had a significant positive effect on both working memory (backward digit span) and intelligence (Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices), both tasks that require speed of processing.

  2. The potential role of creatine supplementation in neurodegenerative diseases, Hyukki Chang, et al.

    This review study concluded creatine supplementation had neuroprotective effects in animal models and in vitro studies of certain neurodegenerative diseases, but that clinical trials failed to reproduce favorable outcomes.

  3. Creatine supplementation reduces skeletal muscle degeneration and enhances mitochondrial function in mdx mice, Anne-Catherine Passaquin , et al.

    This study found creatine supplementation in mice improves muscle health and may provide a scientific basis for its use as adjuvant therapy in Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

  4. Creatine Supplementation, Physical Exercise and Oxidative Stress Markers, Hamid Arazi, et al.

    This review study concluded creatine's antioxidant mechanisms include reduced ROS and RNS, and that creatine can maintain mitochondrial integrity, increase creatine phosphate (CP) resources, act as a cellular energy buffer, and protect two important cellular targets, mtDNA and RNA, from oxidative damage.

  5. Creatine supplementation with exercise reduces α-synuclein oligomerization and necroptosis in Parkinson's disease mouse model, Yea-Hyun Leem, et al.

    These authors found that creatine supplementation with exercise has anti-inflammatory, antioxidative, and anti-α-synucleinopathy effects, thereby reducing necroptotic cell death in a PD mouse model.

  6. Effects of Creatine Supplementation on Brain Function and Health, Scott C. Forbes, et al.

  7. “Heads Up” for Creatine Supplementation and its Potential Applications for Brain Health and Function”, Darren G. Candow, et al.

  8. Effect of Creatine Monohydrate on Clinical Progression in Patients With Parkinson Disease, Karl Kieburtz, et al.

    This researchers of this RCT found 10g creatine daily was not harmful, and showed benefits at 12 months and 18 months, but then concluded that this did not support the use of creatine monohydrate in patients with Parkinson disease.

  9. Intense exercise increases dopamine transporter and neuromelanin concentrations in the substantia nigra in Parkinson’s disease, Bart de Laat, et al.

Raw Cacao

Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Anti-ischemic, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory
Dose 7g ED ☀️
Fat-soluble ✅ (Theobromine, caffeine, and flavonoids are somewhat fat-soluble. The Fatty Acids and Phytosterols are very fat-soluble)
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Somewhat Effective

Raw cacao is made from cold-pressed, unroasted cocoa beans, which preserves the nutritional content, in contrast to cocoa, which is heavily processed, roasted at high temperatures, and often has added sugar.

Health Benefits

Cacao's flavonoids improve blood flow, lower blood pressure, and reduce heart disease risk. Increased brain blood flow and theobromine noticeably improve cognitive function. Anandamide in cacao helps regulate mood and alleviate depression. Flavonoids reduce chronic inflammation and overall disease risk. Additionally, cacao provides magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus for bone health, and about 20% fiber to support digestion and satiety.

Cognitive Benefits

Studies on raw cacao show cognitive improvement in healthy individuals of various ages. A 2024 single-blind study from Japan examined the cognitive effects of high versus low polyphenol cacao. The high polyphenol group showed improvements in mental and physical fatigue, stress, boredom, sleepiness, motivation, healing, enjoyment, relaxation, concentration, and willingness after two sets of cognitive performance tests. R. Lalonde, A. Sasaki


To maximize the health benefits of cacao, it should be consumed in its raw or minimally processed form, such as raw cacao paste or powder. Heat processing degrades beneficial flavonoids and other nutrients, so should be minimized during preparation. Additionally, added sugar not only diminishes the potential health benefits but also contributes to the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), which are associated with aging and various chronic diseases. Unsweetened, high-quality cacao is best for optimal health.

Cacao powder contains fat-soluble compounds but can be dissolved in hot water as a beverage with fats like coconut oil added.

Stimulatory Effects

Cacao contains theobromine (dimethylxanthine), a stimulant similar to caffeine but less methylated. Both bind to adenosine receptors in the brain, increasing activity and alertness, and can interfere with sleep. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid consuming cacao later in the day.


  1. Cacao Polyphenol-Rich Dark Chocolate Intake Contributes to Efficient Brain Activity during Cognitive Tasks: A Randomized, Single-Blinded, Crossover, and Dose-Comparison fMRI Study, Akihiro Sasaki, et al.
  2. Cocoa Flavanols and the Aging Brain, Robert Lalonde, Catherine Strazielle.


Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antidiabetic
Dose 4g ED
Fat-soluble ✅ (Cinnamaldehyde and eugenol are moderately fat-soluble)
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Somewhat Effective

Cinnamon is a spice obtained from the inner bark of several species of trees. Ceylon cinnamon is preferred, as it contains no coumarin, a natural carcinogen. Cinnamon contains both water-soluble and fat-soluble compounds. Cinnamon's fat-soluble compounds include cinnamaldehyde and epicatechin and its water-soluble compounds include procyanidin type-A trimer, cinnamic acid, and various flavonoids.

Antidiabetic Effects

Cinnamon exhibits anti-hyperglycemic properties, with the most significant effects observed in Ceylon cinnamon. These effects are species-specific. N.J. Hayward

It does this by mimicking insulin receptor kinase, increasing glucose uptake, and glycogen synthase activity, and increasing GLP-1 concentrations. n-Kizilaslan, J. Hlebowicz

A 2006 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study an aqueous solution of cinnamon found improvements on fasting blood glucose and systolic blood pressure, and improvements in body composition in men and women with the metabolic syndrome. T. Ziegenfuss

Neuroprotective Effects

Glucose metabolism is impaired in PD. Improved glucose response and blood glucose levels from cinnamon's antidiabetic effects may benefit PD patients. A. Marques

Ingested cinnamon metabolizes to sodium benzoate (NaB). Both cinnamon and NaB upregulate neuroprotective molecules (Parkin and DJ-1) and protect the nigrostriatum in a mouse model. S. Khasnavis


Translating the mouse dosage used in the Khasnavis study to a human dosage, using the study's 100 mg/kg to a 12x k-factor results in 1.2 g/kg. For a 50 lb human, this equates to 60 grams of cinnamon daily — an impractical amount. Consuming 3g daily is only 5% of the suggested dose, offering minimal neuroprotection. This small dose can be achieved by adding cinnamon to premixed powders such as the cacao mix, post-workout protein mix, and golden milk. Consuming CinnulinPF can achieve more optimal levels. Patel


  1. Effects of a Water-Soluble Cinnamon Extract on Body Composition and Features of the Metabolic Syndrome in Pre-Diabetic Men and Women, Tim N Ziegenfuss, et al.
  2. Cinnamon Shows Antidiabetic Properties that Are Species-Specific: Effects on Enzyme Activity Inhibition and Starch Digestion, Nicholas J. Hayward, et al.
  3. The Effect of Different Amounts of Cinnamon Consumption on Blood Glucose in Healthy Adult Individuals, Nildem Kizilaslan

    3–6 g of cinnamon consumption was found to affect certain blood parameters of individuals positively.

  4. Cinnamon treatment upregulates neuroprotective proteins Parkin and DJ-1 and protects dopaminergic neurons in a mouse model of Parkinson's disease, Saurabh Khasnavis, et al.

  5. Effects of 1 and 3 g cinnamon on gastric emptying, satiety, and postprandial blood glucose, insulin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, glucagon-like peptide 1, and ghrelin concentrations in healthy subjects, Joanna Hlebowicz, et al.

    Ingestion of 3 g cinnamon reduced postprandial serum insulin and increased GLP-1 concentrations without significantly affecting blood glucose, GIP, ghrelin concentration, satiety, or GER in healthy subjects. The results indicate a relation between the amount of cinnamon consumed and the decrease in insulin concentration.

    (GIP, is a glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, an incretin hormone secreted by K cells in the upper small intestine in response to nutrient ingestion, particularly glucose.)

  6. Glucose dysregulation in Parkinson's disease: Too much glucose or not enough insulin?, Ana Marques, et al.

    Glucose control is impaired in moderate to advanced non-diabetic PD patients, due to impaired adaptive insulin response which may be a novel non-motor consequence of PD-associated dysautonomia.

  7. Cinnamon and its Metabolite Protect the Nigrostriatum in a Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease Via Astrocytic GDNF, Dhruv Patel, et al.

    In this mouse model of MPTP-induced PD, mice were treated with either cinnamon or NaB dissolved in 0.5% methylcellulose at individual doses (100 mg/kg, orally) once daily for 7 days, and following behavior analysis the mice were sacrificed for biochemical studies.


  1. Role of Dietary Supplements in the Management of Parkinson’s Disease

Established that carvacrol is also able to inhibit acetylcholinesterase activity, with positive effects on memory and cognitive performance in PD.

Lion's Mane

Mechanisms Neurorestorative, anti-aggregant, anti-inflammatory
Dose 2000mg ED
Fat-soluble ✅ hericenones and erinacines are fat-soluble; beta-glucan is water-soluble
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

Lion’s mane is a white, edible mushroom that grows on hardwood and has neuroprotective effects. It contains fat-soluble bioactive compounds, hericenones and erinacines, and water-soluble beta-glucans, which are found in the cell walls of various mushrooms, including lion's mane.


Beta-glucans, found in the cell walls of many mushrooms, including lion's mane and cordyceps, are potent immunomodulators that improve synaptic plasticity, provide neuroprotective effects, and enhance cognition and behavior. These effects are particularly relevant in PD, where cognitive decline and synaptic damage are common issues. c-cerletti

A 2022 study on mice found that mushroom-derived β-glucans significantly increased synaptic thickness in the prefrontal cortex (PFC), but β-glucans from oats and curdlan did not. BDNF and the post-synaptic protein 95 (PSD95) increased in the PFC of all groups. hu

A 2015 rodent study demonstrated a decrease in α-synuclein levels in the substantia nigra of Parkinson’s disease rat models following beta-glucan administration. Rahayu

A pilot clinical trial involving children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) found that beta-glucan supplementation (Nichi Glucan) improved behavior and sleep patterns, along with increased melatonin levels. Raghavan

Beta-glucans improve gut microbiota and integrity, leading to a saccharolytic shift and increased short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). This may have implications for PD, as alterations in gut microbiota have been linked to the condition. bhardwaj

Hericinones and Erinacines

Hericenones and erinacines increase BDNF and NGF levels, promote neurite outgrowth, support neuronal survival, and enhance memory and cognitive function. Mori, Docherty

However, in some studies, hericenones failed to promote NGF gene expression in human astrocytoma cells while erinacine A successfully upregulated them in rats. Li

A 2022 RCT found that lion's mane supplementation improved cognitive performance in elderly patients with mild cognitive impairment, potentially due to its positive effects on blood biomarkers and reduced brain structural deterioration in regions associated with memory. Li

Lion's Mane in PD

Lion’s mane promotes neurogenesis through increased BDNF and NGF activity, which helps regenerate of neurons and improves cognitive function. Mori, Li, Docherty, Lai


Lion's mane is generally safe and well-tolerated at doses between 1-3 grams per day. When selecting reputable lion's mane supplements, look for brands that provide Certificates of Analysis (CoA) to ensure product quality and authenticity. Some well-regarded brands known for their quality and CoA include Nammex, Real Mushrooms, Host Defense, and Mushroom Science.


  1. Edible Mushrooms and Beta-Glucans: Impact on Human Health, Chiara Cerletti, et al.
  2. Three Different Types of β-Glucans Enhance Cognition: The Role of the Gut-Brain Axis, Minmin Hu, et al.
  3. The effect of beta glucan of saccharomyces cerevisae in the parkinson’s wistar strain rats (rattus norvegicus) model induced with rotenone, M. Rahayu, et al.
  4. Improvement of sleep and melatonin in children with autism spectrum disorder after β‐1,3/1,6‐glucan consumption: An open‐label prospective pilot clinical study, Kadalraja Raghavan, et al.
  5. β-glucans: a potential source for maintaining gut microbiota and the immune system, Ravindra Pal Singh and Aditi Bhardwaj.
  6. Improvement of Cognitive Functions by Oral Intake of Hericium erinaceus, Koichiro Mori, et al.

    This double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled RCT found that elderly men and women with mild cognitive impairment who took Lion's mane mushroom extract for 16 weeks showed significant improvements in cognitive function compared to the placebo group.

  7. Prevention of Early Alzheimer's Disease by Erinacine A-Enriched Hericium erinaceus Mycelia Pilot Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study, I Chen Li, et al.
  8. Lion’s Mane Supplementation on Cognitive Function, Stress, and Mood in Young Adults, Sarah Docherty, et al.

    The findings tentatively suggest that Hericium erinaceus may improve performance speed and reduce subjective stress in healthy, young adults.

  9. Neurotrophic Properties of the Lion’s Mane Medicinal Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia, Puei-Lene Lai, et al

    The extract contained neuroactive compounds that induced the secretion of extracellular NGF in NG108-15 cells, thereby promoting neurite outgrowth activity.


Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial
Dose 1-3g ED️ pre-workout ☀️🏋️
Fat-soluble ❌ cordycepin, adenosine, and beta-glucan are all water-soluble
🩸🧠 BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

Cordyceps militaris is a parasitic fungus used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It has gained attention in western countries for improving exercise tolerance and performance. It is neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, and has mitochondrial benefits. Its main bioactive components include cordycepin, adenosine, and beta-glucans (see discussion under lion's mane). Tuli

A systematic review on cordycepin, analyzing 192 studies, found strong, consistent evidence for its therapeutic potential for reducing tumor growth, protecting brain function, improving respiratory and cardiac health, and alleviating metabolic disorders. Cordycepin's demonstrated ability to reduce inflammation, improve mitochondrial function, and promote cell survival, make it a promising candidate for drug development, especially for age-related diseases. However, questions about its mechanism, toxicity, and biodistribution remain. Radhi


Cordycepin, one of the bioactive components of cordyceps, reduces neuroinflammation by regulating cytokine production. Cytokine dysregulation is a etiological pathway of PD, whereby pro-inflammatory cytokines are upregulated and anti-inflammatory cytokines are downregulated. This imbalance exacerbates neuroinflammation, leading to increased tissue damage and neurological dysfunction. By modulating this cytokine balance, cordycepin helps mitigate inflammation and its associated damage in neurodegenerative conditions like PD.

A 2021 study published in The Journal of Neuroinflammation demonstrated that cordycepin provides long-term neuroprotection, preserves blood-brain barrier (BBB) integrity, and shifts the inflammatory response of brain immune cells (microglia and macrophages) from pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory. This study also found that cordycepin and adenosine modulate macrophage activity and enhance immune responses through mechanisms like phagocytosis (a process by which a cell engulfs a particle, such as a bacterium, dead cell, or foreign substance, and digests it). These findings present cordycepin and adenosine as promising candidates for brain inflammation. Wei

Relevance to PD

A 2020 study found that cordycepin protects brain cells in a PD mouse model by reducing inflammation and preventing certain types of harmful cell death. Cordycepin was again show to blocks pathways that trigger the release of inflammatory chemicals known to damage neurons in PD. These findings suggest cordycepin could have potential as a treatment reduce neuroinflammation in PD. Sun

Cardiovascular Performance

A 2016 double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that supplementing with a Cordyceps militaris mushroom blend improved exercise performance over time. While one week of supplementation slightly improved time to exhaustion, three weeks led to significant gains in VO2max, time to exhaustion, and ventilatory threshold, suggesting chronic use enhances exercise capacity and recovery.

Given the benefits of high-intensity exercise for PD, improved exercise tolerance enables more frequent and intense sessions, for greater neuroprotective and physical benefits over time. hirsh


Cordycepin is a small molecule (MW ~251 Da) that can cross the BBB and improve its tight junction. Yuan


Cordycepin and adenosine work together to regulate inflammation by modulating the immune response, balancing inflammatory and anti-inflammatory to reduce excess inflammation. Shin, Jung


Typical Dosage Range: 1,000 to 3,000 mg per day of Cordyceps extract, divided into two or three doses, taken pre-workout, in the morning for energy, exercise performance, and neurological benefits. To prevent potential sleep disturbances, it's best to avoid taking Cordyceps in the late afternoon or evening.

When selecting reputable Cordyceps supplements, look for brands that provide Certificates of Analysis (CoA) to ensure product quality and authenticity. Some well-regarded brands known for their high-quality Cordyceps supplements with CoA include Host Defense, Four Sigmatic, Real Mushrooms, Life Extension, and Mushroom Wisdom.

  1. Pharmacological and therapeutic potential of Cordyceps with special reference to Cordycepin, Hardeep S. Tuli, et al.
  2. A Systematic Review of the Biological Effects of Cordycepin, Masar Radhi, et al.
  3. Cordycepin confers long-term neuroprotection via inhibiting neutrophil infiltration and neuroinflammation after traumatic brain injury, Pengju Wei, et al.
  4. Neuroprotective effects of natural cordycepin on LPS-induced Parkinson’s disease through suppressing TLR4/NF-κB/NLRP3-mediated pyroptosis, Ying Sun, et al.
  5. Cordyceps militaris improves tolerance to high intensity exercise after acute and chronic supplementation, Katie R. Hirsch, et al.
  6. Cordycepin attenuates traumatic brain injury-induced impairments of blood-brain barrier integrity in rats, Jing Yuan, et al.
  7. Immunomodulatory effects of a mycelium extract of Cordyceps (Paecilomyces hepiali; CBG-CS-2): a randomized and double-blind clinical trial, Su-Jin Jung, et al.


Mechanisms Neuroprotection, Anti-inflammatory, Antifibrillogenic, Anti-aggregation
Dose 2-5 g daily 🍽️ 💤
Fat-soluble ✅ turmerones and curcuminoids are both fat-soluble
🩸🧠 BBB N. Sharma
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

Turmeric, the rhizome of Curcuma longa, contains curcumin as its primary active compound along with other bioactives. Turmerones enhance the bioavailability of curcumin Yue, while the curcuminoids bisdemethoxycurcumin and demethoxycurcumin complement its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Together, these compounds synergistically reinforce the therapeutic benefits of turmeric.

Curcumin crosses the blood-brain barrier to reach deep brain structures, including the midbrain, to exert beneficial effects directly.

How Turmeric Helps PD

Turmeric promotes neuroprotection and neurogenesis, prevents α-synuclein aggregation, reduces neuronal iron deposition, and decreases oxidative stress. S Mishra

Curcumin Improves Gait in PD Models

A 2022 rodent study on curcumin oil formulation found that it improved gait, providing evidence closely related to clinic practices on gait analysis. X. Geng

Curcumin and α-Synuclein Aggregation

A 2012 study examined how curcumin affects α-synuclein aggregation. The researchers found that curcumin binds strongly to the protein, increasing its flexibility and movement, making it less likely to aggregate. By weakening the internal interactions within α-synuclein, curcumin allows the protein to reconfigure more quickly, preventing the formation of harmful clumps like oligomers and fibrils, which can eventually form into Lewy bodies. Curcumin mitigates this problem by preventing misfolding. B. Ahmad

A 2017 study on rats found other mechanisms by which curcumin improves upon α-synuclein aggregation. They found curcumin significantly improved inflammation, replenished GSH, and prevented iron deposition and α-synuclein aggregation in dopaminergic neurons. N. Sharma

Challenges with Curcumin Absorption

Curcumin pills are convenient but poorly absorbed and rapidly metabolized. Frequent turmeric consumption throughout the day with fatty foods, black pepper or long pepper, and phosphatidylserine, fixes these problems.

Supplementation (Eating Turmeric)

Turmeric contains turmerones, which improve curcumin absorption. Consuming turmeric is generally safe at 1-10 g daily. However, very high doses may cause stomach upset or kidney strain, while lower doses may not be effective.

Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems SEDDS

Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems (SEDDS) are lipid-based formulations that create emulsions to improve the oral bioavailability of lipophilic substances found in turmeric. The increased bioavailability means that a greater effect can be achieved without increasing the dose, thereby reducing the risk of side effects from overconsumption.

Enhancing Absorption with Food

Food formulations offer better absorption by acting as a SEDDS. Turmeric is good in curries with coconut oil, eggs, and in the cacao mix, when blended with coconut oil or butter. Turmeric can be added to other dishes, like soups, or blended into warm milk as "golden milk" with saffron, cinnamon, and other spices, or mixed into mustard as a garnish.

Piperine and piper longumine, from black pepper and long pepper, respectively, also increase curcumin bioavailability, and the latter is also senolytic. K. Kesarwani

Supplementation Recommendations

Turmeric powder provides a convenient way to add turmeric to food and, as mentioned above, contains turmerones which improve curcumin's bioavailability.

Safety Concerns

Turmeric thins the blood, which may increase the risk of bleeding, especially in individuals taking blood-thinning medications or those with bleeding disorders or who are planning surgery. It may interact with blood thinners, diabetes medications, and medications that reduce stomach acid production.


  1. The Role of Turmerones on Curcumin Transportation and P-Glycoprotein Activities in Intestinal Caco-2 Cells, Grace G.L. Yue, et al.
  2. The effect of curcumin (turmeric) on Alzheimer's disease: An overview, Shrikant Mishra and Kalpana Palanivelu.
  3. Curcumin neuroprotection and anti- α-synuclein aggregation rodent PD model, Neha Sharma and Bimla Nehru.
  4. A novel curcumin oil solution can better alleviate the motor activity defects and neuropathological damage of a Parkinson’s disease mouse model, Xiwen Geng, et al.

    This rodent study provided comprehensive strong evidence regarding the effect of a novel curcumin oil solution on preventing movement disorders. This confirmed n vivo that the curcumin oil solution has higher bioavailability than curcumin alone.

    Curcumin had a greater protective effect on dopaminergic neurons in the compact part of the substantia nigra along with the PD process according to pathological evaluation.

  5. Curcumin Prevents Aggregation in α-Synuclein by Increasing Reconfiguration Rate, Basir Ahmad and Lisa J. Lapidus.

    This rodent study found curcumin rescues the protein from aggregation by increasing the reconfiguration rate into a faster regime.

  6. Bioavailability enhancers of herbal origin: An overview, Kritika Kesarwani and Rajiv Gupta.

Turmeric Products


Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antifibrillogenic, Antioxidant, Sleep
Dose ~50mg of Saffron (about 15 threads) 🍽️💤
Fat-soluble ✅/❌ Partially (safranal is fat-soluble; crocin and picrocrocin are water-soluble)
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ crocetin has therapeutic effects on neurodegenerative diseases due to its ability to penetrate the BBB Y. Bian
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

Saffron is a spice made from the red stigmas or "threads" of the Crocus flower used in South Asian and Middle Eastern medicine as an emmenagogue, general tonic, aphrodisiac, and nerve stimulant in low doses either in tea or in meals.

Saffron has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. Scientific research shows its beneficial effects on improving mood and sleep, enhancing cognitive function, and supporting cardiovascular health. The primary active components, such as crocin and picrocrocin, are water-soluble, while safranal, responsible for saffron's aroma, is fat-soluble.


A 28-day, parallel-group, double-blind RCT recruited sixty-three healthy adults aged 18–70 with self-reported sleep problems who were randomized to receive either saffron or a placebo. Results showed that saffron was associated with greater improvements in the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI), Restorative Sleep Questionnaire (RSQ), and the Pittsburgh Sleep Diary (PSD) and was well-tolerated with no reported adverse effects. A. Lopretsi

Saffron in Neurodegenerative Disease

Saffron has been proven to alleviate the symptoms of AD and its effects on PD are of continuing research, particularly for its antidepressant and anxiolytic effects. Y. Bian

A 2024 review found that saffron's compounds inhibit neuroinflammation and excitotoxic pathways, modulate autophagy and apoptosis, attenuate oxidative damage, and activate defensive antioxidant enzymes, providing neuroprotection against neurodegenerative diseases. S. G.-Hamedani

A 2019 rodent model study found saffron had a neuroprotective effect and could be recommended as a possible therapeutic agent to prevent neurotoxicity allied to heavy metals and related neurodegenerative disorders like PD. L. Tamegart

Saffron inhibits damage and inflammation to astrocytes, a type of glial cell, through multiple pathways. Its active compounds modulate oxidative stress, reduce pro-inflammatory cytokine production, and support the maintenance of cellular integrity, thereby protecting astrocytes from injury and dysfunction. Maqbool

Glial cells, and specifically astrocytes, support the function and survival of neurons. Astrocytes can release neurotransmitters, such as glutamate and ATP, which can influence neuronal activity.

Glial scar formation is a common pathological feature in various central nervous system (CNS) diseases, including PD. In PD, the glial scars form around damaged dopaminergic neurons, blocking their repair.

Antifibrillogenic Effects

A few in vitro studies found that saffron dose-dependently inhibited α-synuclein aggregation and dissociated α-synuclein fibrils. Although the antifibrillogenic evidence is preliminary, daily consumption of saffron might help with this. Given its other more established beneficial effects and the mild to no side effects in moderate doses, there’s really no good reason not to enjoy this delicious, beautiful spice. Saffari, Inoue


Some of the compounds in saffron are fat-soluble, while others are water-soluble. Saffron can be drunk with turmeric and cinnamon in golden milk. Excessive amounts may cause bloating and gas and gut microbiota may positively affect the gut-brain axis, therefore, it's a good idea to consume saffron with prepared food.

saffron in water
DIY Saffron Extract

Place dry saffron in a jar and add water for an easy and convenient aqueous ready for daily use.

Saffron References

  1. Therapeutic effects of saffron and its components on neurodegenerative diseases, Sahar Golpour-Hamedani, et al.
  2. Neuroprotective Potency of Saffron Against Neuropsychiatric Diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases, and Other Brain Disorders: From Bench to Bedside, Yaqi Bian, et al.

    This review study discussed the neuroprotective effects of crocin and crocetin, and that both could provide neuroprotection by reducing Aβ aggregation.

  3. Crocus sativus restores dopaminergic and noradrenergic damages induced by lead in Meriones shawi: A possible link with Parkinson's disease, Lahcen Tamegart, et al.

    This rodent study showed that movement disorder caused by Pd (lead)-induced damage to dopaminergic and noradrenergic systems in the midbrain was reversed by saffron (crocus sativus).

  4. Effects of saffron on sleep quality in healthy adults with self-reported poor sleep: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial , Adrian L Lopresti, et al.

    This 28-day, parallel-group, double-blind, randomized controlled trial included sixty-three healthy adults aged 18-70 with self-reported sleep problems. Subjects were randomized to receive either saffron extract (saffron; 14 mg twice daily) or a placebo.

    Conclusions: Saffron intake was associated with improvements in sleep quality in adults with self-reported sleep complaints.

  5. Evidence of neuroprotective effects of saffron and crocin in a Drosophila model of parkinsonism, Sriranjini Venkat Rao, et al.

    This drosophila model of parkinsonism study showed the neuroprotective effects of saffron and crocin. It concluded that these effects may be largely attributable to its antioxidant action and recommended saffron be exploited as a supplementary therapeutic agent in PD and other oxidative stress-mediated neurodegenerative conditions.

  6. Potential Role of Phytochemical Extract from Saffron in Development of Functional Foods and Protection of Brain-Related Disorders, Zahra Maqbool, et al.
  7. Crocin Inhibits the Fibrillation of Human α-synuclein and Disassembles Mature Fibrils: Experimental Findings and Mechanistic Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Babak Saffari, Mehriar Amininasab.
  8. Effects of saffron and its constituents, crocin-1, crocin-2, and crocetin on α-synuclein fibrils, Eiji Inoue, et al.

Coconut Oil

Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Mitochondrial
Dose ~30 ml of Coconut Oil per day 🍽️
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ (coconut oil itself does not cross the BBB, but MCFAs from its digestion do)
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

Coconut oil is extracted from the meat of mature coconuts. It is high in saturated fats and commonly used in cooking and food preparations.

Rich in lauric acid and MCTs, coconut oil supports heart health by increasing HDL and providing antimicrobial effects. Lauric acid, a 12-carbon variety, may contribute to its positive effects on HDL. MCTs boost energy and enhance metabolic health, which can improve brain function and aid conditions like AD, PD, and MS. Additionally, coconut oil supports fat loss, nutrient absorption, and gut health.

Metabolic Health Effects

A 2018 double-blind RCT investigated the effects of various vegetable oils, including coconut, safflower, chia, and soybean (placebo) oils, on obese women following a hypocaloric diet.

The coconut oil group showed significant improvements in cardiovascular risk factors, including reduced abdominal adiposity, decreased waist circumference, decreased waist-to-height ratio, lower blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels, reduced body fat, and increased lean mass. Oliveira de Lira

The increase in lean mass was likely due to MCTs, which provide quick energy, enhance exercise performance, and stimulate muscle growth without promoting fat storage. Maintaining or increasing lean mass supports metabolic health and cardiovascular outcomes. The quick energy boost also makes coconut oil a good pre-workout option.

Mitigating PD

A 2022 review study found that coconut oil improves PD through multiple pathways, mediating oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, apoptosis, and excitotoxicity in various in vitro and in vivo models. Dietary intake of coconut oil has also been associated with a reduced incidence of PD. During digestion, coconut oil is broken down into smaller molecules, such as ketone bodies (KBs). These KBs can cross the BBB and serve as an alternative energy source for the brain, making coconut oil a significant natural remedy for neurodegenerative conditions. deepika

Coconut oil has been shown to reduce obesity, improve insulin resistance, and support metabolic health. These improvements can reduce inflammation, enhance mitochondrial function, and increase cerebral blood flow. These effects may help explain how coconut oil potentially benefits neurodegenerative disorders such as AD, PD, and MS. Oliveira de Lira, Ibrahim

Mitochondrial Effects

Although progressive damage to dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra is a primary etiological pathway in PD, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress contribute substantially to its pathogenesis. Coconut oil's MCTs are metabolized into glycerol and medium-chain fatty acids, which support mitochondrial ATP production and may enhance mitochondrial biogenesis. Ying Wang

A 2020 rodent model study even showed that coconut oil helped neural function and mitigated the effects of L-dopa supplementation, lending its use as a potential strategy to reduce reliance on DRT. Shehata


  1. Supplementation-Dependent Effects of Vegetable Oils with Varying Fatty Acid Compositions on Anthropometric and Biochemical Parameters in Obese Women, Luciene Oliveira de Lira, et al.
  2. Neuroprotective role of coconut oil for the prevention and treatment of Parkinson's disease: potential mechanisms of action,
  3. Beneficial Effects of Coconut Oil in Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, K. S. Ibrahim and E. M. El-Sayed.
  4. Medium Chain Triglycerides enhances exercise endurance through the increased mitochondrial biogenesis and metabolism, Ying Wang, et al.
  5. Neurochemical, neurobehavioral and histochemical effects of therapeutic dose of l-dopa on striatal neurons in rats: Protective effect of virgin coconut oil, Ahmed M Shehata, et al.


Mechanisms BBB Dysfunction (improves BBB protection), Antifibrillogenic , Anti-aggregant, Anti-inflammatory (via NF-κB inhibition), Antioxidant (via Nrf2 pathway activation), Mitochondrial (enhances mitogenesis and mitophagy via AMPK and PGC-1α pathways), Neuroprotective, Gastrointestinal (improves gut function and reduces inflammation via gut-brain axis).
Dose Estimated human equivalent dose (HED) for ginger: 2–4 grams/day with specific bioactive concentrations of 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol contributing to the efficacy. This HED synthesizes the general use of fresh ginger and supplements, with whole ginger typically consumed in 1–2 grams per meal or as supplementation for medicinal purposes.
Fat-soluble Yes
🩸🧠 BBB Crosses the BBB based on demonstrated neuroprotective effects in vivo using MPTP and 6-OHDA PD models, particularly from bioactives like 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol.

Ginger, a rhizome, contains healthful bioactive compounds with neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects that are beneficial for PD.

Heated, Dried, or Cooked?

Fresh ginger contains gingerols, gingerone, trace amounts of kaempferol, quercetin, apigenin, naringenin, and the protease zingibain. Dried ginger contains no gingerone, which contributes to its flavor, and and less gingerols, which convert into shogaols and zingerone during drying, yielding greater antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Heat degrades zingibain and gingerone, losing the health effects of these compounds present in small quantities in fresh ginger.

For neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects, dried ginger's concentrated shogaols and zingerone may be better. Although fresh ginger offers broader health benefits.

Benefits in PD: 6-Shogaol

A 2022 review study titled Elucidating the Beneficial Effects of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) in Parkinson’s Disease, conducted in Greece, analyzed the impact of ginger's bioactive compounds on PD. The study found that compounds such as 6-shogaol and 6-gingerol effectively prevent α-synuclein fibril aggregation and reduce oxidative stress, leading to less cellular damage in neurons and improving mitochondrial function, promoting energy production.

Additionally, ginger supports gastrointestinal health and reduces systemic inflammation, which is neuroprotective. Angelopoulou

Kaempferol's Effects in PD Models

Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effects

Kaempferol is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, neuroprotective, anti-diabetic, cardioprotective, and antifibrillogenic, all of which are beneficial for PD. Ginger contains approximately 0.1% to 0.4% kaempferol, while capers contain significantly more; around 2%.

A 2020 study examined kaempferol's effects in a rat model of PD with four groups: a control group, 10 mg/kg of kaempferol, 20 mg/kg, and a positive control receiving levodopa. After treatment, apomorphine (used in advanced PD during "off" phases) was administered to assess rotational behavior.

The study found that kaempferol significantly and dose-dependently improved antioxidant markers—catalase, glutathione (GSH), glutathione peroxidase (GPX), and superoxide dismutase (SOD)—indicating a strong causal relationship. Additionally, kaempferol reduced rotational dyskinesia in PD rats. Pan

Another study on kaempferol, this one out of Japan, published in 2021, revealed potent antifibrillogenic effects, providing significant protection against α-synuclein-related neurotoxicity and induced autophagy through an increase in the biogenesis of lysosomes, reducing the accumulation of α-synuclein and preventing neuronal cell death. Inden


The human equivalent of the minimum 10 mg/kg kaempferol in rats is approximately 0.81 mg/kg, or 56.7 mg for a 70 kg person, which corresponds to about 35 g of fresh ginger or 3.5 g of dry ginger.

Ginger References

  1. Elucidating the Beneficial Effects of Ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) in Parkinson’s Disease, Efthalia Angelopoulouk, et al.
  2. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect of kaempferol on rotenone-induced Parkinson’s disease model of rats and SH-S5Y5 cells by preventing loss of tyrosine hydroxylase, Xiaohua Pan, et al.
  3. Kaempferol Has Potent Protective and Antifibrillogenic Effects for α-Synuclein Neurotoxicity In Vitro, Masatoshi Inden, et al.


Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Mitochondrial
Dose 2-5g
🩸🧠 BBB L-theanine can bypass the BBB’s natural barriers and reach the brain, where it is believed to have a positive impact on sleep, focus, learning, and symptoms of anxiety.
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

Matcha is a finely ground Japanese green tea powder rich in bioactives, including lutein, vitamin K, and polyphenols, particularly catechins like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG exhibits potent antioxidant and neuroprotective effects that help mitigate oxidative stress, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration.

Cognitive Effects

A 2020 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial over 12 weeks on 15 men and 39 women found that Matcha improved cognitive function (MoCA test), with the effects being more pronounced in women than in men, especially in the cognitive domain of language. Researchers speculated that this may be associated with physiological changes that accompany estrogen loss and menopause in elderly women, attributing the potential effects to matcha's EGCG, vitamin K, and lutein content. Sakurai

Metabolic Effects

A 2017 review found that EGCG exhibited a wide range of therapeutic properties including anti-atherosclerosis, anti-diabetes, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant effects. The reduction in plasma glucose and inflammatory markers and the inhibition of ROS generation have multiple benefits to cardiopulmonary and neurological health. Eng

Low-dose EGCG and caffeine, two components of matcha, elicit substantial synergistic anti-obesity effects by improving gut microbiota and enhancing short-chain fatty acid (SCFA) production. The gut microbiota regulates obesity and metabolic disorders through various physiological pathways, including SCFAs and their receptors. These effects on the gut microbiota may help explain the metabolic and cognitive benefits associated with matcha consumption. Zhu

Anti-aggregant and Antifibrillogenic Effects

EGCG has been shown to inhibit the effects of preformed oligomers of α-synuclein and other proteins from damaging vesicle membranes and causing cytotoxicity in rat brains. Lorenzen, Zhao

A few in vitro studies have explored EGCG's antifibrillogenic potential with positive results. EGCG has been shown to prevent the formation of amyloid plaques and the misfolding of disease proteins and prions. Researchers demonstrated that EGCG inhibits α-synuclein and amyloid-β fibrillogenesis and can disaggregate amyloid fibrils of α-synuclein in a dose-dependent manner. bieschke, Xu

EGCG's anti-aggregant and antifibrillogenic effects in humans are not supported by clinical trials, primarily due to the difficulty and cost of such studies. However, positive evidence from in vitro and rodent studies suggests that regular consumption might have a dose-dependent effect, potentially slowing disease progression. Considering the minimal mild side effects, there is no strong reason not to include matcha or an EGCG supplement in a PD regimen.

Ceremonial-Grade Matcha

Ceremonial-grade matcha is made from the youngest tea leaves with higher concentrations of chlorophyll and lower fluoride content compared to culinary-grade matcha made from older leaves, which accumulate fluoride from the soil as they grow.

Fluoride and Oxalates Warning

Matcha also has moderate levels of oxalates with younger leaves having higher oxalate concentrations than older leaves. Oxalates can contribute to inflammation and kidney damage. Moderate amounts of quality ceremonial-grade matcha are safe for drinking (10 g of matcha contains approximately 60 mg of oxalate). Those seeking a much higher dose of EGCG and lutein without the fluoride and oxalate can consider supplemental EGCG.

Matcha Preparation

  • Grade: Use ceremonial-grade matcha for higher polyphenols and less caffeine and fluoride.
  • Timing: Consume in the morning or early afternoon to avoid nighttime caffeine effects.
  • Water Temperature: Heat water to 160–175°F (70–80°C; well below boiling) to preserve polyphenols.
  • Milk: Avoid milk to maintain polyphenol effectiveness.


  1. Effects of Matcha Green Tea Powder on Cognitive Functions of Community-Dwelling Elderly Individual, Keisuke Sakurai, et al.
  2. How Epigallocatechin Gallate Can Inhibit α-Synuclein Oligomer Toxicity in Vitro, Nikolai Lorenzen, et al.
  3. Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) Inhibits Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation: A Potential Agent for Parkinson’s Disease, Yan Xu, et al.

    This study found EGCG significantly decreased the number of cerebral SNCA aggregates and their activity in mice.

  4. Molecular understanding of Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, Qian Yi Eng, et al.
  5. Combined use of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and caffeine in low doses exhibits marked anti-obesity synergy through regulation of gut microbiota and bile acid metabolism, Ming-zhi Zhu, et al.
  6. remodels mature α-synuclein and amyloid-β fibrils and reduces cellular toxicity, Jan Bieschke, et al.
  7. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) inhibits fibrillation, disaggregates amyloid fibrils of α-synuclein, and protects PC12 cells against α-synuclein-induced toxicity, Juan Zhao, et al.


Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Mitochondrial, Antifibrillogenic
Dose 200 - 400 mg pre-workout ☀️
Fat-soluble ✅ Ginsenosides are fat-soluble.
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ Ginsenosides can cross the blood-brain barrier, but transport may be poor. Zhao
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

Ginseng is a traditional herbal medicine used for energy and vitality, metabolic (BG) and cardiovascular health, stress relief, sexual dysfunction, and cancer protection. Its ginsenoside components, primarily Rb1 and Rg1, and saponins have shown neuroprotective effects, alleviating PD symptoms and slowing disease progression.

Ginseng in PD

Ginseng exhibits improved motor function and increased dopamine levels in PD models. These neuroprotective effects are explained by reduced oxidative stress, inflammation, and neuronal apoptosis, with no significant toxicity observed in most studies. He, Song, Zaafan, van-kampen, Choi

Ginsenoside Rb1 inhibits fibrillation, oligomerization, and toxicity of α-synuclein, and disaggregates preformed fibrils. Heng, Ardah


Ginseng's energizing effects make it suitable for pre-workout or earlier in the day. Fermented ginseng offers significantly better absorption with higher ginsenoside concentration, compared to the low oral absorption of non-fermented ginsenosides (0.1 – 3.7%). Ryu Start with 200-400 mg daily, gradually increasing the dose as needed. Select a high-quality product with clear labeling.

Side Effects

Side effects may include a mildly elevated heart rate, increased blood pressure, and insomnia if consumed in the evening. Ginseng may enhance the activity of MAOIs, which could allow for reductions in medication dosage. Consult a healthcare professional for potential interactions and monitoring. l-liu



  1. Qualitative detection of ginsenosides in brain tissues after oral administration of high-purity ginseng total saponins by using polyclonal antibody against ginsenosides, Yu-Nan Zhao, et al.
  2. Effect of ginsenoside-Rg1 on experimental Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies, Yi-Bo He, et al.
  3. A Preclinical Systematic Review of Ginsenoside-Rg1 in Experimental Parkinson's Disease, Liang Song, et al.
  4. The Protective Effect of Korean Red Ginseng Against Rotenone-Induced Parkinson's Disease in Rat Model: Modulation of Nuclear Factor-κβ and Caspase-3, Mai A Zaafan, et al.
  5. Neuroprotective actions of the ginseng extract G115 in two rodent models of Parkinson's disease, Jackalina Van Kampen, et al.
  6. Multitarget effects of Korean Red Ginseng in animal model of Parkinson's disease: antiapoptosis, antioxidant, antiinflammation, and maintenance of blood–brain barrier integrity, Jong Hee Choi, et al.
  7. Ginsenoside Rg1 attenuates motor impairment and neuroinflammation in the MPTP-probenecid-induced parkinsonism mouse model by targeting α-synuclein abnormalities in the substantia nigra, Yang Heng, et al.
  8. Ginsenoside Rb1 inhibits fibrillation and toxicity of α-synuclein and disaggregates preformed fibrils., Mustafa T. Ardah, et al.
  9. The bioavailability of red ginseng extract fermented by Phellinus linteus, Jae Sik Ryu, et al.
  10. Functional compounds of ginseng and ginseng-containing medicine for treating cardiovascular diseases, Lanchun Liu, et al.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)

Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Mitochondrial
Dose 1.5 - 2g pre-workout ☀️
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ ALCAR can easily cross the blood-brain barrier, which allows it to target brain cells more effectively than free L-carnitine. akihiro-inano
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR) is a modified form of L-Carnitine, an amino acid that transports fatty acids into the mitochondria for energy.

Blood-Brain Barrier

ALCAR’s acetyl group allows it to cross the blood-brain barrier more effectively than L-carnitine, enhancing brain energy metabolism and cognitive function.

How ALCAR Works

ALCAR facilitates the transport of fatty acids into mitochondria, boosting energy production decreases and reducing oxidative stress. This helps boost brain energy and neurotransmitter activity. Therapeutic benefits may include improved cognitive function, potential support for depression, reduced oxidative stress, and fat loss.

Performance and Recovery

Forms of l-carnitine, including ALCAR, improve exercise performance and recovery. A 2018 study published in the Journal of Exercise Nutrition and Biochemistry found that L-carnitine supplementation enhances exercise performance while attenuating blood lactate and oxidative stress responses to resistance training. Koozehchian

A comprehensive 2018 review in Nutrients analyzed multiple studies across various populations, concluding that l-carnitine intake improves recovery after exercise, alleviates muscle injury, and reduces markers of cellular damage and free radical formation accompanied by attenuation of muscle soreness. Studies in older adults further showed that l-Carnitine supplementation can lead to increased muscle mass accompanied by a decrease in body weight and reduced physical and mental fatigue. Fielding

Fat Loss

Two other meta-analyses of high-quality RCTs found that 2 g l-carnitine supplementation improved body weight and fat mass, especially in overweight subjects. These results can be explained by carnitine's effects on energy production. Askarpour, Talenezhad

Metabolic Health

A 2021 review study investigated the effects of L-Carnitine, ALCAR, and Propionyl-L-Carnitine (PLCAR) on body mass in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. After reviewing several studies, they concluded that 2 g/day l-carnitine for at least 2 weeks affects body mass in T2DM patients, and no differentiating effects were found in acetyl-l-carnitine or propionyl-l-carnitine groups. Wang

Neurological Effects

ALCAR protects dopaminergic neurons by reducing neuroinflammation, apoptosis, astrogliosis (damage to astrocytes (glial cells)), and oxidative stress. ALCAR has shown neuroprotective effects in rodent models of PD, both in vitro and in vivo, protecting cells against the accumulation of alpha-synuclein. Majd, S Burks

A 1990 study on PD patients showed that 2g of ALCAR improved the H-reflex and enhanced sleep architecture, including spindle activity, in non-placebo subjects.

Researchers found that the 2 g of supplemental ALCAR improved the H-response, sleep stages, and spindling in test (non-placebo) subjects. The H-response, or Hoffmann reflex, is a muscle reflex response to specific nerve stimulation, measured by latency and amplitude. Spindling refers to brain wave activity occurring during NREM sleep, particularly in stages N2 (lighter sleep) and N3 (deeper sleep). Puca

A later 2018 multicenter, randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled 28-day clinical trial studied the efficacy of 1500 mg ALCAR per day in patients with cerebrovascular dementia. Although the study excluded patients with PD, researchers found that 1.5g of ALCAR significantly improved cognitive assessment. ys-yang

A 2022 randomized, observational, double-blind, placebo-controlled study on ALCAR scheduled prefrail elderly patients. 92 patients received 3 months of treatment with ALCAR at 1.5 grams or placebo, twice daily, and then 3 months of follow-up. They found that ALCAR treatment delayed the incidence and severity of onset of degenerative disorders of the elderly in prefrail subjects with improvement in memory and cognitive processes. Malaguarnera

ALCAR supports exercise performance and recovery, mitochondrial health, cognitive function, and fat loss via its energy-producing effects in the mitochondria. Cognitive function is improved in the elderly, likely due to ALCAR's ability to stimulate mitochondrial energy production.


Taking 1.5 - 2 g ALCAR pre-workout enhances exercise performance. Intense exercise increases cerebral blood flow, potentially enhancing ALCAR uptake in the brain. It is avoid taking ALCAR before sleeping, as its stimulating effects may interfere with sleep.


  1. Acetyl-L-carnitine permeability across the blood-brain barrier and involvement of carnitine transporter OCTN2, Akihiro Inano, et al.
  2. Effects of nine weeks L-Carnitine supplementation on exercise performance, anaerobic power, and exercise-induced oxidative stress in resistance-trained males, Majid S. Koozehchian, et al.
  3. Acetyl-l-carnitine protects dopaminergic nigrostriatal pathway in 6-hydroxydopamine-induced model of Parkinson's disease in the rat, Siamak Afshin-Majd, et al.
  4. Neuroprotective effects of acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC) in a chronic MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease mouse model: Endothelial and microglial effects, Susan Burks, et al.
  5. The Effects of L-Carnitine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, and Propionyl-L-Carnitine on Body Mass in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients, Dong-Dong Wang, et al.
  6. Beneficial effects of l-carnitine supplementation for weight management in overweight and obese adults: An updated systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Moein Askarpour, et al.
  7. Effects of l-carnitine supplementation on weight loss and body composition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of 37 randomized controlled clinical trials with dose-response analysis, Nasir Talenezhad, et al.
  8. l-Carnitine Supplementation in Recovery after Exercise, Roger Fielding, et al.
  9. Clinical pharmacodynamics of acetyl-L-carnitine in patients with Parkinson's disease, F M Puca, et al.
  10. A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Clinical Trial for Efficacy of Acetyl-L-carnitine in Patients with Dementia Associated with Cerebrovascular Disease, YoungSoon Yang, et al.
  11. Acetyl-L-carnitine Slows the Progression from Prefrailty to Frailty in Older Subjects: A Randomized Interventional Clinical Trial, Giulia Malaguarnera, et al.

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA)

Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Mitochondrial
Dose 250-500 mg ED ☀️
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ ALCAR can easily cross the blood-brain barrier, which allows it to target brain cells more effectively than free L-carnitine. J. Liu
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

Alpha-Lipoic Acid (ALA) improves mitochondrial function and reduces oxidative damage. J. Liu

Supplement Forms: s- and r-Enantiomers, and Binding

Most research on ALA uses both s- and r-isoforms. The naturally-occurring r-form has higher absorption and bioavailability than the synthetically produced s-form. B. Salehi

Na-r-ALA — Increased Absorption

Despite its advantages, free-form r-ALA is still prone to polymerization. Na-r-ALA (sodium-bound r-ALA) is comparatively more stable, less prone to polymerization, and has better absorption compared to free-form r-ALA. Lysine R-lipoate may offer greater absorption compared to r-ALA. D.A. Carlson

How R-ALA Works

R-ALA activates AMPK which stimulates mitophagy. This leads to mitochondrial biogenesis and improved mitochondrial function. It increases glucose uptake and decreases glucose production in the liver, resulting in enhanced insulin sensitivity and reduced oxidative stress. Y. Wang, W. J. Lee

R-ALA in Parkinson's Disease

Insulin resistance (IR) is commonly associated with an increased risk of developing Parkinson’s disease. IR leads to elevated brain glucose, which damages brain cells and accelerates neurodegeneration. E. Hogg

Iron in Parkinson's Disease

Alpha-synuclein pathology disrupts iron homeostasis in PD. High iron levels harm dopaminergic neurons, inducing cell death and leading to more severe motor deficits with mutant α-synuclein. f-jia, p-lingor

ALA's mitochondrial and antioxidant benefits are ideal for PD. J. Liu

R-ALA decreases intracellular ROS and iron levels. S. Tai

Overexpression of α-synuclein inhibits AMPK activity, contributing to the neurodegenerative process in PD. ALA increases AMPK, which improves mitochondrial function — a problem in PD. A rodent model experiment showed that treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine or α-lipoic acid improved motor performance, reduced oxidation, and improved ATP production. W. Bobela, S. Zaitone, H. Zhang

Synergy: Na-r-ALA, Creatine, ALCAR, and Carbohydrates

R-ALA, an antioxidant, helps protect the mitochondria from damage, allowing them to function more efficiently. H. Zhang

Combining ALCAR, r-ALA, and creatine amplify each other's effects, making this combination a potent pre-workout mitochondrial activator. D.G. Burke

Side Effects

Gastrointestinal upset can occur. Some individuals experience this when taking Na-r-ALA on a full stomach, but not when taking r-ALA in the morning with water and fruit.



  1. The effects and mechanisms of mitochondrial nutrient alpha-lipoic acid on improving age-associated mitochondrial and cognitive dysfunction: an overview, Jiankang Liu.

    This review study found ALA improves upon the age-associated decline of memory, mitochondrial structure and function, age-associated increase of oxidative damage, and antioxidation.

    The also found that co-administration of LA with other mitochondrial nutrients, such as acetyl-L-carnitine and coenzyme Q10, appears more effective in improving cognitive dysfunction and reducing oxidative mitochondrial dysfunction …

  2. Insights on the Use of α-Lipoic Acid for Therapeutic Purposes, Bahare Salehi, et al.

    The R enantiomer of ALA shows better pharmacokinetic parameters, including increased bioavailability as compared to its S enantiometer.

  3. The plasma pharmacokinetics of R-(+)-lipoic acid administered as sodium R-(+)-lipoate to healthy human subjects, David A Carlson, et al.

    Na-r-ALA is less prone to polymerization, completely soluble in water, and displays significantly higher Cmax and AUC values and decreased time to maximum concentration (Tmax) and T1/2 values than RLA or rac-LA.

  4. Alpha-lipoic acid increases energy expenditure by enhancing AMPK-PGC-1α signalling in the skeletal muscle of aged mice, Yi Wang, et al.

  5. Alpha-lipoic acid increases insulin sensitivity by activating AMPK in skeletal muscle, Woo Je Lee, et al.

    This study suggests that ALA-induced improvement of insulin sensitivity is mediated by activation of AMPK and reduced triglyceride accumulation in skeletal muscle.

  6. High Prevalence of Undiagnosed Insulin Resistance in Non-Diabetic Subjects with Parkinson's Disease, Elliot Hogg, et al.

    The study revealed nearly 60% of the non-diabetic study participants may have undiagnosed insulin resistance — despite having normal blood sugar levels.

  7. High Dietary Iron Supplement Induces the Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons Lesion in Transgenic Mice Expressing Mutant A53T Human Alpha-Synuclein, Fengju Jia, et al.

    These results suggested high dietary iron supplement could induce nigral dopaminergic neuron lesions in A53T mice, which might be due to the vulnerability of SN to accumulate iron.

  8. Alpha-synuclein and iron: two keys unlocking Parkinson's disease, Paul Lingor, et al.

    This short review focuses on two disease mechanisms: alpha-synuclein pathology and dysfunction of iron homeostasis, as well as their intricate interaction.

  9. Alpha-Lipoic Acid Mediates Clearance of Iron Accumulation in PD Model, Shengyan Tai, et al.

    This PD-induced rodent model showed that ALA could provide significant protection from 6-OHDA-induced cell damage in vitro by decreasing the levels of intracellular reactive oxygen species and iron.

  10. AMPK activation mitigates α-synuclein toxicity, Wojciech Bobela, et al.

    Researchers modulated AMPK activity to overexpress AMPK. Overexpression of AMPK mitigated α-synuclein toxicity in nigral dopamine neurons.

  11. Acetyl-L-carnitine and α-lipoic acid affect rotenone-induced damage in nigral dopaminergic neurons of rat brain, implication for Parkinson's disease therapy, Sawsan A Zaitone, et al.

    Treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine or α-lipoic acid improved the motor performance and reduced the level of lipid peroxides in rat brains as compared to rotenone group. Further, ATP production was enhanced along with acetyl-L-carnitine treatments (p≤0.05).

  12. Combined R-alpha-lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine exerts efficient preventative effects in a cellular model of Parkinson's disease, Hongyu Zhang, et al.
  13. Effect of alpha-lipoic acid combined with creatine monohydrate on human skeletal muscle creatine and phosphagen concentration, Darren G Burke, et al.

    This small human trial found that co-ingestion of alpha-lipoic acid with creatine and a small amount of sucrose can enhance muscle total creatine content as compared to the ingestion of creatine and sucrose or creatine alone.

GABA, 5-HTP, and Melatonin

GABA, 5-HTP, and melatonin can help PD patients through multiple neurological pathways. They're grouped because they all promote sleep and should all be taken at night.

Dopaminergic, Serotonergic, and GABAergic Systems

PD affects the dopaminergic, serotonergic, and GABAergic systems, which are interdependent. Doctors typically focus on the dopaminergic system, leading to imbalances in other systems, nutrient deficiencies, and progressive neurodegeneration (PN).

Addressing only the dopaminergic system without considering the broader neurochemical landscape results in inadequate management of PD symptoms, exacerbates non-motor symptoms, and leads to treatment-related complications.

Comprehensive PD Management

A comprehensive approach to PD must consider not only the direct effects of medications but also their broader implications for nutritional status and metabolic function for improved outcomes and quality of life.

Medical Team Awareness

All medical team members must understand the broader implications of PD treatments to prevent nutrient depletion and exacerbation of neurodegeneration.


Mechanisms Sleep, Dopaminergic side-effects
Dose 1000 mg 💤
🩸🧠 BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter that regulates dopaminergic neuron activity in the brain.

GABA and Sleep

GABA supplementation improves sleep by interacting with neurotransmitter systems in both the enteric nervous system (ENS) of the gastrointestinal tract and peripheral nervous system (PNS) receptors in the brainstem. This interaction influences the vagus nerve, leading to relaxation and better sleep quality.

GABA and L-Theanine Synergy

A 2019 rodent model study found that a GABA and L-theanine mixture has positive synergistic effects on sleep quality and duration compared to either intervention alone. Kim

A 2021 review study published in Neuroscience discussed how some clinical manifestations (such as cognitive dysfunctions, attention deficits, etc.) emerge after abnormalities in the GABAergic system are accompanied with concomitant neurological diseases, including PD. Zhang

GABA and Dopaminergic Side Effects

In PD, the loss of GABAergic neurons in the substantia nigra contributes to motor symptoms.

Dyskinesia is a common side effect of long-term treatment with levodopa in Parkinson’s disease. GABA supplementation at 1000mg daily has the potential to help regulate dopamine release and likely ameliorate dyskinesia.

Non-pharmacological approaches, such as physical therapy and deep brain stimulation (DBS) targeting GABAergic circuits, may also help manage motor complications.

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan)

Mechanisms Sleep, Dopaminergic side-effects
Dose 50 mg 💤 (at night)
🩸🧠 BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is an amino acid that converts to serotonin (5-HT) and then to melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep and relaxation.

Serotonin signaling changes occur early in Parkinson's. Addressing this system early, before gastrointestinal symptoms appear is important.

DRT Side Effect Counterbalance

DRT can cause involuntary movements called L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID). 5-HTP supplementation helps restore serotonin levels and modulate dopamine release, which can reduce the severity of symptoms associated with LID.

DRT depletes vitamin B6, which is crucial for nerve health and neurotransmitter synthesis, leading to neuropathy and neurotransmitter system failure. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also contribute to neuropathy.

Mitigating Serotonergic Damage in PD

PD affects not only the dopaminergic system but also other neurotransmitter systems, including the serotonergic system, by the same mechanisms that affect the CNS (mitochondrial dysfunction, α-synuclein aggregation, etc.). This leads to the degeneration of serotonergic terminals, non-motor symptoms, and complications such as gastrointestinal dysfunction and, in some cases, visual hallucinations.

Neurotransmitter metabolic pathways are complex. These interactions, illustrated in the figure Competitive Neurotransmitter Inhibitors, function normally in healthy individuals but are disrupted in PD and further affected by DRT. a-munoz, m-hinz

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover study with 12 PD patients with LIDs and motor fluctuations was conducted over 4 weeks. Participants received either a placebo or 50 mg of 5-HTP daily. Significant improvements in LIDs were observed with 5-HTP, as measured by the UDysRS and UPDRS-IV scores. Meloni

A follow-up RCT crossover study compared placebo and 50 mg of 5-HTP daily over 4 weeks. Results showed significant improvements in motor function (UPDRS Part II), increased REM sleep without a rise in REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD), and enhanced global clinical impression with 5-HTP. The study demonstrated 5-HTP’s safety and efficacy in improving sleep stability and overall sleep quality in PD. Meloni 2

The discussed pathways, including dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, glutathione, SAMe, methionine, cysteine, tryptophan, serotonin, and vitamin B6, interact to influence neurological function, oxidative stress regulation, mood, and overall health.

Reducing DRT while supporting other neurotransmitter systems helps manage neurotransmitter balance more effectively.

A balanced approach involving diet, exercise, supplementation, and regular monitoring is essential for slowing disease progression.

Diagram of Competitive Neurotransmitter Inhibitors

Competitive Neurotransmitter Inhibitors: 5-HTP is converted into serotonin in the brain, where it inhibits glutamate release, reduces oxidative stress, and modulates dopamine release.

The impact of PD on the serotonergic system is significant and often overlooked by conventional medicine approaches. Several studies have shown serotonergic dysfunction in Parkinson's disease is associated with the development of motor and non-motor symptoms and complications. Politis

5-HTP has demonstrated neuroprotective effects in humans and in animal models of neurodegenerative diseases, including PD. It reduces oxidative stress, inflammation, and mitochondrial dysfunction, which are primary etiological pathways in progressive neurodegeneration (PN).


A 50 mg dose of 5-HTP is typically safe and well-tolerated. PD patients should consult their care team, as DRT and 5-HTP dosages may require careful adjustment. Taking it nightly is a conservative approach to improve sleep, depression, and constipation, reduce LIDs, provide neuroprotection, and balance neurotransmitter systems.


5-HTP elevates serotonin levels without the body's typical feedback mechanisms. Serotonergic imbalance affects other neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine that share precursor pathways (tryptophan and tyrosine, respectively). The magnitude of this risk depends on dosage, medications, and individual factors. Moderate caution should be exercised. Individuals who take SSRIs or MAOIs, or have a history of serotonin-related disorders should communicate this with their healthcare providers.

In rodent studies, high doses of 5-HTP (150 mg/kg) have compromised the blood-brain barrier (BBB). In humans, this would roughly translate to 850 mg/day for a 70 kg individual, though this is purely hypothetical and not clinically recommended. A. Sharma


  1. Serotonergic Dysfunction in Parkinson's Disease and Its Relevance to Disability, Marios Politis and Clare Loane.

    This study confirms the lack of any autoregulatory feedback control in serotonergic neurons to regulate L-DOPA-derived dopamine release contributes to L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID).

  2. Efficacy and safety of 5-Hydroxytryptophan on levodopa-induced motor complications in Parkinson's disease: A preliminary finding, Mario Meloni, et al.
  3. Preliminary finding of a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of 5-hydroxytryptophan on REM sleep behavior disorder in Parkinson’s disease, Mario Meloni, et al.
  4. Interactions Between the Serotonergic and Other Neurotransmitter Systems in the Basal Ganglia: Role in Parkinson’s Disease and Adverse Effects of L-DOPA, Ana Muñoz, et al.

    PD is characterized by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. However, other non-dopaminergic neuronal systems such as the serotonergic system are also involved. Serotonergic dysfunction is associated with non-motor symptoms and complications, including anxiety, depression, dementia, and sleep disturbances.

    The lack of any autoregulatory feedback control in serotonergic neurons to regulate L-DOPA-derived dopamine release contributes to the appearance of L-DOPA-induced dyskinesia (LID).

  5. Parkinson’s disease managing reversible neurodegeneration (retracted), Marty Hinz, et al.

    This study explains the interactions between serotonin and dopamine along with their precursors in synthesis, transport, and metabolism.

    The study was retracted for conflict of interest, not factual inaccuracies.

  6. 5-Hydroxytryptophan: A precursor of serotonin influences regional blood-brain barrier breakdown, cerebral blood flow, brain edema formation, and neuropathology, Aruna Sharma, et al.


Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Anti-ischemic
Dose 10 mg per day 💤 (at night)
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Very Effective

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, a small endocrine gland located in the midbrain between the two hemispheres.


Melatonin protects neurons against oxidative stress, a problem exacerbated by PD. It interacts with nuclear receptors and signaling pathways to regulate gene transcription. This causes an increase in the production of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase.

Neuroinflammation leads to increased ROS production. Increased ROS production contributes to neuronal damage which perpetuates further neuroinflammation. Melatonin reduces inflammation, thereby reducing oxidative stress.

Melatonin directly scavenges free radicals, reducing the oxidative burden on cells and allowing antioxidant enzymes to function more efficiently.

Melatonin receptors MT1 and MT2 in the substantia nigra are reduced in PD patients. Supplementing melatonin helps amend this deficit.

Melatonin's neuroprotective effects, bolstered by its anti-inflammatory effects, may contribute to the preservation of MT1 and MT2 receptors and contribute to neuroprotection.

Vasodilation Effects

Brain ischemia, a common problem in PD, occurs when blood flow and oxygen supply are restricted to various parts of the brain. Worse, ischemia to the substantia nigra exacerbates the problem of decreased dopamine output. This impairs mitochondrial function, leading to energy depletion and cell death.

Melatonin has vasodilatory effects, relaxing blood vessels, and improving blood flow. This may help improve perfusion to ischemic brain regions, potentially reducing tissue damage and promoting recovery.

Diagram of ischemia pathophysiology in PD

Ischemia pathophysiology at four stages: energy failure, excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammation. icon for diagram Represents the site of melatonin action


Melatonin protects mitochondrial function and integrity, mitigating cellular damage caused by ischemia.


Melatonin is safe to take. Excessive doses over 10-15mg may cause next-day tiredness and headache.

Time-released formulations help maintain melatonin levels for a longer period. The reduced peak concentration helps maintain sleep throughout the night.

Sleep3 — Nature's Bounty Sleep3 Melatonin 10mg, Maximum Strength 100% Drug Free Sleep Aid, Dietary Supplement, L-Theanine & Nighttime Herbal Blend Time Release Technology, 60 Tri-Layered Tablets

Sleep3 — Nature's Bounty — Time-released Melatonin — 10mg

Melatonin References
  1. Melatonin as a pharmacological agent against neuronal loss in experimental models of Huntington's disease, Alzheimer's disease and parkinsonism

    Melatonin easily crosses the BBB and stimulates a variety of antioxidative enzymes including superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase.

  2. Role of Melatonin in Neurodegenerative Diseases

    This review concluded that melatonin preserves mitochondrial homeostasis, reduces free radical generation, e.g., by enhancing mitochondrial glutathione levels, and safeguards proton potential and ATP synthesis by stimulating complex I and IV activities.

  3. Superoxide Dismutase Activity in Early and Advanced Parkinson's Disease

    A defect in SOD activity develops over time in PD.

  4. [Contra-Directional Expression of Plasma Superoxide Dismutase with Lipoprotein Cholesterol and High-Sensitivity C-reactive Protein as Important Markers of Parkinson’s Disease Severity

    “Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is one of the most important antioxidant enzymes both inside and outside cell membranes, and it catalyzes the dismutation of superoxide radicals (O2−) to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is converted to water and oxygen by catalase and glutathione peroxidase.”


Mechanisms Sleep, neurorestorative, antioxidant
Dose 100-400 mg per day 💤 (at night)
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe

L-theanine, an amino acid found in green tea, has neuroprotective, mood-improving, and sleep-promoting effects that can help PD.

Cognitive Effects

A 2021 double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study in Japan evaluated the effects of 100.6 mg of L-theanine taken daily for 12 weeks in participants aged 50–69 years.

The theanine group showed improved attention, reaction times, working memory, and executive function–higher-level cognitive skills for decision-making, problem-solving, and adapting to new situations. Baba

Another double-blind, crossover RCT in Japan investigated the effects of 200 mg/day of L-theanine over four weeks on stress and cognitive function in healthy adults.

In a double-blind, crossover RCT, 200 mg/day of L-theanine for four weeks improved cognitive function, verbal fluency, and executive function in healthy adults aged 36–60. Cognitive function, verbal fluency and executive function scores improved after L-theanine administration. The study's crossover design and methodologies supports their findings that L-theanine can promote mental health in the general population with stress-related cognitive impairments. Hidese

Effects on Sleep

Another crossover RCT from Japan investigated chronic L-theanine administration on stress-related symptoms and cognitive function in a non-clinical population.

Subjects were randomly assigned to L-theanine (200 mg/day) or placebo tablets for 4 weeks. After a 2 week wash-out, the crossover study was continued for 4 weeks. Results showed the L-theanine group experienced shorter sleep latency, reduced sleep disturbances, and decreased reliance on sleep medication. Kunugi

Mechanism of Action

L-theanine has been found to inhibit the NMDA receptor pathway, thereby preventing excessive glutamate-induced calcium influx and subsequent neuronal damage (Di et al., 2010). Theanine has potential competitively bind to glutamate receptors in the nervous system and may increase GABA levels. Nathan


L-theanine is considered very safe, with a recommended dose of 100–200 mg taken about 30 minutes before bedtime. An additional daytime dose may enhance mental clarity or counterbalance the stimulating effects of caffeine. Theanine can be taken with GABA for their combined effects on sleep.


  1. Effects of l-Theanine on Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged and Older Subjects: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study, Yoshitake Baba, et al.
  2. Effects of L-Theanine Administration on Stress-Related Symptoms and Cognitive Functions in Healthy Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Shinsuke Hidese, et al.
  3. Effects of Chronic L-theanine on Stress-related Symptoms and Cognitive Function in a Non-clinical Population: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Hiroshi Kunugi, et al.
  4. The neuropharmacology of L-theanine(N-ethyl-L-glutamine): a possible neuroprotective and cognitive enhancing agent, Pradeep J Nathan, et al.

Mitochondrial Quinones (PQQ, CoQ10) and Vitamin K2

PQQ and CoQ10 promote mitochondrial biogenesis, improving ATP production and reducing oxidative stress. Their combined supplementation can have synergistic effects, enhancing mitochondrial efficiency, reducing fatigue, and improving overall cellular health. Vitamin K2 supports mitochondrial function to some extent via SIRT1 activation and supports other vital functions such as bone mineralization, gut health, and cardiovascular health.

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)

Mechanisms Antifibrillogenic, Anti-aggregant, Anti-ischemic, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Neurorestorative
Dose 40-200 mg per day 🍽️
🩸🧠 BBB ❌ (?)
Very Safe
Very Effective

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) is a naturally occurring coenzyme manufactured by bacteria, found in plants in tiny amounts, and utilized by mammalian cells as an important nutritional growth factor. PQQ is not produced endogenously in humans.

PQQ activates the signaling pathway involving the transcription factor PGC-1α (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha), which promotes the formation of new mitochondria. This increases the number and efficiency of mitochondria in cells, improving cellular energy production. W. Chowanadisai, P. Hwang

Brain Health

Neurologically, PQQ increases blood flow to the cerebral cortex, protects against cell damage, promotes nerve growth factor (NGF) production, and prevents neurodegeneration caused by oxidative stress. These combined effects improve upon cognitive deficits from oxidative damage and senescence, and enhance memory, attention, cognition, learning, and mood. K. Ohwada, K. Shiojima, M. Tamakoshi, K. Ikemoto

Cardiovascular Health

By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, PQQ supports endothelial function and protects against damage to blood vessels. PQQ has been shown to improve LDL levels, probably by the enzyme AMPk, which regulates blood lipid levels, and to significantly decrease the levels of plasma C-reactive protein and IL-6. C. Harris, M. Nakano, Y. Huang

PQQ helps prevent the formation of α-synuclein fibrils in vitro. However, these antifibrillogenic effects in humans, from supplementation, are unproven and questionable, as PQQ's ability to cross the BBB has not been established. M. Kobayashi, J. Kim

Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)

PQQ's cognitive and neurological effects could be achieved either through indirect mechanisms, undetermined transport proteins might facilitate the passage of PQQ across the BBB, metabolites that can cross the BBB and exert beneficial effects on brain function, or a combination of things.

PQQ's effects do involve enhanced systemic energy metabolism, reduced inflammation, increased antioxidant capacity, stimulation of neurotrophic factors, improved vascular health, and gut-brain axis modulation. These systemic effects create a more favorable environment for brain health, indirectly supporting cognitive function, whether or not PQQ itself crosses the BBB.


Although many studies show benefits at 20 or 30 mg, 40 – 200 mg per day of PQQ is safe. It is fat-soluble and best taken with other fat-soluble supplements and food.

In 2017, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Panel on Dietetic Products determined a No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) of 100mg/kg per day for 90 days. For a 50kg woman, this translates to a dose of 5g per day. Other studies have investigated PQQ's benefits and safety using similar dosages.

Given the vast multitude of benefits that occur on the cellular level and the incredibly high safety threshold, a recommended dose of PQQ is 40 – 200mg per day. There are no known contraindications. Dose-dependent effects have been observed in rodents with TBI. It is recommended to start with a more moderate dose of 40 mg per day and gradually increase. L. Zhang

Side Effects

Mild headaches and insomnia may be experienced when PQQ is taken at night. Higher doses (e.g., 100-200 mg per day) are well-tolerated and may provide more pronounced effects.

PQQ References

  1. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Stimulates Mitochondrial Biogenesis through cAMP Response Element-binding Protein Phosphorylation and Increased PGC-1α Expression, Winyoo Chowanadisai, et al.

    This in vitro study shows that PQQ enhances mitochondrial biogenesis through cAMP response element-binding protein phosphorylation and increased PGC-1alpha expression.

  2. Effects of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ) Supplementation on Aerobic Exercise Performance and Indices of Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Untrained Men, Paul S Hwang, et al.

    This small six week study found PQQ supplementation increases mitochondrial biogenesis by way of significant elevations in PGC-1α protein content in previously untrained men, though it did not improve their performance.

  3. PQQ prevents cognitive deficit caused by oxidative stress in rats, Kei Ohwada, et al.

    This rodent study indicates that PQQ supplementation markedly improved the memory deficit and can prevent cognitive deficits in rats induced by oxidative stress.

  4. Effect of Dietary Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Disodium Salt on Cognitive Function in Healthy Volunteers: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel-Group Study, Yoshiaki Shiojima, et al.

  5. Pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt improves brain function in both younger and older adults, Masanori Tamakoshi, et al.

    In the logistic regression analysis that included the results of all cognitive tests, the changes due to PQQ intake of 20 mg ED for 12 weeks were observed at 8 and 12 weeks in the young and old groups, respectively.

  6. The effects of pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt on brain function and physiological processes, Kazuto Ikemoto, et al.

    PQQ was found to suppress skin moisture loss and increase PGC-1α expression. Co-administration of PQQ and coenzyme Q10 further enhanced these effects.

  7. Dietary pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) alters indicators of inflammation and mitochondrial-related metabolism in human subjects, Calliandra B Harris, et al.

  8. PQQ intake effects on serum cholesterol levels, Masahiko Nakano, et al.

    This study showed the effects of PQQ disodium salt (BioPQQ™) on serum TG and cholesterol levels in humans after 6 and 12 wk of treatment at an oral dosage of 20 mg/d.

    PQQ suppressed the LDL-chol level, which is an important finding because a high level of this lipid is a risk factor for various lifestyle-related diseases.

  9. PQQ prevents fibril formation of alpha-synuclein, Masaki Kobayashi, et al.

    This study demonstrates that PQQ inhibits the fibril formation of alpha-synuclein, which is significant in neurodegenerative diseases.

  10. PQQ inhibits amyloid formation and cytotoxicity, Jihoon Kim, et al.

    This study showed that PQQ dramatically inhibits the fibril formation of C-terminal truncated alpha-synuclein 110119, and 133 as well as the mixtures of full-length alpha-synuclein with these truncated variants. Moreover, PQQ decreases the cytotoxicity of truncated alpha-synuclein.

  11. PQQ effects on liver damage in Bmi-1 knockout mice, Yuanqing Huang, et al.

    This study found that a moderate dose of PQQ significantly protected the liver from deleterious effects by inhibiting oxidative stress and participating in DNA damage repair.

  12. Pyrroloquinoline Quinone Prevents Estrogen Deficiency-Induced Osteoporosis by Inhibiting Oxidative Stress and Osteocyte Senescence, Qinghe Geng, et al.

  13. The Neuroprotective Effect of Pyrroloquinoline Quinone on Traumatic Brain Injury, Lili Zhang, et al.

    This rodents study showed a dose-dependent response of PQQ in rodents with induced TBI from 5 mg/kg to 10 mg/kg per day, injected intraperitoneally. We can extrapolate for HED by dividing by 12.3, to get the respective human equivalent doses of 0.4 mg / kg, 0.57 mg/ kg, and 0.81 mg/kg. For a 60kg human, the HED dose of 0.81 mg/kg is 48 mg PQQ ED.(See: A simple practice guide for dose conversion between animals and human (A. Nair, S. Jacobs)).

Vitamin K2

Mechanisms Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-ischemic — helps reduce vascular calcification
Dose 2-5 mg per day (2000-5000 mcg) 🍽️
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

Vitamin K2 supports mitochondrial function by activating sirtuin 1 (SIRT1), a longevity gene that regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and helps manage oxidative stress. However, K2's biggest role is its effects on bone metabolism and the bone-brain axis. D. Simes

Blood-Brain Barrier

Vitamin K2's ability to cross the blood-brain barrier enables it to exert its effects within the central nervous system, including reduced oxidative stress in neurons and reduced neuroinflammation. A. Popescu

Bone-Brain Axis

Osteocalcin is a protein produced by cells in bones called osteoblasts. Vitamin K2 promotes osteoblastogenesis, the creation of new osteoblasts, which produce osteocalcin. Vitamin K2 also activates osteocalcin (OCN) by carboxylating it, which allows it to bind calcium to mineralize bones M. Yamaguchi.

Osteocalcin circulates as a peripheral hormone, crosses the BBB, and promotes spatial learning and memory while preventing anxiety-like behavior. This complex interplay between the bones and the CNS, influencing each other’s function and behavior, is known as the bone-brain axis. A. Obri

Brain Calcification

Calcium deposits in the basal ganglia can disrupt normal movement patterns, leading to symptoms such as dystonia, tremors, and unsteady gait. Vitamin K2 supplementation helps address these issues by increasing osteocalcin production and by activating Matrix Gla Protein (MGP), which drives osteoblastogenesis.

Vitamin K2 increases osteocalcin in both its forms, carboxylated and undercarboxylated (ucOCN). Carboxylated osteocalcin moves calcium from the bloodstream into bones, reducing calcification in tissues such as the brain and arteries, promoting neurological function and cerebral blood flow. Serum ucOCN circulates and acts on various tissues, including the brain, and is correlated with better cognitive function gu.

Matrix Gla Protein (MGP)

MGP is a vitamin K-dependent protein synthesized in bone and various mesenchymal cells, including vascular smooth muscle cells and chondrocytes. Vitamin K2 activates MGP by carboxylating it, which can prevent calcification in blood vessels, kidneys, and the brain by helping to direct it to bones K. Maresz. These effects are dose-dependent and research has shown that typical microgram doses may not be effective at reducing arterial calcification. Bjørklund

High-Dose K2 Works

A randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter study on elderly men with aortic valve calcification found no significant impact of 720 µg MK-7 plus vitamin D on calcification progression over two years. 720 µg is considered to be a high dose, but was still ineffective Diederichsen. Another study demonstrated that a 0.5 mg (500 µg) dose of Vitamin K2 significantly reduced undercarboxylated osteocalcin (%ucOC), and a 5 mg dose further enhanced this effect, showing dose-dependent effect, up to 5mg dose, for activation of Vitamin K-dependent proteins like osteocalcin and MGP for reducing calcification Giri.


Vitamin K2 supplementation is generally safe and well-tolerated, as the body regulates it without toxic effects, even at doses as high as 45 mg per day in women with osteoporosis. Most available supplements, however, contain doses in the microgram range, which may be insufficient to provide the desired health benefits. Giri

  1. Vitamin K as a Powerful Micronutrient in Aging and Age-Related Diseases: Pros and Cons from Clinical Studies, Dina C. Simes, et al.
  2. Vitamin K2 Holds Promise for Alzheimer’s Prevention and Treatment, Alexander Popescu and Monica German.
  3. Osteocalcin in the brain: from embryonic development to age-related decline in cognition, Arnaud Obri, et al.
  4. Vitamin K2 stimulates osteoblastogenesis and suppresses osteoclastogenesis by suppressing NF-κB activation, Masayoshi Yamaguchi, et al.
  5. Growing Evidence of a Proven Mechanism Shows Vitamin K2 Can Impact Health Conditions Beyond Bone and Cardiovascular, Katarzyna Maresz.
  6. Analysis of serum undercarboxylated osteocalcin level in rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus and the correlation with cognitive impairment, Peng-Ying Gu, et al.
  7. The Role of Matrix Gla Protein (MGP) in Vascular Calcification, Geir Bjørklund, et al.
  8. Vitamin K2 and D in Patients With Aortic Valve Calcification: A Randomized Double-Blinded Clinical Trial, Axel C.P. Diederichsen, et al.
  9. Maximal dose-response of vitamin-K2 (menaquinone-4) on undercarboxylated osteocalcin in women with osteoporosis, Tusar K Giri, et al.


Mechanisms Mitochondrial, Antioxidant
Dose [Recommended dose]
🩸🧠 BBB ❌?

Humans naturally produce CoQ10, an antioxidant that exists in almost every cell of the body. Ubiquinol is the reduced form of CoQ10 and is absorbed more efficiently by the body than ubiquinone, the oxidized form of CoQ10.

Ubiquinol is involved in energy production within the mitochondria. It improves mitochondrial function with exercise, improves cognitive function, and counteracts fatigue. Sanae Fukuda

Mechanism of Action

CoQ10 transports electrons in the electron transport chain (ETC) within the mitochondria, which is part of oxidative phosphorylation, to produce ATP for cellular energy. M. Spindler

Ubiquinol in Parkinson's Disease

In PD, ubiquinol may significantly reduce symptoms during "wearing off" periods (when levodopa's effects fade before the next dose), as reflected in total UPDRS scores, and is safe and well-tolerated. A. Yoritaka

Previous studies using ubiquinone did not show significant effect in PD patients. However, ubiquinol, the reduced form of CoQ10, has demonstrated efficacy.

Mitochondrial dysfunction accelerates PD progression by increasing oxidative stress, reducing ATP production, and promoting the accumulation of toxic protein aggregates like alpha-synuclein. These aggregates form Lewy bodies, which contribute to further neurodegeneration. A. Ebrahimi, C. Andreani

Managing mitochondrial dysfunction in PD involves several strategies, and high-dose CoQ10 supplementation, which supports mitochondrial function, is one approach. M. Spindler

Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with symptoms similar to PD, including autonomic failure. Decreased ubiquinone levels contribute to this progression. Studies suggest that CoQ10 supplementation may help reduce neuronal apoptosis in MSA patients. F. Nakamoto


Ubiquinol has been demonstrated to be superior to ubiquinone. Phytosome Q10 has been shown to provide even greater absorption, but research shows strong safety and efficacy of ubiquinol, making it a reliable option for CoQ10 supplementation. P. Langsjoen, D. Mantle, G. Petrangolini

In a study published in The Lancet, a patient with advanced Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) showed restored brain oxygen consumption after taking 1200 mg of oral ubiquinol. This finding suggests a potential benefit of high-dose ubiquinol supplementation in MSA patients supports mitochondrial function. J. Mitsui


Ubiquinol References:

  1. Ubiquinol-10 supplementation improves autonomic nervous function and cognitive function in chronic fatigue syndromeS, Sanae Fukuda, et al.

    This RCT showed that supplementation with ubiquinol-10 (150 mg/day) for 12 weeks improved many CFS symptoms.

  2. High-dose ubiquinol supplementation in multiple-system atrophy: a multicentre, randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled phase 2 trial, Jun Mitsui, et al.

    This multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 trial showed that high-dose ubiquinol was well-tolerated and improved multiple system atrophy, compared with placebo.

  3. Involvement of Coenzyme Q10 in Various Neurodegenerative and Psychiatric Diseases, Alireza Ebrahimi, et al.

    Discusses how CoQ10 might protect the nervous system from degeneration and deterioration, mainly due to its antioxidant and energy-regulating role in mitochondria. Specifically, how CoQ10 supplementation can lead to an increment in its levels in the mitochondria.

  4. Coenzyme Q10 in neurodegenerative disorders: Potential benefit of CoQ10 supplementation for multiple system atrophy, Meredith Spindler, et al.

    Discusses how CoQ10 supplementation may be beneficial for MSA, as for other primary CoQ10 deficiencies

  5. Coenzyme Q10 insufficiency in patients with multiple-system atrophy, Fumiko Kusunoki Nakamoto, et al.

    This study shows a causal relationship between neuronal apoptosis and coenzyme Q10 deficiency.

  6. Combination of Coenzyme Q10 Intake and Moderate Physical Activity Counteracts Mitochondrial Dysfunctions in a SAMP8 Mouse Model, C. Andreani, et al.

    This rodent study shows that ubiquinol supplementation counteracts the deleterious effects of physical exercise-derived ROS improving mitochondrial functionality in an oxidative stress model, such as SAMP8 in the presarcopenia phase

  7. Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled pilot trial of reduced coenzyme Q10 for Parkinson's disease, Asako Yoritaka, et al.

    This double-blind, placebo-controlled RCT pilot trial showed improvement in symptoms in PD patients.

  8. Comparison study of plasma coenzyme Q10 levels in healthy subjects supplemented with ubiquinol versus ubiquinone, Peter H Langsjoen, et al.

    This small study on human volunteers showed both ubiquinol and ubiquinone increased plasma CoQ10, but the increase in CoQ10 /cholesterol ratio was significantly better after ubiquinol than ubiquinone, indicating superior bioavailability.

  9. Bioavailability of Coenzyme Q10, David Mantle, et al.

    This study compares the relative bioavailability and efficacy of ubiquinone and ubiquinol forms of CoQ10.

  10. Phytosome Q10 Formulation Improves Bioavailability in Healthy Volunteers, Giovanna Petrangolini, et al.

    This in vitro study shows that coenzyme Q10 phytosome in simulated intestinal fluids results in an improvement in oral absorption of coenzyme Q10 in healthy volunteers, three times more than the coenzyme Q10 according

Geranylgeraniol (GG)

Mechanisms Mitochondrial, Helps DRT side-effects, Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Neuroprotective
Dose 150 mg per day 🍽️
🩸🧠 BBB ✅? Probable. GG is 290.48 g/mol. Small lipophilic molecules under 400 Da and forming less than 8 hydrogen bonds easily cross the BBB via lipid-mediated free diffusion.
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

Geranylgeraniol (GG) is naturally synthesized in the human body via the mevalonate (cholesterol) pathway and can also be extracted from annatto seeds. GG is a precursor of CoQ10, vitamin K2, cholesterol, testosterone, and protein synthesis and modification. GG production declines with age, which can reduce levels of CoQ10, vitamin K2, and testosterone. Ho

GG suppresses inflammation by improving the gut microbiome and enhancing glucose response, benefiting both gut health and systemic inflammation. Chung

Mechanism of Action

GG converts mevalonic acid (MVA), the precursor for cholesterol, into CoQ10, vitamin K2, and sex hormones, which helps protect mitochondrial function.

CoQ10 and cholesterol are synthesized endogenously in both the body and brain, but their levels decline due to aging and mitochondrial dysfunction, a major problem in PD. The brain contains around 20% of the body’s total cholesterol. GG supplementation may help counteract these deficits by providing the raw material for their synthesis, supporting mitochondrial and neuronal function.

Cholesterol Turnover

Cholesterol is essential for synaptogenesis. Studies suggest that higher cholesterol levels are associated with a lower risk of PD, while lower cholesterol may be a risk factor for PD. GG can increase cholesterol turnover in the brain, potentially supporting brain cholesterol levels and neurological function. huang

A 2006 rodent study demonstrated that GG restored hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) levels. The study found that GG, but not cholesterol, increased cholesterol turnover in the brain and activated the mevalonate pathway. The research indicated that continuous production of GG in specific neurons is necessary for LTP and learning. Kotti

Dopamine synthesis requires substantial cellular energy. CoQ10 is a vital energy substrate for brain mitochondria, aiding their function and dopamine production. GG is essential for CoQ10 production, thereby supporting neuronal energy metabolism. Ho, Tan

While some forms of supplemental CoQ10 may cross the BBB, this remains uncertain. However, GG supplementation supports the body's natural synthesis of CoQ10 and cholesterol, both of which decline with age and mitochondrial dysfunction. Therefore, GG supplementation may help maintain mitochondrial health, support brain energy production, and protect neurons in PD.

BBB Permeability

GG, with a molecular weight (MW) of 268.39 g/mol, is likely to cross the BBB, as molecules with an MW under 400 Da often can. This may offer an advantage over CoQ10, which has a higher MW of 731 Da and might not cross the BBB (chemspider).


Supplementing geranyl geraniol at 150mg per day is safe, as the body has a natural regulatory mechanism to keep levels from exceeding a healthy range.



  1. Beneficial effect of dietary geranylgeraniol on glucose homeostasis and bone microstructure in obese mice is associated with suppression of proinflammation and modification of gut microbiome, Eunhee Chung, et al

    This rodent study concluded that GG improves glucose homeostasis and bone microstructure in obese mice via suppression of pro-inflammation and modification of microbiome composition.

  2. Brain cholesterol metabolism and Parkinson’s disease, Xuemei Huang,et al.
  3. Brain cholesterol turnover required for geranylgeraniol production and learning in mice, Tiina J. Kotti, et al.
  4. Potential role of geranylgeraniol in managing statin-associated muscle symptoms: a COVID-19 related perspective, Barrie Tan, Kok-Yong Chin.

    CoQ10 supplementation has not been shown to reverse statin-associated muscle symptoms, therefore, this paper proposes GG for CoQ10 synthesis.

  5. A novel function of geranylgeraniol in regulating testosterone production


Nattokinase is a proteolytic and fibrinolytic enzyme Nattokinase that reduces inflammation.

Nattokinase has been shown to degrade amyloid fibrils in mice, which may help to slow down the progression of Parkinson’s disease.

Nattokinase has been shown to promote the non-amyloidogenic processing of Aβ, which may help to reduce the accumulation of amyloid plaques in the brain.

Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA)

Mechanisms Anti-inflammatory, Neuroprotective, Mitochondrial
Dose 2000 — 5000 mg ED 🍽️
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ (50%)

Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is an essential omega-3 fatty acid found in eggs, fish, krill, and algae, and produced in small amounts in humans. DHA is necessary for normal brain function, for cognition, memory, and attention.

DHA inhibits neuroinflammation by inhibiting ROS and raising glutathione levels. H.J. Lee

DHA in Parkinson's Disease

Daily DHA has been shown to protect against core symptoms of PD in rodents, including deficits in postural stability, gait integrity, and dopamine neurochemistry in motor areas of the striatum. N.M. Chitre

DHA exhibits a neuroprotective dose-dependent response. Y.P. Zhang

DHA crosses the BBB in passive diffusion. This means that relatively high plasma levels of DHA are needed to raise brain DHA levels. When plasma DHA levels increased by 200%, CSF DHA increased by only 28%. I.C. Arellanes

Side Effects

Gastric tolerance between individuals varies. Start at 2 grams and work upwards from there. Spread consumption over time.

DHA Product

Nordic Naturals Children’s DHA, Strawberry

DHA References

  1. Docosahexaenoic acid prevents paraquat-induced reactive oxygen species production in dopaminergic neurons via enhancement of glutathione homeostasis, Hyoung Jun Lee, et al.
  2. Docosahexaenoic acid protects motor function and increases dopamine synthesis in a rat model of Parkinson's disease via mechanisms associated with increased protein kinase activity in the striatum , Neha Milind Chitre, et al.
  3. DHA, EPA, and their combination at various ratios differently modulated Aβ25-35-induced neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y cells, Yong-Ping Zhang, et al.
  4. Brain delivery of supplemental docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial, Isabella C. Arellanes, et al.

Cholinergics and Membrane Support

Cholinergic supplementation has been shown to improves cognitive function, increase physical power output, provide neuroprotection, and improve conditions of neurological disorders. Restoring phosphatidylcholine (PC) to healthy levels has been shown to combat neurological decline and reduce DRT dependence and its associated side effects. M. Zhou, M. Amalric, B.S. Baumel

Cholinergic supplements support neuronal health by maintaining cell membrane integrity, enhancing neurotransmitter synthesis, and promoting neuroprotection. This helps sustain cognitive function and neuronal survival, particularly relevant for managing neurodegenerative conditions like PD.

Given the interdependence between the cholinergic and dopaminergic systems, this section focuses on cholinergic supplements uridine monophosphate (UMP), CDP-Choline, alpha-GPC, and phosphatidylserine (PS).

Cholinergic and Dopaminergic Interdependence

The cholinergic and dopaminergic systems interact and converge in various brain regions, including the basal ganglia and hippocampus, to regulate cognition, movement, and behavior. Disruption of these interactions contributes to the symptoms of PD.

Interactions with DRT

Supplementation with CDP-choline, UMP, and alpha-GPC reduces the need for DRT and should be considered and monitored under medical supervision. However, the benefits of these supplements extend beyond merely reducing the required dose of DRT. R. Eberhardt

Phosphatidylserine (PS) levels are often decreased in idiopathic PD and its supplementation may also alleviate dopamine replacement therapy (DRT) side effects. G. Zhai

Cholinergics Example Stack

An example cholinergic supplement stack might include UMP and CDP-choline at 250 mg each, twice daily, 500 mg alpha-GPC pre-workout, 200 mg PS after dinner, and 3000 mg DHA daily.

Phospholipids and Alpha-Synuclein

Experimental evidence suggests that phospholipids alter the structure and reduce the toxicity of α-synuclein oligomers. T. Dou

Uridine Monophosphate (UMP)

Mechanisms Anti-inflammatory, Neuroprotective, Mitochondrial, Helps DRT side-effects
Dose 500mg ED
🩸🧠 BBB

Uridine is a type of nucleoside, a fundamental component of nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are the building blocks of life and are used for storage and transmission of genetic information.

How it Works

As explained under the section DHA & Uridine, Uridine restores unilateral dopaminergic neurotransmission, transmission from the substantia nigra to the striatum, when that region is impacted by oxidopamine lesions in rodent models. Research shows the best results when uridine is taken with DHA and choline (more on this appears below). M. Cansev

UMP supplementation increases CDP-choline levels. As a precursor to brain phospholipids, it supports cell membrane integrity and cognitive functions such as memory and learning. N. Agarwal

Phospholipids are phosphorus-containing compounds found in the brain involved in the regulation of various signaling pathways, including neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity, energy transfer, and nucleic acid structure.

Uridine with DHA

Phosphatidylcholine (PC), the most abundant phospholipid in the brain, requires three compounds: choline; a pyrimidine such as uridine; and a polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) such as DHA. When all three of the nutrients are provided concurrently, the resulting increase in PC production is greater than the sum of the increases produced by giving each separately. R.J. Wurtman

DHA has been shown to restore dopaminergic neurotransmission loss in PD models, with enhanced effects when combined with UMP. M. Cansev

In a 2006 study conducted by researchers from two universities, Brain PC rose by 13–22% with uridine and choline alone, or DHA alone, or by 45% with the combination. Oral administration of uridine or DHA alone was shown to increase synaptic proteins and phospholipids, and in combination, a synergistic effect was noticed. Later research confirmed the cognitive benefits of these effects. S. Holguin

Uridine and the BBB

UMP is transported across the blood-brain barrier by nucleoside transporters. In the brain, UMP enhances neurite outgrowth and improves synaptic transmission. L. Wang

Uridine Monophosphate Product

Uridine References

  1. Uridine and cytidine in the brain: Their transport and utilization, Mehmet Cansev.

    Uridine and cytidine are transported across the blood-brain barrier by nucleoside transporters.

  2. Dietary uridine-5'-monophosphate supplementation increases potassium-evoked dopamine release and promotes neurite outgrowth in aged rats, Lei Wang
  3. Short-term administration of uridine increases brain membrane phospholipid precursors in healthy adults: a 31-phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy study at 4T, Nivedita Agarwal, et al.

    This small study on 17 healthy males found that daily supplementation with 2g of uridine significantly increased levels of total phosphomonoesters (PME) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PEtn) over one week.

  4. A Nutrient Combination that Can Affect Synapse Formation, Richard J. Wurtman.
  5. Restorative effects of uridine plus docosahexaenoic acid in a rat model of Parkinson's disease, Mehmet Cansev, et al.
  6. Chronic Administration of DHA and UMP Improves the Impaired Memory of Environmentally Impoverished Rats, Sarah Holguin, et al.

CDP-Choline (Cytidine 5'-diphosphocholine)

Mechanisms Neuroprotective, Mitochondrial, Dopaminergic side-effects, Senolytic
Dose 500mg ED
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ CDP-Choline’s metabolites cross the BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

CDP-Choline (cytidine diphosphate-choline, also "Citicoline") is an essential intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of structural phospholipids, particularly PC, found in cell membranes through the body, especially the liver and brain. J.J. Secades

CDP-Choline supports cognitive function, including memory, and offers neuroprotection, potentially slowing age-related cognitive decline and supporting brain health in neurodegenerative diseases.

It increases brain choline uptake for PC and acetylcholine production, for neuronal membranes and myelin sheaths. Clinical studies show its benefits for brain health in patients with mild cognitive impairment and other neurological conditions.

CDP-Choline has several benefits over direct PC supplementation through its efficient metabolic conversion and broader physiological effects. CDP-Choline is digested into cytidine and choline, which are absorbed into the bloodstream and can then be reassembled into CDP-Choline within cells. Directly supplementing does not achieve the same level of metabolic conversion and physiological effects. U. Kansakar

CDP-Choline's many beneficial effects and supporting evidence are explained by the large role it plays in the body.

In rat brains, citicoline induced sirtuin expression, which was also observed in cultured neurons and lymphocytes, suggesting significant neurovascular protections (either directly or indirectly) via SIRT-1. F. Oddone

CDP-Choline and the BBB

The breakdown products cytidine and choline cross the BBB and are reassembled to provide a synergistic impact on brain function and cellular health.

CDP-Choline in PD

CDP-Choline supplementation can effectively reduce the dosage and consequential side effects of DRT. R. Eberhardt

Glutamate excitotoxicity is a problem of cellular damage in PD and various other neurodegenerative diseases. This happens when neurons are damaged and killed by the excessive glutamate. Arnold

CDP-Choline reduces glutamate excitotoxicity and oxidative stress, increases neurotrophin levels, enhances neurotransmitter release (such as norepinephrine and dopamine), promotes mitochondrial function, and modulates insulin signaling. C. Mir

Neurotrophins BDNF and NT-3, a protein growth factor that belongs to the NGF (Nerve Growth Factor) family of neurotrophins, are reduced in PD. This is problematic, as neurotrophins increase neuronal survival and growth. Their depletion in PD likely contributes to progressive neurodegeneration (PN). CDP-choline increases neurotrophin activity and expression, which is neuroprotective and reported to have noticeable positive effects. Jellinger, P. Arenth

A 2022 review found profound neurological and cognitive benefits from some choline-containing phospholipids (CCPLs), in particular alpha-GPC, and also CDP-choline. They attribute these results to improvement in ischemic conditions, increased synthesis of phospholipids and neurotransmitters, incorporation into the membrane phospholipid structure, and improved mitochondrial metabolism. P. Roy

Ischemic Mitigation

In patients with chronic cerebral ischemia, citicoline improves scores on cognitive rating scales. CDP-choline prevents ischemia-induced tissue accumulation of free fatty acids and reduces infarct volume (direct measurement of the extent of tissue death or necrosis caused by an ischemic stroke), and brain edema, thus resulting in an antiapoptotic effect that is related to the mitochondrial-dependent cell death mechanism. J.J. Secades

CDP-coline improves axonal transport deficits and supports axon regeneration. Axon regeneration is limited in adults, partly due to the reduced growth potential of mature neurons. F. Oddone, Iulia

Uridine and CDP-Choline

CDP-Choline aids in the synthesis of PC and serves as a precursor to choline and uridine in the brain. Uridine, a nucleotide base, can convert to back CDP-choline and vice versa through natural metabolic pathways.

Supplementing with both uridine and CDP-Choline together can significantly benefit brain health and cognitive function, often allowing for lower doses of each. This combination enhances neuroprotection, memory, and learning by boosting acetylcholine production. These synergistic effects are increased with the addition of DHA. B.S. Baumel

Both uridine and CDP-Choline are neuroprotective and independently contribute to the production of PC, which supports acetylcholine synthesis and enhances cell membrane integrity.

Because Uridine increases CDP-choline levels, it is necessary to balance their co-supplemention. Uridine is a precursor to CDP-choline, increasing uridine levels can potentially affect the balance of these two compounds in the body.

Uridine and CDP-choline work together to support brain health and cognitive function. CDP-choline helps synthesize phosphatidylcholine (PC) and serves as a precursor to both choline and uridine in the brain. Uridine can convert to CDP-choline and supports RNA synthesis during cell growth and repair. These compounds improve memory, learning, acetylcholine production, and cell membrane stability while providing neuroprotection. UMP, a precursor to uridine, supports dopamine levels and contributes to CDP-choline synthesis, so maintaining balance in their supplementation is important for effective results. L. Wang

CDP-Choline Supplementation

A typical dosage of 500 mg CDP-choline per day is safe for most, but tolerance and effects vary based on individual differences or other supplements and medications, requiring dosage adjustments. Excessive supplementation may lead to imbalances, particularly in advanced disease stages.

Anticholinergics ❌ CAUTION

Contrary to the dying myth, acetylcholine does not cause the tremors of PD. The drugs given to reduce CDP-choline in PD, such as Trihexyphenidyl and Benztropine, impact neurological function, resulting in confusion, memory issues, hallucinations, dry mouth, blurry vision, and urinary retention problems — serious side effects.

Increasing choline by 1,200 mg of supplemental citicoline improved tremors in PD and allowed patients to halve their L-dopa + decarboxylase inhibitor dose. Uridine increases CDP. It's important to have a healthcare provider that understands and accounts for this as part of a holistic plan.

CDP-choline, uridine monophosphate (UMP), and alpha-GPC can augment the effects of DRT due to their neurotransmitter synthesis, particularly acetylcholine, which can interact with dopamine pathways. It is important to balance their supplementation DRT under medical supervision.


Healthy Origins Cognizin Citicoline 250 MG, 150 Count

Healthy Origins Cognizin Citicoline 250 MG, 150 Count

Citicoline References

  1. CDP-choline: pharmacological and clinical review, J J Secades, G Frontera.
  2. Choline supplements: An update, Urna Kansakar, et al.
  3. Citicoline in Ophthalmological Neurodegenerative Disease: A Comprehensive Review, Francesco Oddone, et al.
  4. Citicoline in the treatment of Parkinson's disease, R Eberhardt, et al.
  5. Revisiting Glutamate Excitotoxicity in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Age-Related Neurodegeneration, Frederick J. Arnold.
  6. CDP-choline prevents glutamate-mediated cell death in cerebellar granule neurons, Cecilia Mir, et al.
  7. CDP-Choline as a Biological Supplement During Neurorecovery: A Focused Review, Patricia M. Arenth, et al.
  8. Basic mechanisms of neurodegeneration: Dysfunction of neurotrophins, Kurt A Jellinger.
  9. Effects of choline containing phospholipids on the neurovascular unit: A review, Proshanta Roy, et al.
  10. Citicoline - a neuroprotector with proven effects on glaucomatous disease, Chitu Iulia, et al.


Mechanisms Dopaminergic, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative
Dose 300 – 600 mg Pre-WO 🏋️
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ (via transporters, CT, HACT, and passive diffusion)

Alpha-GPC (L-alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine) is a highly bioavailable, naturally occurring form of choline that is synthesized for dietary supplements.


Alpha-GPC increases the release of acetylcholine, promotes learning and memory, and counters cognitive impairment. It has been shown to decrease age-dependent structural alterations in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of rats' brains. F. Amenta

A review study published in Fronteirs in Cell Neuroscience highlighted some of the amazing benefits of alpha-GPC, considering the most promising molecule for brain disorders characterized by vascular impairment, and called for larger attentively controlled studies.

Citing a rodent model study, they highlighted how administration of α-GPC (400 mg/kg) for 7 days countered the increase of stress hormones, reduced hearing loss, and prevented neuronal injury in rats. These neuroprotective effects were due to the increase of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), reduction of brain neuroinflammation, and enhanced BDNF expression in the hippocampus.

The researchers cited other research showing that Alpha-GPC contributes to anabolic processes responsible for membrane phospholipid and glycerol-lipid synthesis, positively influencing membrane fluidity. P. Roy

Alpha-GPC and Exercise

A double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over design study in 2015 found that 600 mg per day of alpha-GPC increased lower body force production after just 6 days, making a recommendation for speed and power athletes to enhance muscle performance. Bellar

Another small, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study found that alpha-GPC supplementation prevents exercise-induced reductions in choline levels, increases endurance performance, and increases growth hormone secretion. Parker

Side effects

Alpha-GPC may increase the production of Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) in the gut, which may increase the risk of stroke. A review study published in 2021 found that alpha-GPC usage was associated with a 46% higher risk of stroke. G. Lee


Alpha-GPC's rapid uptake leads to sharp increases in acetylcholine, making it an excellent choice 60 min prior to training sessions of maximal power output, as part of a total cholinergic stack. A typical pre-workout dosage is 300 - 600 mg pre-workout.


  1. Chapter 30 - Choline-containing phospholipids and treatment of adult-onset dementia disorders, Francesco Amenta, et al.
  2. Effects of choline containing phospholipids on the neurovascular unit: A review, Proshanta Roy, et al.
  3. The effect of 6 days of alpha glycerylphosphorylcholine on isometric strength, David Bellar, et al.
  4. The effects of alpha-glycerylphosphorylcholine, caffeine or placebo on markers of mood, cognitive function, power, speed, and agility, Adam G Parker, et al.
  5. Association of L-α Glycerylphosphorylcholine With Subsequent Stroke Risk After 10 Years, Gyeongsil Lee, et al.

Phosphatidylserine (PS)

Mechanisms Dopaminergic, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective
Dose 150mg Post-workout, 150mg 💤
🩸🧠 BBB


Phosphatidylserine (PS) is an essential component of cellular membranes. It helps regulate membrane support, improves signal transduction, inhibits neuroinflammation, provides neuroprotection, and improves cognitive function.

Details and Mechanisms

PS binds to various proteins and is involved in many biological processes, including enzyme activation, apoptosis, neurotransmission, and synaptic refinement. Dysregulation of these processes is common in various CNS diseases. X. Ma

In a double-blind study, elderly patients with severe cognitive decline were treated with brain cortex-derived PS (BC-PS) 300 mg/day for 6 months, compared with placebos, BC-PS administration significantly improved the storage, learning, and retrieval abilities of memory in patients. X. Ma

PS as a Self-emulsifying Drug Delivery System (SEDDS)

SEDDS (Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery Systems) are formulations designed to improve the oral bioavailability of poorly water-soluble substances. While PS itself is not a SEDDS, taking it with such substances may enhance their absorption and bioavailability. This is because it is both. PS liposomes loaded with astragaloside IV and nestifin-1 were shown to facilitate their penetration of the blood-brain barrier and reduce the expression of α-synuclein, making liposomal PS an effective delivery tool for other substances. Y. Kuo

Supplementation — Brain-Derived PS (Choric PS)

PS promotes relaxation and reduces cortisol, making it a good choice for a post-workout recovery and evening supplementation at about 100 mg - 400 mg once or twice daily. M. Kingsley


  1. Phosphatidylserine, inflammation, and central nervous system diseases, Xiaohua Ma, et al.
  2. Effects of phosphatidylserine supplementation on exercising humans, Michael Kingsley.
  3. Astragaloside IV- and nesfatin-1-encapsulated phosphatidylserine liposomes conjugated with wheat germ agglutinin and leptin to activate anti-apoptotic pathway and block phosphorylated tau protein expression for Parkinson's disease treatment, Yung-Chih Kuo, et al.

Choline References

  1. Effects of different fatty acids composition of phosphatidylcholine on brain function of dementia mice induced by scopolamine, Miao-miao Zhou, et al.
  2. Where Dopaminergic and Cholinergic Systems Interact: A Gateway for Tuning Neurodegenerative Disorders, Marianne Amalric, et al,
  3. Potential Neuroregenerative and Neuroprotective Effects of Uridine/Choline-Enriched Multinutrient Dietary Intervention for Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Narrative Review, Barry S. Baumel, et al.
  4. Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylserine Uniquely Modify the Secondary Structure of α-Synuclein Oligomers Formed in Their Presence at the Early Stages of Protein Aggregation
  5. Serum-Based Lipid Panels for Diagnosis of Idiopathic Parkinson’s Disease, Guangju Zhai.

Magnesium L-Threonate

Mechanisms Dopaminergic, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, Anti-aggregant (GSK3β dysregulation)
Dose 300mg ED/EOD 💤
🩸🧠 BBB

Magnesium L-Threonate is a highly bioavailable form of magnesium that, unlike most magnesium supplements, crosses the blood-brain barrier to strongly support brain health and cognitive function.

In a 2019 rodent study where magnesium L-Threonate was compared to magnesium sulfate, only the L-Threonate form crossed the blood-brain barrier, where it then inhibited oxidative stress, attenuated motor deficits, and slowed the progression of neurodegeneration. Y. Shen

A 2022 study from Nanjing Medical University found that Magtein® significantly improved memory and cognition in healthy Chinese adults, with greater benefits in older participants. C. Zhang


Magnesium can promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Therefore, it is recommended to take this supplement in the evening.



Life Extension Neuro-Mag Magnesium L-Threonate


  1. The treatment with MgT is associated with an increase of Mg in the CSF. MgT, rather than MgSO4, can significantly attenuate MPTP-induced motor deficits and dopamine (DA) neuron loss, Yanling Shen, et al.
  2. A Magtein®, Magnesium L-Threonate, -Based Formula Improves Brain Cognitive Functions in Healthy Chinese Adults, Chengxiang Zhang, et al.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 stimulates the osteoblasts to produce osteocalcin (OCN). Vitamin K2 converts some of this osteocalcin into its active form, carboxylated OCN. The remaining undercarboxylated OCN (ucOCN) enters the bloodstream and acts as a hormone in various tissues, including the brain. C. Shan

D3 and Parkinson's Disease

The Parkinson’s Disease Research, Education, and Clinical Center at the Portland and Puget Sound Veteran Affairs (VA) Clinics conducted an add-on study to a longitudinal study on neuropsychiatric function in individuals with PD. Researchers found that higher plasma vitamin D levels were associated with improved cognition and mood in PD patients without dementia. A. Peterson


More is not always better! Too much vitamin D3 can disturb calcium levels. Vitamin D3 levels can be optimized with regular bloodwork and refined supplementation accordingly. 4,000 IU per day is safe. D3 is stored in the body, so a missed dose can be compensated by doubling the intake the next day.

Vitamin D References

  1. Memory, Mood, and Vitamin D in Persons with Parkinson’s Disease, Amie L. Peterson, et al.
  2. Roles for osteocalcin in brain signalling: implications in cognition- and motor-related disorders, Chang Shan, et al.

Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine)

Mechanisms Dopaminergic, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, Anti-aggregant (GSK3β dysregulation)
Dose 300mg ED 🍽️
🩸🧠 BBB ✅ (50%)

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, is an essential vitamin that helps the body turn food into energy by supporting glycolysis, a process necessary for nerve, muscle, and heart health. This is particularly important in PD, where energy production in cells is typically impaired. Deficiencies in thiamine can further disrupt glycolysis, exacerbating energy production issues.

Thiamine and Mitochondrial Function

Thiamine, in its active form (thiamine pyrophosphate, TPP), serves as a cofactor for several enzymes involved in energy production, from glycolysis to oxidative phosphorylation within the mitochondria. These processes are necessary for meeting the cellular energy demands of neurons, the heart, and other tissues, particularly in conditions like PD, where mitochondrial dysfunction is common.

High-dose Thiamin in PD

High-dose thiamine has repeatedly been shown to reverse motor and non-motor symptoms in PD. An observational open-label pilot study beginning June 2012, published in the Journal Alternative and Complementary Medicine injected patients with 100 mg of thiamine intramuscularly twice a week, without altering patients' existing therapies. Patients were re-evaluated after 1 month and then every 3 months during treatment. This high-dose thiamine was effective in reversing PD motor and non-motor symptoms. The clinical improvement was stable over time in all patients. a-constantini

Researchers hypothesized that thiamine-dependent metabolic processes could cause selective neural damage typically affected by PD which provokes neurodegeneration, and that thiamine could counteract that process, having both restorative and neuroprotective action in PD.

DJ-1 Genetic Mutations, Thiamine

Mutations in the DJ-1 gene, also known as PARK7, are confirmed in about 1-2% of early-onset PD cases, but this figure could be higher due to limited genetic screening. The DJ-1 gene is responsible for thiamine biosynthesis. Since DJ-1 mutations contribute to oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction, patients with these mutations might see greater benefits from therapies that support mitochondrial function, such as high-dose thiamine supplementation. However, this is more related to enhancing mitochondrial health and less about directly addressing DJ-1's function. Genetic testing for DJ-1 mutations may help predict thiamine's usefulness. k-luong


Thiamine has poor bioavailability but can cross the BBB through passive diffusion when its levels in the blood are high.


High-dose thiamine therapy for PD is not widely recommended by mainstream medical organizations, and long-term safety and efficacy data in humans is lacking. However, some forum users on HealthUnlocked have reported significant benefits from high-dose oral supplementation, with doses up to 1,000 mg per day. Patients should consult with their healthcare providers before initiating high-dose thiamine therapy.

  1. Long-Term Treatment with High-Dose Thiamine in Parkinson Disease: An Open-Label Pilot Study, A. Costantini, et al.

    Patients received 100 mg of thiamine, injected intramuscularly twice a week, without any change to personal therapy. All the patients were re-evaluated after 1 month and then every 3 months during treatment. Administration of parenteral high-dose thiamine was effective in reversing PD motor and nonmotor symptoms.

  2. The Beneficial Role of Thiamine in Parkinson Disease, Khanh v. q. Lương and Lan T. H. Nguyễn.

    DJ-1 gene is responsible for such as thiamin biosynthesis. Mutations in the DJ-1 gene can result in a loss of function of the protein.

Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, is neuroprotective, and is used in neurotransmitters synthesis, glutamatergic system regulation, and nervous system balance and maintenance.

Vitamin B6 is necessary for dopamine biosynthesis and antioxidant properties. However, high doses of vitamin B6 can cause peripheral neuropathy, and it is essential to consume it as part of a balanced diet and consult with a healthcare professional before taking supplements.

Vitamin B6 helps in reducing the side effects of dopaminergic treatments,

Vitamin B-12 (Cobalamin)

How B-12 helps Parkinson's Disease

Vitamin B-12 reduces ROS and improves mitochondrial biogenesis regulator PGC-1α.

Vitamin B-12 has multiple mechanisms related to LRRK2 expressions that protect dopaminergic neurons. B-12 inhibits LRRK2 kinase activity. This protects dopaminergic neurons from toxicity induced by LRRK2 and its mutant form, LRRK2-G2019S.

Vitamin B-12 prevents LRRK2-G2019S-potentiated α-synuclein accumulation in dopaminergic neurons.

  1. Vitamin B12 modulates Parkinson’s disease LRRK2 kinase activity through allosteric regulation and confers neuroprotection

    Vitamin B-12 protected dopaminergic neurons from toxicity induced by LRRK2 and its mutant form, LRRK2-G2019S. The effect was shown to improve deficits in dopamine transmission in LRRK2-PD mouse models.

  2. Vitamin B12 Ameliorates the Pathological Phenotypes of Multiple Parkinson’s Disease Models by Alleviating Oxidative Stress

    This multiple-model study demonstrated that vitamin B-12 significantly ameliorated oxidative stress by reducing ROS and alleviating reductants in a cellular PD model. In vivo, B-12 rescued the movement deficit of C. Elegans in the mouse PD model. Mechanistically, B-12 reduced JNK phosphorylation and improved the mitochondrial biogenesis regulator PGC-1α.

Tocotrienols and Tocopherols

Mechanisms Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, BBB Dysfunction
Dose 150 – 300 IU ED/EOD 🍽️
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Somewhat Effective

Vitamin E is a group of eight fat-soluble compounds, comprising four tocopherols and four tocotrienols that offer a spectrum of benefits.

α- — most common and studied form, antioxidant, immune-enhancing, vascular, and skin effects
β- — antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
γ- — antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neutralizes RONS
δ- — antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neutralizes RONS
α- — strongly neuroprotective, stabilizes cellular membranes
β- — antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
γ- — anti-tumorogenic, antihyperlipidemic
δ- — anti-cancer, strong antioxidant

Full-Spectrum Vitamin E


Most vitamin E supplements are only alpha-tocopherol, which has the effect of reducing the body's levels of gamma-tocopherol D. Wolf. This is bad because, compared to alpha-tocopherol, gamma-tocopherol and delta-tocopherol can scavenge a wider range of RONS Sen.


Tocotrienols are neuroprotective, anti-cancer, anti-oxidative, and cholesterol-lowering in ways tocopherols aren't. A. Abraham, M. Clarke, Sen

Consuming the full spectrum of all eight natural forms of vitamin E avoids problems with unilateral α-tocopherol supplementation and provides maximum synergy and health benefits. C. Sen

Neuroprotective Effects

Tocotrienols have been shown to improve learning impairment in elderly subjects. A 2018 double-blind study out of Japan showed that the combination of tocotrienols with astaxanthin improves the composite memory and verbal memory of Japanese adults who feel memory decline. Astaxanthin and vitamin E are anti-oxidative, but tocotrienols are more than that. T. Sekikawa

Tocotrienols cross the BBB, exerting neuroprotective effects independent of their antioxidant activity by binding to the estrogen receptor, as shown in multiple studies. T. Matsura, R. Naomi

Tocotrienols also reduce BBB permeability by modulating tight junction proteins and reducing oxidative and inflammatory damage to the BBB. This helps maintain its integrity, which is essential for protecting the brain. N. Kaneai

Tocotrienols more effectively inhibit lipid peroxidation compared to tocopherols, due to better incorporation into cell membranes. This action protects mitochondria and reduces oxidative stress. Tocotrienols have been shown to induce apoptosis of cancer cells while protecting neuronal cells from glutamate- and peroxidative-induced death. B. Aggarwal R.C. Chiste

A 2021 controlled rodent model study showed that α- and γ- tocotrienols improved motor function and neuronal uptake in hippocampal cells, with α-tocotrienol demonstrating superior neuroprotective effects and preventing further reduction of dopaminergic neurons. M. Kumari

Human Trial Underway

A large-scale human trial, Tocotrienols in Parkinson's Disease (PD): A Pilot, Randomised, Placebo-controlled Trial, was opened on April 2021. This two-year study is designed to compare the effects of 400mg/day tocotrienols vs placebo on neuropsychological conditions using cognitive tests and bloodwork, to evaluate PD biomarkers and for safety monitoring. Tocotrienols are available over the counter, so participation in the trial is not required to use them.

Supplementation and Safety

Vitamin E is best taken with dietary fat and other fat-soluble supplements.

Vitamin E can thin the blood. Individuals taking blood thinners, and those with a history of stroke or brain bleeding should be cautious when taking vitamin E supplements.

Light to moderate supplementation consisting of a naturally-sourced, balanced blend of the four tocotrienols and four tocopherols provides benefits while avoiding these risks. Do not exceed the recommended dose. High doses of vitamin E, particularly the synthetic form dl-alpha-tocopherol, are unhelpful to neurodegenerative conditions and are toxic.


  1. Vitamin E and its anticancer effects, Annette Abraham, et al.
  2. Tocotrienols: Vitamin E beyond tocopherols, Chandan K. Sen, et al.
  3. Supplementation with mixed tocopherols increases serum and blood cell gamma-tocopherol but does not alter biomarkers of platelet activation in subjects with type 2 diabetes., M. Clarke, et al.

    This RCT found that supplementation with alpha-tocopherol (the common form) decreased red blood cell gamma-tocopherol, whereas mixed tocopherols increased both serum alpha-tocopherol and serum and cellular gamma-tocopherol.

  4. How an Increased Intake of Alpha-Tocopherol Can Suppress the Bioavailability of Gamma-Tocopherol, George Wolf, DPhil.
  5. Cognitive function improvement with astaxanthin and tocotrienol intake: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, Takahiro Sekikawa, et al.
  6. Protective Effect of Tocotrienol on In Vitro and In Vivo Models of Parkinson's Disease, Tatsuya Matsura.

    This rodent model study demonstrated that tocotrienols bind to the estrogen receptor in vitro, resulting in relieved PD-related symptoms. The result was explained by the observed cellular signalling that led to cytoprotective effects.

  7. An Interactive Review on the Role of Tocotrienols in the Neurodegenerative Disorders, Ruth Naomi, et al.
  8. Tocotrienol improves learning and memory deficit of aged rats, Nozomi Kaneai, et al.
  9. Tocotrienols, the Vitamin E of the 21st Century: It’s Potential Against Cancer and Other Chronic Diseases, Bharat B. Aggarwal, et al.
  10. In vitro scavenging capacity of annatto seed extracts against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, Renan Campos Chisté, et al.

    Annatto seeds contain several carotenoids, terpenoids, tocotrienols and flavonoids, which reduce RONS.

  11. Tocotrienols Ameliorate Neurodegeneration and Motor Deficits in the 6-OHDA-Induced Rat Model of Parkinsonism: Behavioural and Immunohistochemistry Analysis, Mangala Kumari.

    “…this study revealed that supplementation of α- and γ-T3 was able to ameliorate the motor deficits induced by 6-OHDA and improve the neuronal functions by reducing inflammation, reversing the neuronal degradation, and preventing further reduction of dopaminergic neurons in the SN and striatum (STR) fibre density.”

NAD+ and its precursors NMN, NR, and Niacin

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+)

NAD+ is a coenzyme involved in energy metabolism, DNA repair, and cell signaling.

NAD+ reduces oxidative stress (including in the brain). This promotes recovery on a cellular level and leads to better energy metabolism, neuroprotection, mitochondrial function, and DNA repair.

NAD+ affects macrophages to reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and increase the production of anti-inflammatory cytokines.

NAD+ promotes mitophagy, leading to mitogenesis. This promotes neuronal survival and function and decreases ROS. Lower ROS levels reduce oxidative stress, which can prevent the misfolding and aggregation of α-synuclein.

Declining NAD+ Levels

Declining NAD+ levels contribute to reduced mitochondrial function and impaired cellular energy metabolism in neurons, making them more susceptible to oxidative damage and degeneration, particularly in PD, necessitating intervention.

Raising NAD levels (through injection, precursor supplementation, and upregulation via exercise) improves mitochondrial function and count in neuronal cells. This explains how it improves neurotransmission, synaptic plasticity, and improved motor symptoms.

NAD+ is essential for mitochondrial function which is significant in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease.

NAD Precursors

Supplementation with NAD precursors NMN, NR, and niacin, increases cellular levels of NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). Among these, NMN appears to be the safest, best-tolerated, and most effective in increasing NAD+ production. This is because NMN converts to NAD+ more directly than the other precursors.

Niacin increases NAD+ levels but through a different metabolic pathway than NMN and NR.

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN)

Mechanisms Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, Anti-aggregant
Dose 1000mg ED
🩸🧠 BBB
Very Safe
Moderately Effective

NMN is a precursor to NAD+, and supplemental Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is directly converted to NAD+, increasing NAD+ levels. C Shade

NMN and Mental Performance

Oral administration of NMN was shown to increase NAD+ levels in rodent brains D. Ingram and extremely large doses (500 mg/kg) injected over 10 days were shown to cause sustained improvement in cognitive function in rodents, as assessed by the Morris water maze. X. Wang

Preclinical studies and some clinical trials have shown promising results regarding the potential benefits of NMN supplementation in Parkinson's disease. D.I. Ingram, X. Chen

NMN and Exercise Performance

NMN dose-dependently improves exercise performance. B. Lao

Long-term NMN supplementation at lower doses has shown increased NAD+ levels, improved insulin sensitivity, enhanced mitochondrial function, anti-aging effects, and cardiovascular health. K.F. Mills


A typical dose of NMN is about 1g per day. It's safe and effective at much higher levels, as shown in human studies and rodent models. L. Yi

NMN Bulk Powder

NMN Bulk — Prohealth Longevity

ProHealth Longevity is a well-established company that provides GMP compliance and third-party testing for purity and potency.

NMN References

  1. The Science Behind NMN–A Stable, Reliable NAD+Activator and Anti-Aging Molecule, Christopher Shade.
  2. Oral Administration of Nicotinamide Mononucleotide Increases Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide Level in an Animal Brain, Donald K. Ingram.
  3. Nicotinamide mononucleotide protects against β-amyloid oligomer-induced cognitive impairment and neuronal death by Xiaonan Wang, et al.

    This rodent study found that large doses (500mg/kg) of NMN injected over 10 days caused sustained improvement in cognitive function as assessed by the Morris water maze.

  4. Long-term administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide mitigates age-associated physiological decline in mice, Kathryn F. Mills, et al.

  5. The efficacy and safety of β-nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) supplementation in healthy middle-aged adults: a randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-dependent clinical trial, Lin Yi, et al.

  6. Neuroprotective effects and mechanisms of action of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) in a photoreceptor degenerative model of retinal detachment, Xiaohong Chen, et al.

    This rodent model study found 250mg/kg and 500mg/kg NMN inhibited cell death at the acute phase of photoreceptor injury, with greater protection at 500 mg/kg.

  7. Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation enhances aerobic capacity in amateur runners: a randomized, double-blind study, Bagen Liao, et al.

    This double-blind RCT showed that 6 weeks NMN increased the aerobic capacity of humans during exercise training in groups taking 300mg, 600mg, and 1200mg twice per day.

Nicotinamide Riboside (NR)

Mechanisms Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial health promoter, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, Anti-aggregant
Dose 300-500mg ED
🩸🧠 BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

NR is phosphorylated to NMN by the enzyme nicotinamide riboside kinase.


The recommended dose is 300-500mg ED, taken along with NMN and niacin and occasional NAD+ injections. Oral supplementation of NR at 3000mg daily for 30 days was safe and well-tolerated.

NR References

  1. Chronic NR supplementation in older adults

    This small-scale RCT (Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial) found that chronic oral supplementation with 1000mg of NR daily increased NAD+ levels in healthy middle-aged and older adults.

  2. NR-SAFE trial, a Phase I clinical trial published in 2023 found that high-dose NR supplementation (3,000 mg/day) was well-tolerated and associated with improved motor symptoms in patients with PD.

    A phase I clinical trial published in 2022 found that NR supplementation increased whole blood NAD+ levels and expanded the NAD+ metabolome in patients with PD.


Mechanisms Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial health promoter, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, Anti-aggregant
Dose 100-300mg BID
🩸🧠 BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

Niacin increases NAD+ levels through a longer metabolic pathway than that of NMN however, NMN and NR are considered superior due to their more direct conversion pathways and higher efficiency, supported by various studies and research.


Niacin causes a flushing at higher doses. This is harmless but may be uncomfortable.

Niacin References

  1. Niacin Enhancement for Parkinson’s Disease: An Effectiveness Trial

NAD+ Injection & IV Drip

Mechanisms Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial health promoter, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, Anti-aggregant
Dose Varies (injections or infusions)
🩸🧠 BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective

NAD can be injected intramuscularly, subcutaneously, or intravenously via a drip. It is popular, safe, generally enjoyed, and very well-tolerated.

NAD Product

peptide sciences NAD+

NAD+ 750mg — Peptide Sciences (wait for 15% off sale) Peptide Sciences is the place for peptides. Compared to others, only PS sells lyophilized peptides.

NAD+ Injection References

  1. A Pilot Study Investigating Changes in the Human Plasma and Urine NAD+ Metabolome During a 6 Hour Intravenous Infusion of NAD+

    Eleven (Test n = 8, Control n = 3) male participants aged 30–55 years received 750 mg NAD+ in normal saline over a 6 h period. This resulted in a significant and quick elevation of intracellular NAD+.

NAD+ References

  1. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)—a new therapeutic approach to Parkinson's disease.
  2. NAD+ repletion reverses age-related behavioral and synaptic deficits in mice

    This study demonstrates supplementation with NAD+ precursors, including NMN, improves mitochondrial function, synaptic plasticity, and cognitive function in aged mice. The findings suggest that NAD+ repletion may have potential therapeutic benefits for age-related neurological disorders.

  3. NAD+ metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during ageing

    NAD+ metabolism in cellular processes associated with aging and age-related diseases, including neurodegenerative disorders like PD. It highlights the potential therapeutic implications of NAD+ precursors in mitigating age-related declines in cellular function and promoting healthy aging.

  4. Nicotinamide mononucleotide requires SIRT3 to improve cardiac function and bioenergetics in a Friedreich's ataxia cardiomyopathy model

    Although this study focuses on a cardiomyopathy model in Friedrich's ataxia, it provides insights into the potential benefits of NMN supplementation in a disease characterized by mitochondrial dysfunction. The findings suggest that NMN administration improves cardiac function and bioenergetics through SIRT3-mediated mechanisms, highlighting the importance of NAD+ metabolism in mitochondrial health.

  5. A Case Report

    This single case study used BR+NAD ("Brain Restoration Plus" NAD) comprised of multiple IV infusions of NAD+ over six days, as well as added oral supplementation of Vitamin C, B6, Folate, Selenium, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, N-acetyl-L-tyrosine, and electrolytes. Following Day 6, he received sublingual NAD+ tablets (300mg, twice per day) for 14 days.

    The patient initially presented with bilateral hand tremors (significantly more pronounced in the right hand), shuffling gate/gait rigidity, and impairments in movements of the hands and fingers

    Over the six NAD+ the six NAD+ treatment days, the patient showed a significant decline in hand tremors, development of a steady gate, increased sociability, increased cognitive functioning, and improved sleep.


Senolytics are used to selectively induce the death of senescent cells. Senolytic means "senescent cell destruction".

Senolytics in Parkinson's Disease

Senolytics inhibit and help degrade α-synuclein aggregation.

In PD, α-synuclein and especially its mutant forms damage mitochondria, causing a leak of sirtuins from the inner membrane of the mitochondria leading to mitochondrial failure and eventual cell failure.

Aggregates of α-synuclein form Lewy bodies inside the cell and block T-cells from activating the lysosome of non-functioning "zombie" cells.

Senolytics help prevent the formation of α-synuclein aggregates. This has numerous benefits, including neuroprotection, decreased neuroinflammation, improved mitochondrial function, neurogenesis, and autophagy.

Senolytics reduce the formation of Lewy bodies and facilitate T-cell activation of the lysosome in senescent cells by preventing obstruction by α-synuclein.


Mechanisms Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Mitochondrial, Neuroprotective, Neurorestorative, Anti-aggregant
Dose 1000mg ED
🩸🧠 BBB
Moderately Safe
Moderately Effective


Urolithin-A is a naturally occurring compound produced by gut bacteria through the transformation of polyphenols, such as ellagitannins and ellagic acid, found in small amounts of some foods like wild berries (pomegranates, etc), walnuts, and tea. Urolithin-A supplementation stimulates mitophagy and mitochondrial function in several tissues.


Urolithin-A-induced mitophagy promotes mitogenesis. This promotes neuronal survival and function, making Urolithin-A strongly neuroprotective. P. Andreux


Mitophagy is a cellular process that recycles and removes damaged or unhealthy mitochondria, leading to their replacement with new, healthy mitochondria.

Urolithin-A and the PINK1-Parkin Pathway

The PINK1-Parkin pathway is necessary for the removal of damaged mitochondria. In some conditions, including PD, it is impacted. When PINK1 enters healthy mitochondria, the mitochondria remove it. However, when the mitochondria are damaged, PINK1 accumulates on the outer membrane. This signals the recruitment of Parkin to the outer membrane, which marks the damaged mitochondria for recognition by autophagosomes. The autophagosomes engulf the damaged mitochondria and transport them to the cell's lysosome for degradation. This process, known as mitophagy, signals the cell to initiate mitochondrial biogenesis, restoring cellular energy and function.

Mitophagy in Parkinson's Disease

In PD, there is an abnormally higher number of damaged mitochondria. These damaged mitochondria accumulate alpha-synuclein and contribute to the formation of Lewy bodies. Inducing mitophagy helps clear these harmful mitochondria and restore cellular energy production. This process protects against dopaminergic neurodegeneration.

A 2021 study using a PD-induced rodent model found urolithin-A exerted neuroprotective effects by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis via SIRT1-PGC-1α signaling pathway and ameliorated both motor deficits and nigral-striatal dopaminergic neurotoxicity. J. Liu

A 2019 rodent study out of Guangzhou, China found Urolithin-A, in a mouse model of AD, significantly improved spatial learning and memory, protected neurons from death, reduced neuroinflammation, and triggered neurogenesis. Z. Gong

A 2023 review study found Urolithin-A was neuroprotective, protected against brain injuries, improved mitophagy and overall mitochondrial functions of the nerve cells, inhibited monoamine oxidase, and reduced cognitive decline. O. Wojciechowska


Urolithin-A benefits include reduced neuroinflammation, reduced α-synuclein aggregation, decreased apoptosis, protection of dopaminergic neurons, improved mitochondrial function, and improved motor and cognitive function.

Urolithin A in Health and Diseases: Prospects for Parkinson’s Disease Management, O. Wojciechowska, et al.

Exercise Performance

A 2022 RCT found Urolithin-A improved muscle strength, exercise performance, and biomarkers of mitochondrial health in a randomized trial in middle-aged adults. A. Singh

Another RCT in 2022 found Urolithin-A conferred a significant improvement in muscle endurance and reduced CRP. S. Liu


1000mg per day of Urolithin-A is safe and well-tolerated in humans.

Urolithin-A is fat-soluble and can cross the BBB. Taking with food or other fat-soluble vitamins may improve absorption.

Food Sources

Pomegranates contain ellagitannins, convertible to urolithin A by gut bacteria in 30% to 50% of people. Optimistically, eating 1 pomegranate might yield a negligible 2 milligrams of Urolithin-A — not enough!

Side Effects

Potential unknown side effects might include gastric upset or potential interactions with certain medications that also undergo hepatic metabolism. Taking with food may help.


  1. The mitophagy activator urolithin A is safe and induces a molecular signature of improved mitochondrial and cellular health in humans, Pénélope A Andreux, et al.

    This clinical trial found Urolithin-A induces a molecular signature of improved mitochondrial and cellular health following regular oral consumption in humans.

  2. Urolithin-A protects dopaminergic neurons in experimental models of Parkinson's disease by promoting mitochondrial biogenesis through the SIRT1/PGC-1α signaling pathway, Jia Liu, et al.

    This rodent study demonstrated Urolithin-A's neuroprotective effects, promoting mitochondrial biogenesis via SIRT1-PGC-1α signaling.

  3. Urolithin-A attenuates memory impairment and neuroinflammation, Zhuo Gong, et al.

    Urolithin-A significantly improved spatial learning and memory, protected neurons from death, reduced neuroinflammation, and triggered neurogenesis.

  4. Urolithin-A in Health and Diseases: Prospects for Parkinson’s Disease Management, Olga Wojciechowska and Małgorzata Kujawska.

    This review study found Urolithin-A reduced cognitive decline, increased mitochondrial quality and content, and protected against neurodegeneration.

  5. Urolithin-A improves muscle strength, exercise performance, and biomarkers of mitochondrial health in a randomized trial in middle-aged adults, Anurag Singh, et al.

    This randomized, placebo-controlled trial in middle-aged adults found Urolithin-A improved muscle strength, exercise performance, inflammation, and biomarkers of mitochondrial health.

  6. Effect of Urolithin A Supplementation on Muscle Endurance and Mitochondrial Health in Older Adults, Sophia Liu, et al.

    Ceramides and plasma CRP were significantly lower in the Urolithin A group compared to the placebo group. (Ceramides are sphingolipids used in cellular signaling, membrane integrity, and cellular stress response. Elevated ceramides indicate inflammation and metabolic disorder.)


Resveratrol has displayed potent neuroprotective efficacy in several PD animal models.

How it works:

Resveratrol inhibits α-synuclein aggregation and cytotoxicity, lowering the levels of total α-synuclein and oligomers, and reducing neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in a dose-dependent manner.


Purity Labs Organic Trans-Resveratrol 1,500MG Enhanced with Quercetin


Purity Labs Trans-Resveratrol is a high dose, 2 pills per day formula. It might be better to take just one

Resveratrol References

  1. Brain. On. Fire | The Science of Parkinson’s. (this article covers other published research on compounds with inhibitory activities on components of the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway, including EGCG, Curcumin, Sulforaphane, and Quercetin)
  2. Resveratrol in Rodent Models of Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review of Experimental Studies


Fisetin is a fat-soluble polyphenol capable of crossing the BBB. Fisetin is found in many fruits and vegetables, such as strawberries, apples, persimmons, onions, and cucumbers.

Fisetin References

  1. Small Molecule Fisetin Modulates Alpha-Synuclein Aggregation
  2. Fisetin helps to maintain glutathione (GSH) levels.
  3. Fisetin reduces ROS production


Quercetin is a fat-soluble flavonoid capable of crossing the BBB. Quercetin is naturally found in many plant foods like fruits and vegetables, especially apples, onions, and capers.

Quercetin inhibits α-synuclein aggregation, protects mitochondria, and modulates various cell-signaling pathways to promote neuronal survival and function.

Quercetin References

  1. Animal Study by Zhang et al. (2017)

    Investigated the effects of quercetin on mice models of Parkinson's disease, showing reduced α-synuclein aggregation and improved motor function.

  2. Neuroprotective Role of Quercetin against Alpha-Synuclein-Associated Hallmarks in Parkinson’s Disease

    This cell culture study demonstrated quercetin's ability to reduce alpha-synuclein aggregation and protect dopaminergic neurons from oxidative stress in vitro.

  3. The Potential Benefits of Quercetin for Brain Health: A Review of Anti-Inflammatory and Neuroprotective Mechanisms

    This review article synthesizes existing research on the mechanisms by which quercetin may benefit brain health, including anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects. It provides a comprehensive overview of both preclinical and some clinical studies, making it a valuable resource for understanding the potential applications of quercetin.

  4. Neuroprotective Effect of Quercetin in Combination with Piperine Against Rotenone- and Iron Supplement-Induced Parkinson's Disease in Experimental Rats

    This preclinical study conducted on rats found the combination of quercetin and piperine provided substantial neuroprotection in the rat model of Parkinson's disease, suggesting potential for therapeutic use.

Sulforaphane — TODO

Apigenin — TODO

Piperlongumin — TODO


By applying the principles of volition, self-ownership, informed decision-making, and critical thinking, and by directly examining evidence, this guide has challenged conventional approaches to Parkinson's Disease. It has highlighted the limitations of pharmaceutical interests and institutional biases, and has aimed to foster a clear understanding of effective treatments and their underlying mechanisms.

With comprehensive coverage of disease etiology, diagnostic methods, and evidence-based interventions—including medications, advanced therapies, dietary strategies, and supplementation—the guide has equipped the reader to critically evaluate and manage their condition. By distinguishing between evidence and misinformation, the reader is now prepared to take proactive, independent steps in navigating the complexities of Parkinson’s Disease effectively.